Chapter 448 reason

That big disciple of Tianbao Pavilion.

After hearing what Guier said.

A hint of contemplation flashed in his eyes.

After she glanced at Guier slightly, she said:

“Although collecting resources for cultivation in the secret realm is our primary goal now.”

“But if during this period, we directly ignore the existence of Ye Daozi.”

“I’m afraid there is something wrong.”

“After all, during this time.”

“That Ye Daozi may also be in trouble.”

“So we need to help.

“In addition, we can also follow Ye Daozi and collect resources together.”

“Isn’t this a good practice?”

The disciple named Guier, after hearing these words.

Slightly shook his head 13 again.

After seeing her smile slightly, she said:

“Although Grand Sister said it is pretty good.”

“But Guier thinks that he should go directly to collect cultivation resources from a distance.”

“It’s a wiser decision.

“If the master sister wants to successfully complete the pavilion master’s instructions, it is best to act in this direction.”

“Because this is the most correct choice.

Hearing that, the big disciple of Tianbao Pavilion.

An inexplicable color suddenly appeared on his face.

After she glanced at Guier calmly, she said:

“Well, since you said that.”

“That must have its own reasons.”

“You can state the reason now, if it is reasonable.”

“Then I will do as you say.”

It seems to be prepared for this remark.

The pretty girl named Guier, after hearing this.

Then nodded.

Without a pause, he said:

“Well, since Grand Sister wants to listen to the reason.”

“Then Guier will speak out.

“First of all, Ye Daozi came to this secret realm to collect cultivation resources.”

“If we act with him.”

“The cultivation resources that Baoge harvested that day must not only be distributed.”

“It might also cause Ye Daozi’s dissatisfaction.”

“Even if we don’t fight or grab at that time, it will make Ye Daozi suspicious and deepen the gap between the two sides.”

“This kind of situation, presumably the patron master and the master sister, do not want to happen.

Guier’s voice just fell.

The big disciple of Tianbao Pavilion nodded slightly, seeming to agree with it.

After seeing her smile slightly, she continued to speak:

“Okay, for a good reason.

“Do you have any other ideas?”

“If there are any, tell them as soon as possible.”

Upon hearing this, Guier smiled slightly.

After she nodded lightly, she immediately said:

“Except for the point I just said.

“In order to ensure the maximum efficiency of the Tianbao Pavilion operation.”

“The primary goal we chose is to avoid Ye Daozi.”

“After all, this is the only way.”

“Only we can collect more cultivation resources.”

“And after collecting resources 837.

“We can use some of the cultivation resources as an excuse to conflict with the Tianbao Pavilion cultivation technique.”

“Sell it directly to Ye Daozi at a low price.

“I believe that as long as there is this as a cover, the other party will not be aware of our true purpose.”

“After all, Ye Daozi should not be familiar with Tianbao Pavilion’s cultivation technique.

After listening to Guier’s detailed analysis.

The big sister of Tianbao Pavilion suddenly smiled.

She directly said:

“Guier, you are really amazing.”

“The position of this master sister should belong to you in the first place.”

“Just for some reason, the pavilion master chose me.”

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