"Finally solved!"

Ye Fan and Zhao Yang looked at each other and exhaled at the same time, slowly recovering from their nervousness.

"Then Ouyang Tao hasn't come yet? Come on, let's go out and have a look."

Ye Fan said hello, and walked out of Chaoyuan Temple with Zhao Yang, hiding inside the formation and observing outside.

As Ye Fan expected, the two didn't wait long before they spotted several rays of light speeding towards Yuan Guan.

However, more people came, five in total.

"Now we're in trouble!"

Ye Fan secretly complained in his heart. Based on the rough judgment of the visitor's aura, they were at least Core Formation Stage monks.

The leader's aura was vague, and he was obviously a Nascent Soul monk.

"Holy shit! Old monster Hongyuan!"

Ye Fan recognized the identity of the leader. It was Hong Yuan, the Supreme Elder of Joyous Union Sect whom he had met once in Yunxiang Valley.

"Zhao Yang, please relax and I will send you to a safe place." 18

Ye Fan said something hastily, and with Zhao Yang's blank eyes, he quickly sent him to the Void Tower.

He himself immediately hid in the Void Tower at the same time.

"Fairy Xuefu is still outside, what should I do?"

Ye Fan was anxious.

"Let's pick up our senior sister and parents first. Nangong Xuefu is so powerful, she should have no problem resisting at least a few attacks!"

The incident happened so suddenly that Ye Fan had no time to think about it and abandoned Nangong Xuefu as a bachelor.

He hurriedly released 100,000 Rank Two spirit-devouring ants into the formation, and then controlled the formation to open a gap, allowing the Void Tower to escape.

"Senior sister, the enemy is coming. Please relax and I will take you to a safe place."

In less than ten breaths, Ye Fan quickly rushed to Old Man Qiu's house and emerged from the Void Tower.

Fortunately, the whole family was at Old Man Qiu's home and did not run around.

Ye Fan sent his parents, younger brothers, sisters and other family members to the Void Tower almost instantly, and then sent her in with Lin Qingxue's surprised expression.

"Fortunately, that formation finally bought some time."

Old Man Qiu and his wife were not at home, and Ye Fan couldn't care about them at this time. He escaped directly into the Void Tower and fled towards Yuanguan again.

"I hope it's too late! Fairy Xuefu, if something happens to you, don't blame me. It was really an accident!"

Ye Fan prayed silently in his heart.

Who would have thought that the Supreme Elder of Joyous Union Sect would come over in person.

"Tell me, is the 'Demon Fetus' so important to the Joyous Union Sect? No, it is important to the Demon Race!"

Ye Fan woke up and realized that he might have unintentionally destroyed a big conspiracy of Joyous Union Sect and Demon Race.


When Ye Fan returned to Chaoyuan Temple, he did not find Nangong Xuefu.

"This girl is so smart, did she run away early?"

Also relaxed.

"Who, who took away the 'devil fetus'!"

An angry roar resounded for hundreds of miles.

The roaring person was naturally the old monster Hongyuan.

"Hey, by the way, spiritual insects! Since you think this matter is caused by me, the 'Insect Demon', I will let you see what a real 'Insect Tide' looks like!"

With a thought in his mind, millions of mutated spirit-eating ants were released from the Void Tower in a steady stream. The overwhelming spirit worms seemed to be endless and launched a crazy attack towards Hehuan Rong Wuru.

After Ye Fan pondered for a moment, he made a decision.

"Hmph, after this 'insect demon' kidnapped the 'devil fetus', it must not have gone far, but was not far away!"

The old monster Hongyuan was startled when he heard this, thought for a moment, and then nodded.

"No! This old monster Hongyuan has really started searching!"

Ye Fan thought about it carefully and couldn't help but be surprised.

Ye Fan gradually became anxious, but he couldn't think of any good solution for the moment.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

Several Core Formation monks from Joyous Union Sect were shocked when they saw the countless spiritual insects in the sky.

The old monster Hongyuan sneered.

Ye Fan was anxious inside the Void Tower.

"No, this girl didn't leave!"

"That's right, with the ancestor here, I think the 'insect demon' will also stay away.

It seems that Nangong Xuefu probably just used a special treasure such as an invisibility charm to temporarily hide her aura.

"Ah, the 'Insect Demon' and 'Insect Demon' are really still there!"

"What to do, what to do!"

Old Monster Hongyuan frowned slightly.

The old monster Hongyuan snorted coldly, and his spiritual mind began to search the time and space around Chaoyuan Temple.

In the Void Tower, Ye Fan already roughly understood the conversations of the people below through lip reading, and he inevitably became more and more anxious.

The same goes for the 100,000 Rank Two soul-devouring ants Ye Fan hid in the formation. Their bodies have long been gone. After all, these little guys are facing a Nascent Soul Late Stage, and may even be a Nascent Soul Peak master. Monk.

‘Insect Demon’?”

"But no one knows the identity of this 'insect demon'."

"Tai Shang Elder, could those more than 100,000 spiritual insects just now be owned by the rumored 'Insect Demon'?"

"Is the 'Insect Demon' still around?"

Several Core Formation monks in the Joyous Union Sect felt relieved.

The "Yin Yang Phantom Spirit Array" that originally shrouded Chaoyuan Temple died gloriously the first time it was used.

If Nangong Xuefu had escaped, there was no way that Old Monster Yuan would not have noticed it at all.

At the entrance of Chaoyuan Temple, the Japanese Core Formation Late Stage monk said to the old monster Hongyuan.

"This is troublesome. If the old monster Hongyuan searches the area carefully, no matter how good the invisibility charm is, I'm afraid there will be no way to completely avoid his detection!"

However, this loss is nothing. As long as Nangong Xuefu is not caught, it is a victory.

"Unless Nangong Xuefu also has a Spirit Treasure with space attributes like the Void Tower, but this possibility is slim to zero."

"It's possible! No one in our Cangnan Immortal Cultivation World has ever driven such mutated Soul-Eating Ants before! After the 'Insect Demon' appeared, the people he drove seemed to be Soul-Eating Ants

Next to the old monster Hongyuan, another Core Formation monk frowned.

Several Core Formation monks from Joyous Union Sect were startled. It is true that the "Insect Demon" has become very popular recently. Even the mid-stage Nascent Soul monks have fallen into his hands. How can Core Formation monks like them not be afraid? 250 "What are you worried about? With me here, why are you afraid of a little rat who hides his head and shows his tail?"

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