"Sure enough, 95% of the strength has been retained. Congratulations to the master!"

Seeing the refined corpse made by the old monster Hong Yuan, Ni Fan showed an expression of joy on his face.

I saw that the body of this refined corpse exuded a powerful aura. Except for the slightly dull eyes, there was almost no big difference from it in other aspects.

"Haha, Senior Nifan, I am a blessing in disguise this time. Now, let's prepare to leave! But before leaving..."

Ye Fan looked at the Yuanci Mountain not far outside the Void Tower with fiery eyes.

"Master, be careful and don't really offend that supremely powerful man.

"Don't worry, I have a share.

An enigmatic smile appeared on Ye Fan's face.

A month later, Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower and left the Qi Jue Valley in a slightly embarrassed state.

In the previous month, he controlled low-level puppets to steal water from the blood pool on Yuanci Mountain every day.

At first, there was no response from the blood pool, but Ye Fan got hundreds of storage bags of blood, which caused the liquid level in the blood pool to drop a lot.

On the 30th day, the man behind the blood pool, 587, finally couldn't bear it anymore and activated the Rank Six killing array, cutting the low-level puppet into pieces.

"The creatures in the blood pool should have hatched!"

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan couldn't help but shudder. This wave seemed to be a bit too big.

I wonder if the extraordinary creatures in the blood pool will come to settle accounts with him in the future.

"Don't be afraid, the growth cycle of this kind of creature must be extremely long. When it grows up, I will have Ascension Spirit World, or even Ascension Immortal World, haha!"

Ye Fan comforted himself, and his heart suddenly became relaxed again.

Guangyang County, Lin family.

Everything is business as usual.

Since the Yu and Hu families were wiped out last time, the Lin family suddenly became richer, and the family seemed to have hired many guests.

Recently, there have been a lot of guests coming to visit the Lin family, which makes Lin Huo, the new patriarch of the Lin family, a little annoyed.

"It seems that the Albizia Julibrissin Pot has not rained on the Lin family!"

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan has been observing for several days. He has carefully searched (bifd) several times within a thousand-mile radius of the nearby area, and found nothing unusual.

"Didn't Joyous Union Sect find out that the disappearance of the 'Demon Fetus' is related to me, the 'Insect Demon'? Or is this a long-term plan to catch a big fish?"

"Are you going to wait for me to appear and then launch a thunderous strike to capture me?"

Ye Fan touched his chin and thought about many possibilities.

"Could it be that the several Joyous Union Sect Core Formation monks brought out by the old monster Hongyuan have all died, so that Joyous Union Sect doesn't know the truth of the matter at all?"

A possibility suddenly occurred to him.

If all the people who went to Chaoyuan Temple to investigate died, and the spiritual insects he released there were taken away, then Joyous Union Sect may not be able to find out the truth about the matter.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan controlled the Void Tower and left Guangyang County.

He planned to go to Chaoyuan to see the situation.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan already felt confident after eavesdropping on the conversation between Liang Yi and his junior brother.

"Brother, it's impossible for anyone to come here! After that group of people robbed the 'Demon Fetus', they probably fled long ago. How could they come back and let us catch them?"

However, the movement that happened that day, no matter how obtuse the villagers were, must have noticed something unusual.

"Brother, what I mean is, can we divide into two groups and take turns guarding here."

It seems that these spiritual insects have either dispersed and gone to other places, or they have been taken away by Nangong Xuefu.

"What do you mean, junior brother?"

Liang Yi felt a little moved and looked at Ying Cuo aside with flickering eyes.

"Senior brother, this is how you sing!"

"Forget it, after returning to the sect, let's find out the situation from Nangong Xuefu."

"This is a good idea, let's do it! My junior brother and I each bring a group of disciples and wait in turn for three months, rotating every three months.

"It seems that Joyous Union Sect really didn't find any clues!"

Before leaving, Ye Fan took a look at the old tree at the entrance of the village. The old tree seemed to be aware of it, and the tree swayed slightly.

These dozen Joyous Union Sect monks are headed by a Core Formation Late Stage monk named Liang Yi.

There’s something weird about this tree!”

It seems that in the previous incident, due to a strange combination of circumstances, all the people who asked Joyous Union Sect to come to Chaoyuan Temple to investigate died, so that the truth of the matter was not leaked at all.

The two discussed the specific details and then looked at each other and smiled.

He led two junior fellow apprentices and more than ten junior fellow apprentices who had been ambushing here for several years, but found nothing.

After Ye Fan pondered for a moment, he shook his head and left.

Liang Yi was a little embarrassed. He was actually impatient with waiting, but he didn't dare to evacuate the troops without authorization for fear of being held accountable.

After all, a lurking enemy is the most troublesome.

Everything will only be known after he returns to the sect.

"Most of the people in Yanggu Village seem to have fled, leaving only some old people."

One of Liang Yi's junior disciples quietly came to his side and whispered.

Ye Fan discovered the figure of Old Man Qiu. It seemed that the people in Yanggu Village had not suffered any disaster.

If this matter is not clarified, he will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother didn't tell everyone to evacuate together!"

After the Void Tower arrived near Chaoyuan Temple, Ye Fan first went to Yanggu Village for a walk.

Ye Fan speculated on another possibility.

Ye Fan did not sense the spirit insect aura left behind near Chaoyuan Temple.

Therefore, basically all the young people in the village ran away, leaving only some old people who were unwilling to leave and stayed.

"This...but the sect did not issue an order to retreat. If we leave without permission, I'm afraid we will be severely punished by the leader!"

Chaoyuan Temple was in ruins at this time, and more than a dozen Joyous Union Sect monks had been hiding in a secret cave nearby for several years.

There will definitely be traps there, but Ye Fan now has a Nascent Soul Late Stage refining corpse, so even if there are traps, he is not afraid.

"Perhaps, the death of old monster Hong Yuan has made them so suspicious that they don't dare to cause a big battle."

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