Chapter 451 Chapter Demon Slayer

Waiting for the blood queen who is watching the battle.

After seeing the power erupting from Ye Yuesheng at this moment.

A faint of shock flashed in his eyes.

After seeing a dignified look on the blood queen’s face, ~ he directly said:

“The offensive shown by the husband this time.”

“It’s far surpassing the magical powers he had previously displayed.”

“And these chaotic monsters are under such an offensive.

“It can still be resisted.

“It seems that these chaotic monsters are really tricky.”

“I’m afraid that the Cultivation Base only has ordinary practitioners with Fifth Stage days.”

“It is absolutely impossible to solve these chaotic monsters.

After saying this, the Queen of Blood seemed to have thought of something again.

After she glanced at her surroundings.

He continued to speak:

“Sister Ling’er, since those chaotic monsters have magic weapons in their hands.”

“Then we must be careful now.

“You don’t have to be attacked by these chaotic monsters.”

“After all, the magic weapons they hold in their hands don’t know what special abilities they will possess.”

And Yu Ling’er, who was standing aside, heard these words.

He couldn’t help but nodded.

After she glanced at the battle group in front of her, she directly spoke:

“You are right about the Queen of Blood.”

“These Chaos Monsters are really weird.”

“Obviously he is just a monster, but he knows how to use magic weapons.”

“They are indeed very different from the monsters in the Chaos World.”

“Even now, we have the shield of Fengtian Orb for protection.”

“It must not be taken lightly.

And Ye Qingxian and others standing beside Yu Ling’er and Xuehou.

After hearing these words.

A look of caution flashed across his face.

They were reminded by their teachers.

Naturally, there will no longer be any undisciplined attitudes, but will continue to concentrate.

Put all your attention on the surrounding environment.

And the other side.

Just when Yu Ling’er and others were on guard.

Ye Yuesheng fought those chaotic monsters.

It has also come to an end.

I saw that he was holding the scimitar and was slashing continuously.

Like a peerless assassin.

Each attack will take away a chaotic monster and take their lives directly.

In an instant, these guys completely fell into the water curtain secret realm.

And those chaotic monsters on the opposite side.

Under such a powerful attack by Ye Yuesheng.

Naturally difficult to resist.

…Please ask for flowers……

I saw these chaotic monsters roaring from the sky.

He began to escape everywhere, trying to avoid Ye Yuesheng’s slash.

Ye Yuesheng see here.

A sneer flashed in his eyes.

He looked at the chaotic monsters that were constantly running away, and said directly:

“Just thinking about leaving now? It’s too late.”

“Since you dare to mess with me, you should have expected the end of the game.”


“Take me to death!

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng raised the scimitar in his hand.

He swung it directly at the chaotic monster who was running away.

With the blade falling.

I saw a ray of bright knife light.

Like a squally rain, he squeezed the chaotic monsters fiercely.

And those chaotic monsters, under this sharp attack.

Naturally, there is no resistance.

They looked up to the sky and called out strangely.

He completely died in the secret realm of the curtain of water, and directly turned into a pile of ashes.

Ye Qingxian and others, who were watching the battle, saw this behind the scenes.

A hint of joy also appeared on his face.

Seeing Ye Qingxian smiled slightly, he said:

“To solve these chaos monsters so quickly, the Master is really the most powerful!”

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