Chapter 455 Probe

Under the leadership of Ye Yuesheng.

Ling Yao Yao naturally never encountered the slightest attack again.

Easily returned to Yu Ling’er’s white shield.

After lightly scanning the surrounding circle, Ye Yuesheng spoke directly:

“Ling’er, you stay here first.”

“Don’t just walk out of the white shield that Fengtian Orb has turned into.”

“I guess there should be other chaos monsters hiding in the dark.”

“They should be looking for opportunities to sneak attack you.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Yu Ling’er nodded immediately.

After she scanned the surrounding area, she said:

“What the husband said is reasonable.”

“Since this chaotic monster hiding in the dark has already appeared.”

“Then there may be a second one again.”

“If we don’t take precautions.

“I’m afraid 840 will encounter this kind of thing just now.”

After speaking, Yu Ling’er seemed to have thought of something again.

Seeing her dignified Yurong, after a slight worry flashed, she continued:

“In addition, I hope you can find out your husband later.”

“What are these demons hiding?

“If we can know this, then we shouldn’t have to be passive.”

Ye Yuesheng heard the words, and a trace of clarity suddenly appeared on his face.

After he nodded, he said:

“Ling’er, you are right.”

“If you want to avoid the situation just now.”

(bdfi)” Then I can only find out how these monsters hide.

“After all, this is the only way to prevent it from happening.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng looked at Ling Yao Yao and continued to speak:

“And later, when I was investigating.”

“Ling’er, just take a moment to think about it and take good care of Yaoyao.

“After all, she has just been stimulated by the Chaos Demon, and it seems that her heart is still a little unstable.”

Upon hearing this, Yu Ling’er nodded immediately.

Seeing that she glanced at the Spirit Demon Empress, she smiled and said:

“Husband, don’t worry.”

“You Yao Yao is here, so there will be absolutely no problems.

“After all, this shield was summoned using the Fengtian Orb.

“How powerful are those chaotic monsters.

“It is absolutely impossible to break this white shield.”

Ye Yuesheng heard what Yu Linger said.

Immediately nodded with satisfaction.

After seeing him smile slightly, he left here directly.

Ready to find out the ways that chaotic monsters can hide.

And Yu Ling’er smiled slightly after seeing this scene.

She looked at the Ling Yao Yao and Ye Qingxian next to her, and said directly:

“You Yao and Qingxian, you will stay here later.

“Wait until the husband has eliminated all dangers.”

“Leave this white shield again.”

Hearing that, Ye Qingxian and Ling Yaoyao naturally wouldn’t say anything against them.

After all, the surrounding situation is still unclear.

If you just leave this white shield so hastily.

Maybe it will be attacked again.

And the other side.

Just when Yu Ling’er and others were staying in that shield.

Ye Yuesheng has also come to the fall of the hidden monster.

I saw that after lightly scanning the surrounding circle, he directly muttered to himself:

“If I want to find out this monster’s concealment method as soon as possible.”

“Then I can only find clues from here.

“I hope my luck is okay.”

“You can find what you want as soon as possible.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng squatted down.

Begin to observe the pile of ashes turned into by the Chaos Demon.

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