"Senior, please sit down!"

Hu Gangzhuo very politely invited Bai Ze to sit at the top. He and Ye Fan sat on both sides, followed by the other two human race Nascent Soul monks Cheng Bukun and Zhou Yangxu.

With such a seating arrangement, Cheng Bukun and Zhou Yangxu did not dare to show any displeasure.

"Fellow Daoist Hu is the elder of Taiyue Sect?"

After Bai Ze sat down, he asked casually.

"This junior is the Nascent Soul who has been promoted to the rank of Taiyue Sect in the past two hundred years, but I don't know where the immortal mountain Senior Bai comes from?"

"I usually spend most of my time in Biluo Mountain, and occasionally I walk around the territory of the human race. Speaking of which, I have some connections with the Taiyue Sect. When the Taiyue Sect was established, I also participated in the celebration."

Bai Ze is a veteran Soul Formation in Monster Race on land. Taiyue Sect was founded two thousand years ago. At that time, he had just been promoted to Soul Formation. Not long ago, he was also invited to participate in the founding ceremony of Taiyue Sect.

"That's it! It seems that senior is really destined to our Taiyue Sect. If senior passes through the waters of the South Island in the future, please come to Taiyue Sect to sit down.

A few high-ranking monks chatted for a while, and then a waiter brought dozens of delicious dishes, most of which were seafood feasts cooked with monsters in the sea as ingredients.

Ye Fan picked up a piece of red-hot king crab and took a bite. He felt a familiar smell, which made him feel like he was transported back to Blue Star.

"I don't know which sect disciple Ye Xiaoyou is. Could it be that he is a famous genius on the genius list?"

While the wine was in full swing, Dai Duan asked curiously about Ye Fan's origins.

He couldn't directly ask about the relationship between Bai Ze and Ye Fan, so he tried to find out about their relationship through Ye Fan.

"Senior Hu, this junior is actually a true disciple of the Xuanshuang Sect! This junior also has an unpleasant nickname, called 'Insect Demon'.

Ye Fan did not hide his identity and said with a slightly embarrassed smile.

"...Haha, it turns out that Fellow Daoist is Ye Xiaoyou!"

Hu Gangzhan, Cheng Bukun, and Zhou Yangxu were all surprised.

After all, they had all heard of the name "Insect Demon", but they never thought that the rumored "Insect Demon" that made people feared was actually a human monk in the Qi Refining stage.

"Xuanshuang Sect is indeed one of the top sects in our human race. In recent years, your noble sect has the potential to become the leader of our human race in Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World! It's really admirable!"

Zhou Yangxu complimented Ye Fan without leaving any trace.

"Senior Zhou is overly praised! Our Xuanshuang Sect does not dare to claim to be the leader of the human race. At present, in the Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World, the Golden Sword Sect is still stronger.

Ye Fan quickly said with a smile.

The false title of "Head of the Human Race" is not a good thing, it is completely a hot potato.

Once a war breaks out in the future, the so-called "leader of the human race" will probably bear the brunt of the attack, and one mistake could lead to complete destruction.

"Haha, Xiaoyou Ye is so humble!"

Hu Gangzhuo quickly changed the subject, glanced at Qu Jingyang and the others who were a little too reserved, and smiled at Ye Fan: "Are these three Fellow Daoists Ye Xiaoyou's subordinates?"

"That's right, Senior Hu, this is Qu Jingyang Fellow Daoist. These two are Lu Fellow Daoist and Xue Fellow Daoist. They are both Independent Cultivators. They are my followers. They do some small business in Wanghai City, which is guarded by Senior. , I hope the seniors can take the photos together in the future."

Ye Fan quickly took advantage of this opportunity to make Qu Jingyang and the others familiar with Hu Gangzhuo.

"That's it! Don't worry, little friend Ye, I will take care of them in the future."

Hu Gangzhuo nodded and agreed with a smile on his face.

At this time, Bai Ze's expression suddenly changed: "Fellow Hu Daoist, it seems that reinforcements from your Taiyue Sect have arrived!"


Hu Gangzhuo concentrated on the feeling, then stood up and said to Bai Ze, "Senior, please wait a moment, I will come as soon as I can.

"Yes, then I will take my leave first!"

"Little friend Ye doesn't know that the beast tides launched by the Hai Clan generally follow certain rules.

The person Hu Gangzhuo brought over was a female Nascent Soul. She looked quite young, only twenty-five or six years old, and she was extremely beautiful.

"Senior Bai, Xiaoyou Ye, this is my junior sister Yuan Zishuang!"

"You're welcome, Fellow Yuan Daoist, please take a seat!"

An angry roar came from far away from the sea, causing the building of the city lord's palace to tremble.

Ye Fan was thoughtful.

"It has only been more than three hundred years since the last large-scale beast tide, but the Sea Tribe suddenly made a comeback. This is a bit puzzling."

Cheng Bukun briefly explained to Ye Fan.

"Damn human monk, hand over my son, otherwise I will crush your Wanghai City!"

Hu Gangzhuo nodded to Ye Fan and the two human Nascent Souls, turned and left.

"Strange, why did the Sea Clan suddenly launch a wave of beasts? I feel that the Sea Clan came prepared this time. It seems to be an action that has been planned for a long time!"

"Is there something special about this tide of beasts?"

"Thank you, Senior Bai!"

At this time, Hu Gang brought someone over, breaking the silence at the dinner table.

Everyone at the dinner table felt a little heavy in their hearts and fell into silence for a moment.

Hu Gangzhuo, Yuan Zishuang and other human monks looked at each other, and their expressions became extremely ugly.

Sometimes there will be a huge beast tide launched every ten thousand years. "

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

After Hu Gangzhuo left, Bai Ze suddenly frowned, looking confused.

"." Judging from the scale of the beast tide in Wanghai City, it can at least be regarded as a large beast tide. However, I remember that three hundred years ago, the Sea Clan launched a large-scale beast tide in the waters of the South Island. At that time, with the support of the four major sects of the human race, the monks in the waters of the South Island barely repelled the attack of the Sea Clan.

"Sea Dragon King!"

Yuan Zishuang saluted Bai Ze politely and nodded to Ye Fan.

"Fellow Daoist Hu, if you have something to do, just go and do it!"

Cheng Bukun and Zhou Yangxu looked at each other, also looking puzzled.

"Yes, this tide of beasts really came out of nowhere!"

"This beast tide has a saying of "a small beast tide takes a hundred years, a big beast tide takes a thousand years", which means that the sea tribe will launch a small and medium-sized beast tide every hundred years, and a large beast tide every thousand years.

Taiyue Sect's reinforcements arrived, and as the city lord, he had no choice but to go to greet them and make simple arrangements for them.

"It's only been three hundred years since they launched another attack on land. Could it be the Demon Race?"

"Junior Sister Yuan, this is Senior Biluo Shanbai, and this is Ye Fan Ye Xiaoyou, the true disciple of Xuan Shuang Sect!"

Cheng Bukun sighed slightly.

Yuan Zishuang and Hu Gangzhuo were about to sit down when suddenly a terrifying aura enveloped the entire Wanghai City.

"Junior Yuan Zishuang has met Senior Bai! Met Fellow Daoist Ye!"

Ye Fan knew little about beast tides, so he couldn't help but interrupt and ask.

"Demon Race? It's not impossible!"

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