"The three uncles also ran away, which is a great idea!"

Ye Fan came to the valley on the other side of the official road and took away a Foundation Building puppet that had been placed here.

The three carriage drivers he hired from Tianshuang City fled the next day after what happened a few years ago.

"The rewards haven't been given to them yet. I'll give them to them later when we meet them in Tiancheng!"

Ye Fan sighed, returning home could only be postponed.

And in the past few years, the family can only temporarily live in the Void Tower.

Fan will not let his family take any risks before ensuring complete safety.

"Return to the clan!"

Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower and returned to Xuanshuang Sect in less than half an hour~.

"You're not dead?"

When Nangong Xuefu saw Ye Fan, she thought she had seen a ghost.

"Haha, I am the famous 'Insect Demon', how could I fall so easily!"

"That's right. There were rumors of old monster Hongyuan's death. I should have thought that you were the one who did it.

Nangong Xuefu suddenly realized.

She knows the details about Ye Fan best, even more than Lin Qingxue.

However, she did not expect that Ye Fan could kill the Nascent Soul Late Stage monk.

"It seems that this kid not only has great opportunities, but also great luck!"

Nangong Xuefu thought secretly in her heart.

"Fairy Xuefu, please take me to see the Drunken Sword Ancestor quickly! By the way, are you the one who took in those spiritual insects of mine?"

"Well, these are your spiritual insects. Give them back to you! I don't like raising such ugly spiritual insects."

Nangong Xuefu took out a large Spirit Beast bag with some disgust and gave it to Ye Fan.

"how did you do it?"

Ye Fan became a little curious.

These spiritual insects are only controlled by his master. Others can kill them, but it is almost impossible to control these mastered spiritual insects.

"Spirit wine, they have long been familiar with your scent. I used a lot of spirit wine to lure them into the Spirit Beast bag.

Having said this, Nangong Xuefu glared at Ye Fan, "You still owe me a lot of spiritual wine, when will you pay it back?"

"Give it right away. By the way, you also killed those Core Formation monks in Joyous Union Sect?"

Ye Fan took out a storage bag and put two thousand pieces of Millennium Spiritual Wine in it.

"That's right! I thought you were killed by them, so out of anger, I used some tricks to kill them all."

"I see."

Ye Fan was relieved. It seemed that the Acacia Club had not found out the truth.

In this way, he no longer has to worry all day long.

"It would be better to encourage Drunken Sword Ancestor to try to invite the other two major sects and destroy the Joyous Union Sect in one fell swoop.

On the way to Heaven-Connecting Peak, Ye Fan was thinking to himself.

"Disciple Ye Fan, I have met my ancestor!"

Soon, Ye Fan met the Zui Jian Ancestor who had been in charge of the sect for these years.

"Haha, I didn't think you were still alive!"

Zui Jian Patriarch had obviously learned the whole story from Nangong Xuefu’s mouth.

Moreover, Ye Fan is now a true disciple of the sect, so he will pay more attention to it.

"Girl, you go back first!"

"Yes, Master!"

Drunk Sword Patriarch sent Nangong Xuefu away, and then pulled Ye Fan to sit down.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you! 3).

"This... is possible, but currently, it can only be exchanged for Supreme Grade Spirit Stones, Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine and Ten Thousand Years Spirit Wine!"

"Ancestor should know that the disciple actually has a big secret."

"I see, so you are now in control of this secret trend?"

Zui Jian Patriarch was really shocked after taking the storage bag.

Ancestor Drunken Sword laughed.

"Supreme Grade Spirit Stone, Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, Ten Thousand Years Spirit Wine? This is enough!"

Then, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

Zui Jian Ancestor listened very carefully and did not become suspicious at all.

"I see, Xiaofan, can you exchange them for some soul formation resources?"

Inside the storage bag, there are 10,000 Supreme Grade Spirit Stones, 10,000 Ten Thousand Years Spirit Medicine, and 100,000 bottles of Ten Thousand Years Spirit Wine.

"In fact, the senior 'Insect King' once left a secret force in the past to deal with the future catastrophe of the human race."

"The quantity shouldn't be much, but it's enough."

After Ye Fan finished speaking, he took out a storage bag and gave it to Patriarch Zuijian.

Zui Jian Patriarch has obviously received the exact news.

"The 'Insect King' had long thought about something before he passed away, that is, the remnants of the Demon Race might make a comeback in the future, so he left some behind-the-scenes information.

"The disciple's current cultivation level is too low, and he is not qualified to control this force yet. However, the disciple has connections with them and can exchange some resources from them.

.........Please give me flowers...

"Ye Fan, tell me, ancestor, how you killed the old monster Hong Yuan?"

"Xiao Fan, although our sect is relatively wealthy, the combined wealth of our sect is not enough to pay for the resources in the storage bag, not even 10%.

"This is natural. I should have thought of you a long time ago. You are the descendant of the 'Insect King'."

Ye Fan pretended to hesitate for a long time before speaking.

Ye Fan scratched his head and continued: "Actually, it is not easy for the disciples to meet those seniors. However, the last time they saw me, they asked the disciples to find a suitable time to improve the high-end strength of our human race, so , they actually gave some resources at that time.

Drunk Sword Ancestor suddenly realized.

Ancestor Drunken Sword's expression became even more excited, and he started walking around the hall while rubbing his hands.

And he selected several loyal men to form a secret force. Over the years, this secret force has been developing secretly and protecting the safety of the human race.

"Have you ever heard of the name 'Insect King'?"

Ye Fan slightly changed what he had said to Ximen Haoyu and Liu Hengyu before, and said it again to Zuijian Patriarch.

"It turns out that Patriarch Yang was very tight-lipped about this matter!"

"I know this. When I first met you, you were able to brew such a high-aged spiritual wine. You are obviously not an ordinary person."

Ye Fan rolled his eyes, and after pondering for a long time, he quickly made a decision.

Ye Fan suddenly felt enlightened and continued after thinking for a while.

Zui Jian Ancestor's tone became urgent.

"Hiss! This is too much!"

After a long time, he turned around and looked at Ye Fan again: "Xiao Fan, ask them how much resources can be exchanged for advancing to Soul Formation?"

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