Chapter 136 Simple simulation, the ultimate reward!

Tai Xuan Sword Technique is a bit special.

If it is said that Tai Xuan Yi Qi Jue requires a strong talent.

Tai Xuan Sword Technique requires strong talent and years of cultivation.

According to the idea of ​​the church, let Chen Fan practice slowly, and he will be able to come back when he is big.

However, who would have thought that Chen Fan would have such a thing as an emulator?

Of course Chen Fan doesn’t practice slowly by himself, isn’t the simulator just for this?

“System, start the simulation. Set up a node: practice sword!”

As for swordsmanship, he could only understand a rough outline.

The rest needs to be practiced.

[Ding, start the simulation,

[At the age of 21, I came to Xiwangcheng.

[You checked the sword manual given by the man in white, and you were fascinated by it.

【You are determined to practice this swordsmanship!】

[From then on, you left Xiwangcheng and found a deserted place to start practicing swordsmanship. ”

“617” [22 years old, practicing sword for 1 year, you feel good…1

[32 years old, practicing swords for 10 years, you feel that you are getting better

[70 years old, at this time you have Insight the first style: Thorn! 】

[At 200 years old, your stabs are already superb! You start the second form of Insight: hack!)

[At 400 years old, you succeeded in the second form of Insight: hack!”

【At 610 years old, you are dying. 】

[Ding, according to The Sims, three rewards have been triggered, choose one of three. ”

Such a simple life…

Chen Fan smiled.

There is nothing else in this life, just a life of practicing swordsmanship.

I feel like I’m about to become a swordsman.

But it seems not bad, completely addicted to sword practice is actually a time flies.

For that simulation Chen Fan, a hundred years is a moment.

Every day is just practicing swordsmanship, which can be said to be fun.

Even Chen Fan felt a lot more insight.

“System, what are the rewards?”

[Ding, according to the results of Sims, the host will get three rewards, choose one of them. ”

[1. Sword Heart: You have a sword heart, all sword power +20%][2. Sword Spirit: Years of cultivation have enabled you to cultivate a sword spirit. ”

[3. Jian Zhi: Your cultivation sword moves speed up by 200%]


According to past experience, the simpler the life, the less reward.

After all, rewards are based on experience.

This time it turned out to be different!

This time the reward is unbelievably strong!

Chen Fan sometimes really doesn’t understand how this reward came out…

But now there are more important issues.

How to choose this reward…

Wow, every reward looks pretty good!

Chen Fan looked at the three rewards and couldn’t make a decision for a while!

Kenshin can increase the power of all sword moves by 20%!

Directly enhanced by one-fifth!

This increase can be said to be very terrifying!

But Chen Fan is also a little curious about what the sword spirit is.

“System, what is Sword Spirit?

[Ding, the sword spirit is the sword spirit that the host has gradually cultivated with the same sword for many years. After receiving it, you can choose a Magical Item to attach the sword spirit. )


Kind of interesting.

Sword Spirit Chen Fan has also heard of it.

The existence of sword spirits is occasionally heard in some Divine Armament weapons.

But he doesn’t know exactly what it does. . .

Is it just the sword that has consciousness?

What can conscious do, attack for him?

In the simulation of Chen Fan, Sword Spirit does not seem to have appeared.

Confused, Chen Fan asked the system directly.

“System, what is the use of Sword Spirit?”

[Ding, the sword spirit, as a sword soul nurtured all the year round, has a certain power, which can greatly enhance the sharpness of the sword and other attributes. The powerful sword spirit can even attack with the sword. Of course, it can also talk to people. 】


Chen Fan got it.

This thing is a bit like giving Jianan a driver..

You can use the sword together with the user, or you can control the sword independently.

To be honest, Chen Fan is quite active.

If you don’t say anything else, you can still chat, it seems pretty good?

Chen Fan was so tangled that his face was wrinkled.

Forget the third Jian Chi, although the cultivation time can be greatly reduced, but for him with the simulation system, it is not very short of time.

He can use the simulation system to practice slowly.

Right now, I can only choose from Kenshin and Sword Spirit.

For these two almost equally perfect entries, Chen Fan really had a hard time making a choice.

Kenshin’s permanently increased attribute is undoubtedly very good.

But the sword spirit is not bad, it can greatly improve the attributes of the sword, and it is of great help to him!

Especially in the late stage, the sword spirit can even attack by itself..

Chen Fan looked at the options and struggled for a long time.

In the end, he chose Kenshin.

There’s not much reason, it’s just a choice between two

Looking at the other two options that disappeared, he felt a little regret in his heart.

[Ding, Kenshin is loaded. ”

For a moment, Chen Fan felt as if something had changed at the soul level.

There seems to be a sense of determination!

It is far stronger than in the past to slash out with a random sword!

It’s a pity I didn’t get the sword spirit…

Chen Fan tossed his sword and lamented why he didn’t choose Sword Spirit

This is the case every time there is more than one good reward.

After choosing this one, I sighed why I didn’t choose the other one.

After calming down, Chen Fan sorted out the results of this simulation.

In addition to obtaining the sword heart, he also obtained the experience of the first two styles of Tai Xuan Sword Technique.

Stab and hack!

The trick name of Tai Xuan Sword Technique is very simple.

Unlike the Canghuang Four Swords Form or the Sword Ten Kills, all kinds of bells and whistles.

Tai Xuan Sword Technique’s moves are almost all a word.

Thorn, split, hang, swept, cloud…

Every pose is extremely difficult to practice!

And it gets harder the further you go!

It took Chen Fan all his life to just master the first two styles.

But these two styles have incomparably terrifying power!

Even far surpassing the top ten swordsmanship!

In Chen Fan’s view, this Tai Xuan Sword Technique simply compresses all sword moves into these dozen or so styles.

Every move has a terrifying destructive power.

Take the first stab, which is the easiest to practice.

Tai Xuan Sword Technique enhances the action of stab to the limit, under a stab, there is even a feeling of piercing the dimension!

1.3 The ordinary surface is a huge demand for Spirit Power!

Use a large amount of Spirit Power to compress and burst in an instant, and the damage will be greatly improved!

It can be said that Tai Xuan is a complete package..

If you don’t practice Tai Xuan Yiqi Technique, you might not be able to practice Tai Xuan Sword Technique.

The demand for Spirit Power alone is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

At this moment, Tai Xuan Sword Technique has become Chen Fan’s strongest skill.

Even the Boundless Sword is far behind…

Just when Chen Fan wanted to lie down again, he suddenly found that it was dawn!

Think of yourself as the end of your life, with a long lifespan, and a simulation has passed for one night..

In the morning of Xiwangcheng, all things are born, and the warm sunshine gradually flows into the city, which is actually a kind of magnificent beauty!

Chen Fan took a deep breath and sat up.

You can go to bed later, I just went to see the rumored raw ore today!

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