Chapter 452 Accident

With the power of magic weapon in hand.

Ye Yuesheng easily solved the chaotic monsters.

I didn’t even spend the time for a sexual incense.

These chaotic monsters directly turned into piles of ashes and completely fell here.

And the other side.

The blood queens around who are watching the battle wait for others.

After seeing this scene.

An expression of surprise also appeared on his face.

Although they had known for a long time, Ye Yuesheng was able to win absolute victory in “August 40”.

But after seeing this scene, the eyes of the women still flashed with shock.

Next, after seeing Yu Ling’er smile lightly, he said:

“The husband is really amazing.”

“Every time it comes to a critical moment, he can always bring infinite surprises.

“Really surprising.”

And the blood queen standing beside Yu Ling’er, after hearing these words.

He couldn’t help but nodded.

She glanced at Ye Yuesheng not far away, and then said:

“Sister Ling’er, you are right.”

“The husband is indeed very powerful, as long as he can continue to grow.”

“I believe my husband will be able to become a big man in the chaos world.”

“At that time, in the entire Chaos World, no one would dare to provoke the husband.”

After saying this, the Queen of Blood seemed to have thought of something.

She glanced slightly at the ashes that the chaotic monsters turned into.

Then he continued to speak:

“Since this battle has caused so many chaotic monsters to fall.”

“That should generate a lot of Chaos Demon Cores.”

“Just put them away, even if there are no resources behind this cave.”

“It’s enough to make up for us.

The Ling Yao Yao standing aside said after hearing the blood.

A hint of movement flashed across his face.

After she hesitated for a moment, she spoke to the blood queen and said:

“Madam, since these Chaos Demon Cores are so valuable.”

“Then let the demon demon go and put away these chaotic demon cores.”

“After all, Yao Yao came to this secret realm and hasn’t done anything for the Master yet.”

When Yu Ling’er heard the words, a soft smile flashed across her face.

After she nodded lightly, she said:

“Since Yao Yao, you have such considerations.

“Then do it according to your own ideas.”

“I believe your diligent performance will be seen by your husband.”

Ling Yao Yao heard Yu Ling’er’s words of implicit encouragement.

The delicate face suddenly flashed a bright smile.

After she laughed happily, she spoke to Yu Ling’er:

“Thank you Madam, since Madam said so.”

“The demon demon went to collect these chaotic demon cores.”

After saying this, Ling Yao Yao’s figure moved.

Directly out of Yu Ling’er’s white shield, he ran towards Ye Yuesheng.

However, at the next moment.

When the Ling Yao Yao had just left the white shield.

There was a sudden fluctuation in the void not far away from her!

I saw a monster of chaos with a terrible face.

Appeared from the void in an instant.

He directly raised the magic weapon in his hand and slammed the advancing Ling Yao Yao 5.8 fiercely.

It seems that he hates Ye Yuesheng’s companion who killed it.

When this Chaos Demon was attacking, his face was filled with an expression of anger that was distorted.

As if to destroy everything in the world.

It feels terribly creepy.

And the moving spirit demon demon, after seeing this scene.

A hint of horror flashed across his face.

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