Chapter 135 Growth Grade Heaven Grade Sword Technique!

“In other words, most of the people who come here are to open rare treasures?”


“Why don’t you get the raw ore and open it yourself?”

“Hahaha, guest officer, you don’t understand this. I don’t know if these raw ore are blessed by the desert or what is going on. People can’t see through it by any means. A small raw ore may produce a peerless treasure. However, it is also possible that there is nothing at all.”


“So in order to maximize the profit, the commercial bank naturally sells the raw ore dug up, which is a huge profit.

After some conversation, Chen Fan had a general idea of ​​what Xiwangcheng was like.

The West King City is connected to the desert in the west, there are a large number of cultivators in the east, and there are 100,000 mountains in the north. It can be said that it is located at the transportation hub.

Because there are countless treasures buried in this piece of sand, it attracts many cultivators and makes the town more and more prosperous!

“Since this raw ore is so interesting, why don’t you make two?”

Chen Fan glanced at the leading cultivator curiously.

But it attracted a wry smile from the cultivator.

“To tell the truth, I used to be just like you, who came and went without a trace and was so unrestrained. Since the mine was opened,

Saying that, the cultivator looks nostalgic…

Chen Fan:  …

Soon, the two walked to a quaint inn.

The cultivator walked in with Chen Fan familiarly.

He stopped until he was brought to a lobby.

“Guest officer, I’ll bring it here, and the front desk is in front.”

Since then, the navigation is over.

Chen Fan pushed the door and entered, a mature and beautiful woman in the quiet lobby was cleaning the front desk.

Seeming to hear Chen Fan’s footsteps, she raised her head.

In an instant, Chen Fan’s eyes twitched.

I have to say, this beautiful woman has a very mature temperament.

A faint smell of crime blows in.

“Guest, are you staying at the hotel?”

The seductive voice seemed to scratch his ears.

But this time Chen Fan is a little strange.

How can there be no one with this front desk?

The welcome lobby is actually quite quiet?

Soon, Chen Fan understood.

This store is expensive!

For a moment, he kind of understood where the enthusiasm of the guide ahead came from…

Fortunately, he still had some savings, and when he cheated Tuoba Wu, he made tens of thousands of spirit crystals.

In the eyes of the front desk, Chen Fan chose a cheaper one, but he needed a hundred spirit crystals a day.

One month is three thousand spirit crystals!

Don’t think that a month is long, for practitioners, it may be just one sitting time…

Take a seat and three thousand spirit crystals are gone!

Chen Fan didn’t dare to think about it before it was released.

However, according to the words of the little brother who led the way, it seems that mining here can lead to valuable things.

Then he should not worry about his income.

It doesn’t matter if it’s more expensive now.

Follow the front desk to your own room.

I didn’t expect it to be good inside, neat and clean, and there was even a small gathering spirit formation.

It seems that a room with a hundred spirit crystals is still ok…

I just don’t know that there are rooms with a thousand spirit crystals and ten thousand spirit crystals.

Chen Fan is a bit fanciful.

Soon he came back to his senses and began to organize his own items.

He hasn’t had time to look at what the man in white gave him just now.

Now it’s finally easy to see.

There are three things given by the man in white, maps, cheats and Magical Items.

Chen Fan, of course, watched Magical Item first, and he has quite a lot of cheats.

The Magical Item given by the man in white was a bit strange, but it was a small sword.

There’s even a description on it.

Holy Artifact: Xuantian Sword!

Holy Artifact!

Chen Fan was stunned.

He originally thought that the man in white gave him a Magical Item for self-defense!

Why is this giving a holy weapon!

Is Xuantian Sect’s sacred artifact already so many?

So much to give at will?

Soon, Chen Fan exorcised this absurd idea from himself.

Although the Holy Artifact is inferior to the God Soldier, it also possesses an incomparably terrifying power.

Like the holy artifact that once sent the sons back from the void signpost.

To be able to forcibly break through the space of the evil god, one can imagine the power of the holy artifact.

If the Xuantian Sect sacred artifact is abundant, I will give it away.

Then he is not the number one sect in Dongzhou, but the number one sect in the world…

Thinking that the man in white may have a lot of background.

It’s a holy weapon to shoot directly…

Could it be that the Head Teacher failed?

Chen Fan shook his head, stopped his own thoughts, and concentrated on getting familiar with this holy artifact.

Obviously, this little sword is not attacking Magic Treasures.

Instead, life-saving Magic Treasures.

can protect him at critical moments.

Isn’t this similar to those Magical Items of the Son of God?

ask for flowers…

Chen Fan was a little disappointed in his heart, he thought he would get an offensive holy weapon directly…

But he was actually greedy.

There is no such thing as a general power, only the big Sect has it.

And it is generally used to save the lives of the Holy Maidens.

Now the man in white gives one to Chen Fan, the meaning of which is self-evident.

After Chen Fan bound the holy artifact according to the above steps, the holy artifact was automatically read into his body, which did not affect him in the slightest.

Then Chen Fan looked at the cheats.

It’s this sword.

Tai Xuan Sword Technique?

Shouldn’t this be the Sword Technique matched with Tai Xuan Yi Qi Jue!

Chen Fan had a guess in his heart.

Is the man in white really the Head Teacher?

But why did the church give him Tai Xuan Sword Technique?

Did Head Teacher know that he would try Tai Xuan in one go?

With all kinds of doubts, Chen Fan made his head big, and with the idea of ​​taking a look, he opened the secret book.

At first, it seems simple enough….

The further back you look, the more difficult it seems. . .


Looking at it, Chen Fan is already smoking from his head…

He followed Jianpu cultivation, Spirit Power followed, and it was sparse at first.

The result seems to be more difficult the further back you go!

It’s so hard to look at the front and feel like there is another mystery.

The Han sword score given by the man in white, why is it so difficult!

This time Chen Fan was shocked!

You must know that after comprehending the supernatural power of the human sword and the supernatural power of the earth sword, his sword comprehension improved by leaps and bounds.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a kendo genius.

Now I actually feel that a sword score is difficult…

You can see how ridiculously difficult this book is!

The most important thing is that this sword manual can not be comprehended simply by comprehension.

This sword manual seems to require accumulated practice to gradually master it!

Could it be this growth-level Sword Technique?

Yes, for sure!

The Sword Technique that can be matched with Tai Xuan Yi Qi Jue must also be a growth-level natural move!

I haven’t encountered a growth-level move for so long, Chen Fan thought there was no growth-level move.

I didn’t expect to meet him today.

Looking at this Tai Xuan Sword Technique, his eyes were bright, and he was a little curious about the power of the growth-level Heavenly Sword Technique.

But it is obviously not suitable to practice now.

“System, start the simulation. Set the node: practice sword!”

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