"The quality of this batch of containers seems to be good. I hope we can cultivate a perfect 'carrier'!"

The old man from Joyous Union Sect suddenly spoke.

"Hmph, it's not because of your incompetence in doing things that the loss of the most perfect 'carrier' made the Lord furious, even Luo Heng and I were punished!"

The middle-aged man who was suspected to be the leader of the Ziyang Sect gave the old man of Joyous Union Sect an unceremonious reprimand.

"Hey, Brother Pi, you can't blame us for this! Who would have thought that such an inconspicuous place as Chaoyuan Temple would attract the attention of human monks."

"These are just excuses. I am really doubtful about your Joyous Union Sect's ability to do things. You have only sent one Foundation Building monk to guard such an important place. When something goes wrong, I have pushed back and forth. I am now suspicious of you. I have some doubts about my sincerity in joining the Sacred Clan."

"Pi Hongyuan, enough is enough! Don't think that just because you are a subordinate of the Supreme Being, you can talk nonsense!"

18 Joyous Union Sect The old man couldn't bear it anymore, his face changed and he yelled angrily.

"Pi Hongyuan? Isn't the leader of the Ziyang Sect Shangguan Moyue? How did he become Pi Hongyuan? Who is Pi Hongyuan?"

Inside the Void Tower, Ye Fan was shocked when he heard the quarrel between the two people outside.

There is indeed a problem in the Ziyang Sect, and it is a big problem, so big that even the sect leader has been transferred.

"It must be Demon Race's work again! These disgusting scum."

Ye Fan felt a chill in his heart.

Ziyang Sect is also ranked high among the first-class sects of the human race in Cangnan Cultivation World.

Now even the leader of Ziyang Sect has been poisoned, and there are still many high-level officials in other sects who have problems.

Even the three major sects may have been heavily infiltrated.

"Hongyi, that's enough! I will no longer pursue the past matters! Now you take these 'vessels' away. If you Joyous Union Sect cannot cultivate a perfect 'carrier' before the Lord comes, , then you just wait for the Lord’s wrath!”

Pi Hongyuan knew that what he said was a bit excessive, so he softened his tone and said expressionlessly.


Old Monster Hongyi barely suppressed the anger in his heart and took away all the dozens of pregnant women lying on the bed without saying a word.

"Who? Who's there?"

At this moment, Pi Hongyuan and Old Monster Hongyi shouted angrily at the same time and looked in the direction of the Void Tower.

"Trough, was it discovered?"

Ye Fan complained secretly in his heart.

He obviously hid it well and didn't make a single wave.

Is the spiritual sense of these two people sharper than that of old monster Hong Yuan?

When Ye Fan was about to run away, an angry voice suddenly sounded not far from the Void Tower.

"I have long seen that there is something wrong with you, but I didn't expect that you are no longer an officer and soldier!"

An old figure suddenly appeared in front of Ye Fan.

"Shangguan Yuyou, you are still alive?"

Pi Hongyuan and Hongyi's eyes widened, as if they had seen something incredible.

"Pi Hongyuan? Could he be from Demon Race? What did you do to my nephew?"

"Hahahaha, old guy, if you want to know the answer, just go down to the underworld and meet your nephew. Then everything will be clear!"

Shangguan Yuyou's cultivation level is not much higher than that of the old monster Hongyi, and although Pi Hongyuan's cultivation level is slightly lower, he makes sneak attacks from time to time, and his moves are weird, so Shangguan Yuyou quickly falls into a disadvantage.

While Ye Fan was paying attention to the battle between the three, he controlled the Void Tower to stay away from the battlefield.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Several other Nascent Soul monks from Ziyang Sect were also almost killed by Teng Xiaoer's sneak attack.

Almost at the same time, Old Monster Yi also encountered Cao Tiao's sneak attack.

Shangguan Yuyou looked angrily at Pi Hongyuan, who looked the same as Shangguan Moyue.

"The devil is perverse, how dare you pretend to be Elder Yukan!"

For a time, Ziyang Sect was in chaos.

"This old man seems to be Shangguan Moyue's uncle, and he obviously has no knowledge of what happened in the Ziyang Sect, and has not betrayed the human race. "Should I help him?"

Ye Fan was hiding in the Void Tower, still feeling the earth-shattering shock wave outside.

Pi Hongyuan was startled, and after taking a closer look, he realized that what was attacking him was actually a cane.

For a time, Shangguan Yuyou was besieged by seven Nascent Soul monks and was already in danger.


The battle between the Nascent Soul Late Stage monks was so powerful that the huge underground space was destroyed almost instantly.

"Okay, let me ask you, was my nephew taken away by you, or was he killed by you?"

This underground space soon could not withstand the power of the Nascent Soul battle, and most of it collapsed with a "boom".

"Old guy, you hid it deep enough, but unfortunately you can't escape after all. Today is the day of your death."

Haha, my subordinate said so!"

"Isn't this...Elder Yuyou? Is he still alive? Why did he start a fight with the sect leader?"

Pi Hongyuan laughed arrogantly.

Pi Hongyuan hurriedly ducked aside, only to see that a vine had pierced the spot where he had just been standing, leaving behind a phantom.

Pi Hongyuan sneered and looked at Shangguan Yuyou with unkind eyes.

The Void Tower was hit everywhere by the powerful airflow. Fortunately, it was only affected by the aftermath of the three-man battle and was not injured.


Pi Hongyuan and Old Monster Hongyi looked at each other and then took action.

The Nascent Soul elders of Ziyang Sect had all been bribed or controlled by Pi Hongyuan, and now they all came to besiege Shangguan Yuyou.

At this moment, Shangguan Yuyou's old voice spread far away.

"what happened?"

In Icewind Valley, many Ziyang Sect disciples were panicking.

An old Core Formation monk from Ziyang Sect recognized Shangguan Yuyou's identity.

By the time a few people reacted, Shangguan Yuyou and the cane that had just attacked them had disappeared.

The news of the three-man fight quickly attracted the attention of the Ziyang Sect disciples outside.

But at this moment, a strong warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Shangguan Moyue has been killed. The Ziyang Sect disciples will follow me to kill the demon cultivator!"

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