"Fellow Hu Daoist, what should we do? When will your sect's reinforcements arrive?"

The faces of the two Nascent Soul monks who were temporarily living in Wanghai City became increasingly ugly.

The Kraken dispatched eleven strong men in the demon infant stage to attack Wanghai City's city defense formation. It seemed like they were bound to win!

Wanghai City's city defense formation is only a Rank Four High Grade formation. Although it is extraordinary, it is absolutely unable to withstand the continuous attacks of ten strong women in the infant stage.

"Two Fellow Daoists, please don't panic, our reinforcements will be here soon."

Hu Gangzhuo complained secretly in his heart, but at this time he could only comfort the two Nascent Souls who were temporarily living in Wanghai City with words.

Otherwise, once they see that the situation is bad and run away, he may have only one way to escape in embarrassment.

"You don't have martial ethics!"

On the city wall, Ye Fan couldn't help but curse.

At this time, the eleven demon infant-stage sirens launched a shocking attack at the same time. Wanghai City's defensive formation immediately began to shake violently, showing signs of crumbling. With a few more attacks, the 18 defensive formations would be destroyed. look like.

"Sir, let's leave quickly! There's no need to stay here to be buried!"

Lu Xiang said anxiously.

"Yes, Master, we... still... let's go!"

Xue Bihua's face was so frightened that she could hardly speak.

If Ye Fan hadn't asked everyone to leave, she wouldn't have known where to escape.

Among the three, only Qu Jingyang was the calmest. Instead of persuading Ye Fan to leave, he was gearing up, seemingly ready for the city defense formation to be breached and to fight the Kraken to the death.

"This guy is born to be a warrior!"

Qu Jingyang's performance just now was naturally noticed by Ye Fan, who already included Qu Jingyang as a member of the "Dao Integration Army" in the future.

"Haha, don't worry! I'm preparing to capture a group of strong men among the sea monsters. 17

Ye Fan laughed and immediately invited Bai Ze out of the Void Tower.

"Senior, it would be best if these powerful monster infant stage monsters can be captured alive. If there is no way to capture them alive, killing them will do.

"After the deed is accomplished, the junior will give the senior ten thousand spirit wines as a gift!"

Ye Fan cupped his hands to Bai Ze and said.

"Haha, it's a trivial matter. Let me take care of it."

Bai Ze raised his head and smiled, and his figure immediately appeared in the sky above Wanghai City.

At the same time, he had begun to secretly use his magical skills. The spiritual energy within a thousand miles radius began to roll rapidly, and the power of heaven and earth was also mobilized.

For a time, black clouds pressed down on the entire Wanghai City, and the evil spirit filled the air, as if the end was coming.

In Wanghai City, all the human and demon monks, including more than a dozen Nascent Soul monks, felt an extremely frightening mood.

Countless mortals in the city fell unconscious instantly.

In the ocean, countless sea monsters turned into powder one after another under this irresistible force.

"Soul Formation Monster Cultivator? How is this possible!"

The leader of the Hai Clan army responsible for attacking Wanghai City was a prince of the Haijiao Clan, named Ying Yuanhong. He remained calm in the face of danger and immediately activated a Rank Five talisman while shouting loudly: "The human race has a Soul Formation Monster. Cultivator is in charge, leave quickly!"

"Humph, you are still trying to escape in front of me!"

A divine soul attack hit Ying Yuanhong's sea of ​​consciousness.


Ying Yuanhong immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, his head became dizzy, and he fell straight from the air. He didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

The Rank Five talisman he had just activated was teleported by Bai Ze and escaped.

Hu Gangzhuo smiled at Ye Fan, turned around and said to Bai Ze: "Senior, I would like to invite you to the city lord's mansion to attend the celebration banquet. What do you think, senior?"

"Since Senior Hu kindly invites you, let's go to the city lord's mansion to make some noise."

"Celebration banquet? Ye Xiaoyou, what do you think?"

"Thank you, little friend Ye!"

After a period of time, after these strong men in the demon infant stage are domesticated by the system space, these strong men in the demon infant stage can become his most effective thugs.

Ye Fan was so thick-skinned that he called out Qu Jingyang and the other four.

"Seniors, you don't have to be polite! I happened to go to Wanghai City to do something, but I didn't expect to encounter a tide of beasts. Besides, I also have selfish motives for capturing these strong men of the sea clan."

The three of them had naturally known for a long time that Bai Ze was not a human Soul Formation, but no matter what, they managed to resolve the crisis in Wanghai City on their own.

Bai Ze waved his hand disapprovingly.

Moreover, the three of them, the Nascent Soul monks, naturally knew about the alliance between the human race and the terrestrial Monster Race.

Fortunately, the location where the magic talisman exploded was relatively far away from Wanghai City, and the city defense formation managed to block it after a burst of roar.

At this time, the three human Nascent Soul monks from Wanghai City hurriedly came to the city wall to pay homage to Bai Ze, the Monster Race Soul Formation.

"My little friend, you are lucky to have fulfilled your destiny! Capture them all!"

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Bai Ze threw the eleven demon infant stage powerhouses who had their demon essence sealed away on the city wall and smiled at Ye Fan.

"Well, let's go, I have Laohu Fellow Daoist."

Therefore, the three of them showed great respect to Bai Ze and did not dare to make excuses at all.

Ye Fan quickly fulfilled his promise and gave Bai Ze a storage bag containing 10,000 cups of Wannian Spirit Wine.

In the sky above the ocean outside Wanghai City, more than a dozen monster infant stage powerhouses saw that the situation was not good and immediately fled in all directions.

"Thank you, senior!"

"Haha, no matter what, we in Wanghai City still want to thank the two Fellow Daoists for their generous help."

However, the gap between Soul Formation and Nascent Soul was like a huge chasm. The dozen or so strong people in the demon infant stage of the Sea Clan had almost no resistance at all, and were quickly captured by Bai Ze one by one.

Ying Yuanhong, who had just fallen into the sea, was also fished out of the sea by Bai Ze, and he still had one breath left.

The so-called "celebration banquet" was naturally prepared quickly.

Hu Gang and a few people politely invited Bai Ze and Ye Fan to the city lord's mansion.

"Juniors Hu Gangzhuo (Cheng Bukun, Zhou Yangxu) have met their seniors!"

Bai Ze was not very enthusiastic about the so-called celebration banquet, so he asked Ye Fan for his opinion.

"Haha, senior, you don't have to be polite, you two are clear!

Ye Fan, who was a little dazed, suddenly came to his senses and happily took the eleven demon infant stage powerhouses on the city wall into his own system space and placed them in the demon refining area in the system space.

"You're welcome. I promised to protect Ye Xiaoyou for a hundred years. This time it just happened to happen. If you want to thank me, you should thank Ye Xiaoyou.

"No, let's separate

Ye Fan quickly returned the favor to the three of them and explained something by the way.

Soon, after losing its target, this precious Rank Five talisman suddenly exploded in the air, almost destroying Wanghai City's defense formation with one blow.

So, there were nine people at a table, and the meal was quickly opened.

Hu Gangzhuo, Cheng Bukun, and Zhou Yangxu looked at Ye Fan a few times and pretended to thank him.

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