Chapter 449 Difficult action

Facing Guier’s excellent analysis.

A trace of love for talent flashed through the heart of that Tianbaoge master sister.

I saw her pondering for a moment.

He directly addressed Gui Er and said:

“Guier, if you have intentions.”

“After I leave this secret realm, I will propose to the pavilion master.”

“Let her give you this position.”

“In this way, in future actions.”

“Everyone will be able to fulfill the requirements of the pavilion master perfectly.”

I heard the words of Tianbao Pavilion Master Sister.

The disciple named Guier shook his head slightly.

She saw her eyes dimmed and said:

“Master sister, in this way, it’s not compliant.”

“After all, my talents are limited, and I can only cultivate to the Third Stage of Heaven.”

“If you just sit in the position of the master sister, you will definitely make others laugh.”

“Even if you all agree to this matter later, I will refuse it.

After saying this, Guier seemed to have thought of something again.

After she smiled slightly, she continued:

“Moreover, Master and Master Sister have always been very good to me.” ”

“As long as you can stay here in Tianbao Pavilion, Guier will be satisfied.

Hearing what Guier said, many disciples of Tianbao Pavilion.

A hint of regret flashed through my heart.

If this disciple named Guier has an extremely superior cultivation talent.

I am afraid that Tianbao Pavilion will be within a few years.

Can add a lot of power.

Next, I saw the great sister of Tianbao Pavilion, and then glanced forward.

He immediately said:

“Since Guier you don’t want to, then forget it.”

“Next, we will follow the determined course of action.”

“Go straight ahead.”

“After all, we have been delayed a little longer.”

I heard this statement from my master sister.

Those Tianbao Pavilion disciples standing behind would naturally not speak out against it.

After they nodded, they said directly:

“Sister Sister said well, let’s set off now.”

“This action, we must make that Ye Daozi owe the favor of Tianbao Pavilion!”

Hear the words of everyone so confident.

The Tianbaoge master sister was also full of motivation.

She glanced at the distant mountain peak.

He immediately left here with many disciples of Tianbao Pavilion, and started to move towards the steep mountain in the distance.

And the other side.

Just when everyone in Tianbao Pavilion began to act.

I don’t know how far away from here.

Ye Yuesheng et al.

A more difficult situation has also been encountered.

At this time, they saw a dozen chaotic monsters holding various weapons, shouting strangely around Ye Yuesheng and others.

It seems that at the next moment.

They will tear Ye Yuesheng and others to pieces directly.

And Ye Yuesheng is behind seeing this scene.

A dignified color also appeared in his eyes.

He never expected it.

This chaotic monster in the secret water curtain.

In addition to being able to conduct joint operations, he can actually learn to use magic weapons.

This is really surprising.

After seeing Ye Yuesheng Wei (钱好赵) frowned slightly, he spoke to Yu Linger and the others:

*.々Ling’er, you quickly use the Fengtian Orb to summon the white light shield. ”

“The Chaos Demon that appeared in front of us now.

“Obviously it’s not ordinary goods.”

“If it is too careless, I am afraid that it will be attacked unimaginably.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Yu Ling’er immediately said:

“Husband, don’t worry, I will use the magical powers of the Fengtian Orb now.”

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