"Girl, wake up!"

Lin Yi entered his Cave Mansion with the girl in his arms and carefully placed her on a wooden bed.

"W-where is this?"

Lin Yi called for a long time, and the girl finally woke up leisurely.

“This is my Cave Mansion!”

A warm smile appeared on Lin Yi's face.

"Did you save me?"

"Yes, I snatched you away from the evil young man. Girl, where are you from?"

Lin Yi suddenly realized that although the face of the girl in front of him was covered with blood, her features were quite pretty and her appearance was extremely beautiful. His heartbeat could not help but accelerate a little.

"Thank you, sir. I am Ning Qian, and I live in Ningjia Village outside Tianguang City."

"It turns out that it's Miss Ning, and I'm Lin Yi, the outer disciple of the Ziyang Sect, "150."

"Ning Qian thanks you so much for saving your life!"

Nangong Xuefu pretended to be extremely weak and wanted to get up to thank Lin Yi, but fell down again midway.

"Girl is weak, just lie down and don't move!"

Lin Yi felt distressed. After searching for a long time in his storage bag, he finally found a pill that could strengthen his body and strengthen his body.

"Girl, this is Peiyuan Dan. It's good for your body. You should take it first!"

"Thank you, sir!"

After Nangong Xuefu took the Peiyuan Pill, she pretended to be tired.

"Girl, please rest first! This is my Cave Mansion, no one will disturb me."

Lin Yi brought a quilt and watched Nangong Xuefu falling into a deep sleep before carefully leaving the room.

"This girl is so pitiful!"

Lin Yi left the room and couldn't help but sigh, an inexplicable emotion welling up in his heart.

"This acting is really top-notch!"

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan looked at Nangong Xuefu and gave her ten thousand likes in his heart.

If this little girl doesn't practice immortality, she can do well as an actress.

"Next, it's time to get to work!"

The hairpin on Nangong Xuefu's head floated quietly into the air, and after a while, it returned to its original appearance.

"The rest is up to you, be careful.

Nangong Xuefu suddenly opened her eyes and said something in an inaudible voice.

"You try to delay it for a few days. If you find something is wrong, you can escape first."

Ye Fan passed a message to her, and then controlled the Void Tower to leave Lin Yi's Cave Mansion.

"It's strange, where exactly is this Tribulation Fruit Tree planted?"

Half a month has passed. Ye Fan has visited the entire core area of ​​Ziyang Sect, but he still can't find the Tribulation Fruit Tree.

Moreover, he did not find any strange restrictions or other abnormalities in Ziyang Sect.

Now, except for the place where the leader of the Ziyang Sect and his ancestor Nascent Soul live, he has searched all other places more than once.

However, no trace of the Tribulation Fruit Tree was found.

"Is it possible that the Huacheng fruit tree is not within the gate boundary of the Purple Yang layer?"

Ye Fan thought of this possibility.

"Hurry up! Didn't you eat last night? Why are you walking so slowly!"

Dozens of pregnant women were driven into the cave entrance, followed closely by Ye Fan, who quietly controlled the Void Tower to follow.

There were many stone beds placed in the room. Under the old man's strict order, these pregnant women were forced to find a stone bed and lie down on each of them.

"There is something wrong with the Ziyang Sect! This is clearly a method of evil heretics!"

This man's appearance is somewhat similar to Wang Wei, either his father or his brother.

A terrible thought came to Ye Fan's mind.

The old man drove the pregnant woman forward alone. On the way, a pregnant woman fell to the ground because of fear.

"Mortals? Why did the Ziyang Sect bring these mortal pregnant women here?"

"It seems that Wang Wei is right. There must be something wrong with the Ziyang Sect Master, and it is a big problem!"

The group of people walked further and further and came to the front of a mountain wall.

Out of curiosity, Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower and followed quietly.

If that's the case, that would be troublesome!

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Ye Fan thought to himself.

The old man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this, turned around and left the room.

The old man immediately began to cast spells, and soon, the mountain wall underwent surprising changes.

About two sticks of incense had passed before my eyes suddenly opened up, and an empty underground space appeared.

Just when Ye Fan was at his wits' end, a stern rebuke came into his ears.


Seeing the middle-aged man, Ye Fan had some suspicions in his mind.

A dark hole soon appeared in front of Ye Fan.

"The leader of the Ziyang Sect, or his eldest son?"

This place gave him an eerie feeling, as if it was full of resentment. He wouldn't believe it if there were no weird things here.

Soon, a dignified-looking middle-aged man and an old man with gray beard came in from outside.

The other pregnant women were so frightened that they had no choice but to follow the old man through a long and narrow tunnel and into a dark room.

The group seemed to be heading underground.

I wonder which father in the world would watch his eldest son killing his other children without any action?

"Will the leader of the Ziyang Sect be replaced by someone else?"

Ye Fan turned around and saw an old man wearing Ziyang Sect costumes leading four or five Ziyang Sect disciples, leading more than 20 pregnant women to a secluded place.

The old man mercilessly picked up the pregnant woman, scraped her ears more than a dozen times, and finally slapped the pregnant woman's head to pieces.

As for the old man with gray beard and hair, he was actually wearing the clothes of Joyous Union Sect. His cultivation level was unfathomable. He was at least a Nascent Soul old monster from Joyous Union Sect.

Inside the Void Tower, Ye Fan couldn't help but frown.

The old man never came back. Ye Fan was about to leave this place first, but unexpectedly, a voice suddenly came from outside. With a thought of 0.3 in his mind, he controlled the Void Tower to escape into a wall, and gathered the energy left outside. Divine thoughts.

"It seems that there is indeed something wrong with the Ziyang Sect. It has obviously hooked up with the Joyous Union Sect."

When they arrived here, the Ziyang Sect disciples stopped and did not continue walking inside.

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