Chapter 454 Frightened

Hear the gentle voice of Ye Yuesheng.

The spirit demon demon who was originally worried and frightened.

Immediately relax.

I saw her take a deep breath.

He raised his head and smiled reluctantly at Ye Yuesheng:

“Master, Yaoyao is okay.”

“The demon is so stupid, it was easily attacked by that chaotic demon.”

“It really caused trouble for the Master.”

“Master, don’t scold the demon. The demon will be smarter in the future.”

Seeing Ling Yaoyao this pitiful, but pretending to be strong.

Ye Yuesheng couldn’t help but smiled helplessly.

He stretched out his right hand, touched Ling Yao Yao’s head lightly, and said:

“Who said Master would scold you?”

“The Master didn’t protect the demon, and it scared you.”

“It’s the Master’s problem.

“You Yao, don’t blame yourself for the problem.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something again.

I saw him looking at Ling Yao Yao’s still pale face.

Continue to speak:

“Yao Yao, do you feel any discomfort/”?”

“If you think something is wrong.”

“Be sure to tell the Master that no matter what the problem is, the Master will help you solve it.

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Ling Yao Yao suddenly shook his head gently.

After she smiled slightly, she said directly:

“Thank you Master for your concern.

“Yao Yao just now has no problems except for being frightened.”

“Master doesn’t have to worry about me anymore.”

“Since those Chaos Monsters, the Chaos Monster Cores that have fallen out, haven’t been cleaned up yet.”

“Then Master, let me collect these things.

“After all, when I came to the secret realm this time, Yaoyao didn’t do anything to help the Master.”

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuesheng suddenly shook his head slightly.

He looked at the Ling Yao Yao and said:

“Monster, you don’t need to do these things next.”

“Master will take you to Ling’er and the others first.”

“After all, if you stay there, safety is more guaranteed.”

“After I confirm everything around you, Yao Yao, you can start to act again.”

After speaking, Ye Yuesheng turned his head and glanced at the ashes around him.

He continued:

“As for these Chaos Demon Cores.”

“Just let the Master collect them.

“Yao Yao, you don’t need to act for the time being.

Hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, Ling Yao Yao’s face suddenly flashed with a tangled color.

She spoke directly:

“Master! Yaoyao doesn’t have any problems.”

“Just let me collect those Chaos Demon Cores directly.”

*.々The demon has followed the Master into the secret realm for so long, and hasn’t helped the Master yet. ”

Hear the words of Ling Yao Yao.

Ye Yuesheng didn’t say much.

After he touched Ling Yaoyao’s head, he gently took her hand.

Walked directly towards Yu Linger and the others.

And the other side.

Ling Yao Yao was caught by Ye Yuesheng’s hand.

The brain, which originally wanted to say something, suddenly went down.

I saw her slightly cocked her mouth, after a silly smile.

They did not make any (money) resistance.

Directly obediently followed Ye Yuesheng to Yu Linger and the others.

Not far from the blood behind, after seeing this scene.

Suddenly shook his head helplessly.

She looked at the smiling spirit demon demon, and smiled:

“This silly girl has just been in a deep crisis.”

“I almost lost my life.

“It’s really helpless to laugh so happily now.”

“The husband really loves his disciples too much.”

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