Fantasy: I, The Longevity Body, Have Survived Ten Generations Of Geniuses

Chapter 186: Trees Have Spirits And People Have Feelings

Nangong Xuefu found a secret place to lurk outside Chaoyuan Temple.

Ye Fan winked at Zhao Yang, and the two of them walked towards the temple.

"Sir, who is this?"

"A great uncle in my sect, the great beauty of Nan Lei Lei Industry."

"Nangong Xuefu, she has a very good reputation. I didn't expect that the young master is a disciple of Xuan Shuang Sect."

Zhao Yang suddenly realized.

"Yes, I am still a true disciple of the Xuanshuang Sect." Ye Fan laughed, "Let's go and deal with the ghosts and the devil fetus


The two came to Chaoyuan Temple and found the dry well.

"Come out, or I'll blow up your piece of shit.

Ye Fan took out a stack of Rank Two talismans and threatened the ghost in the well.

"Zero Sansan" A black shadow slowly spread from the bottom of the dry well to the wellhead, and soon turned into a ferocious ghost body.

It turned out to be a female ghost with disheveled hair and an extremely ferocious expression on her face, screaming at Ye Fan and Zhao Yang.

"Oh my god, how much resentment this is!"

Ye Fan was shocked. This female ghost was extremely weak, but her strength was not low.

"Sir, this female ghost was probably tortured terribly before she was alive, and she became so angry that she turned into a fierce ghost."

Zhao Yang frowned.

"Yes, the formation of ghosts is not easy. This female ghost should have been an ordinary mortal woman when she was alive. How could she turn into a powerful ghost?"

Ye Fan pondered for a moment, then he had a guess in his mind.

"I'm afraid that the devil fetus has a close relationship with this female ghost. Maybe it's her unborn child."

"It's possible, sir, let's do it!"

"Well, since she has become a powerful ghost, we cannot let her stay in the world to harm others."

Ye Fan nodded and took action at the same time as Zhao Yang.

The two of them have never learned the magic of Thunder Dao, but the Five Elements Kung Fu can also cause harm to ghosts.

Ye Fan took the lead and shot more than a dozen fireballs in a row towards Li Gui.

Zhao Yang activated a Rank Two flame talisman.

The two of them chose the fire attack at the same time, burning the female ghost until she screamed.

However, this female ghost is quite powerful. Under the attack of two monks with Foundation Building strength, although she was a little flustered, she still emitted a large amount of rich ghost energy, which offset part of the impact of the fire spell.

Although the ghost body was weakened a lot, it was not fatally injured!

"It's a bit troublesome. It's a pity that we haven't learned the thunder method."

Ye Fan sighed slightly and was about to continue the attack, but the female ghost escaped and went back to the bottom of the well, never to come out again.

"It's a bit difficult now!"

Ye Fan frowned slightly.

The female ghost refused to come out, and they didn't know what was going on at the bottom of the well. If they went down rashly, it would be dangerous if there was any trap at the bottom of the well.

"Sir, let's go find the 'Demon Fetus' first."

Zhao Yang’s words reminded Ye Fan.

"Yes, us! Maybe this devil fetus is the key to subduing the female ghost."

Ye Fan suddenly understood and hurried to the backyard of the Taoist temple with Zhao Yang.

In a deep room in the backyard, Ye Fan and Zhao Yang saw the so-called "devil fetus".

A baby corpse was refined into a monster that was neither human nor ghost, and there was still a trace of evil energy exuding from its body.

"So hard?"

The female ghost was stunned for a long time after hearing this, and finally nodded.

Zhao Yang sniffed.

"Stop! If you take another step forward, I will burn you child to ashes."

These demonic cultivators, Demonic Cultivators, are really abominable to the extreme.

Zhao Yang followed closely behind, dodging the attack of the "Demon Fetus" in a somewhat embarrassed manner.

The female ghost screamed miserably, but she stopped and did not dare to take another step forward.

"Sir, it seems that this 'devil fetus' is indeed the child in her womb!"


Ye Fan took a deep breath and said to the female ghost: "Now, relax and don't resist. I promise not to kill your children, but will just send you to a safe place. Do you understand?"

Ye Fan had quick eyesight and quick hands. He took out the "Qinglan Sword" from his storage bag, got ahead of Zhao Yang and stabbed the "Devil Fetus"'s body with the sword.

Ye Fan gave another order, and the female ghost actually floated over obediently.


"Xiao Xiaoteng, trap it!"

Sensing someone coming in, the "Demon Fetus" took the initiative to attack, and with lightning speed, it fiercely pounced towards Zhao Yang who was walking in front.

"Electric tires" were so powerful that their bodies could no longer move, their limbs were still struggling, and they let out fierce howls, which shocked Ye Fan and Zhao Yang to the point where blood was boiling all over their bodies.

(The little author asks for flowers, reviews, monthly votes, and good reviews! Thank you!).

The "Magic Fetus" is extremely fast, its body is as hard as iron, and it doesn't care about spell attacks, but just rushes towards Ye Fan and Zhao Yang.

"Okay, then come over here and stand with your child."

Ye Fan held a huge fireball on the palm of his right hand, placed it not far from the "devil fetus", and looked like he was going to burn the "devil fetus" to death.

The two fought fiercely with the "devil fetus" for a long time, but could not help each other, and were almost bitten by the monster several times.

Ye Fan shouted and fled the room first.

"How on earth was this monster made?"

Ye Fan felt as if he had been stabbed by a hard Law Treasure, and his wrist was shaken violently.

Ye Fan sighed slightly, and with a thought, he sent the female ghost and the "devil fetus" into the Void Tower together.

The ghost-faced vine struggled with the "devil fetus" for a while, and then tied it tightly with the vine.

Ye Fan couldn't help but complain.

"Go out and fight, the space here is too small!"


Ye Fan couldn't help but shook his head.

"Yes, they are already unconscious, but there is still the last trace of reason left, alas!"

Ye Fan had no choice but to let the ghost-faced vine out to work again.

However, the two men's attack on the "devil fetus" was a misstep. When the female ghost in the dry well heard the scream of the "devil fetus", she couldn't stand it any longer. She immediately got out of the dry well and flew towards the backyard crazily.

"You can understand me, right?"

Originally the most ordinary mother and son in the world, they were tortured into this state for some unknown reason and were unable to live in peace for 3.5 years.

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