Chapter 428 start testing

Although Tianbao Pavilion Master’s appearance is quite outstanding.

But Ye Yuesheng is no ordinary person.

He just glanced back.

His face regained his indifferent color.

Next, Ye Yuesheng turned around and looked at the Queen of Blood and the others.

Straightforwardly said:

“It will be tested later.”

“With the help of Tianbao Pavilion.

“It should be easy to see whether we can enter the secret realm.”

“In that case, do you have to test after the blood?”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

The Queen of Blood and Yu Ling’er standing not far away.

A look of disapproval flashed across his face suddenly.

After seeing the blood, he looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“Husband, let’s test it first. 13”

“If you can’t enter the secret realm later, your husband.”

“Then I don’t need to test.

“After all, if you can’t follow your husband to explore the secret realm together.”

“Then this secret realm is meaningless.”

Yu Ling’er, standing aside, heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

He could not help but nodded slightly.

It seems to agree with this very much.

Ye Yuesheng see here.

Some helplessly shook his head.

He didn’t say much.

Directly put his gaze on Ye Qingxian and Ling Yaoyao.

“The same for you?”

“Do you have to look at the results of my test first?”

Hearing this, Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao nodded continuously.

It seems their current view.

It’s the same as the Queen of Blood.

If later Ye Yuesheng cannot enter the secret realm.

Then they will directly refuse to enter the secret water curtain.

Next, after seeing Ye Qingxian glance at the Tianbao Pavilion master, he said directly:

“Master, you should go and test it first.”

“If you delay any more time, I’m afraid Pavilion Master Tianbao will wait until I get a little impatient.”

Hear Ye Qingxian’s words.

Ye Yuesheng suddenly shook his head helplessly.

He turned around, looked at the face of Pavilion Master Tianbao, and said:

“Since they want me to test after the blood.”

“Pavilion Master Bao that day, please help me take a look to see if I have a predestined relationship with this water curtain secret realm.”

Upon hearing this, a smile suddenly appeared on the face of Pavilion Master Tianbao.

She looked at the blood and waited for others, and said:

“This is naturally no problem.”

“Later, as long as Ye Daozi stands still.”

“I should be able to test it out.”

“But then again, Tianbao Pavilion is now able to carry out this kind of test.”

“Thanks to you Ye Daozi.”

“If there is no eye of the rock demon, I am afraid I would not be able to make this gemstone.”

After saying this, the Master Tianbao took out a purple bead from the storage ring.

This purple bead is very mysterious.

After being taken out by the Master Tianbao.

Then it continued to emit a strange light.

It seems that there is something secret.

Afterwards, 823 saw the Tianbao Pavilion master holding up the bead and opening his mouth to Ye Yuesheng:

“I will officially start testing later.

“Ye Daozi, close your eyes now, and then keep your heart calm.

“Only in this way can you see if you can enter the secret water curtain.”

Hearing the words of Pavilion Master Tianbao.

Ye Yuesheng would naturally not say anything against it.

He closed his eyes obediently, and adjusted his state of mind to a state of calm as water.

And the Lord Tianbao Pavilion on the opposite side saw this behind the scenes.

Nodded immediately.

She didn’t delay anything.

The profound art that immediately ran the body’s cultivation directly spurred the purple orb in his hand. .

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