Chapter 427 Master of Tianbao Pavilion

Tianbao Pavilion’s speed is very fast.

Ye Yuesheng and others waited only a moment.

He has already seen the advent of Tianbao Pavilion.

At this moment, I saw it in midair.

A magnificent flying boat is floating in front of everyone.

The people inside looked at Ye Yuesheng for a moment, then directly raised his voice:

“Is it Ye Daozi from Tiangong?”

“If it’s Ye Daozi.

“Can you show me your “August Two Three” ID?”

Ye Yuesheng heard the words.

Nodded suddenly.

This is the first time he and the people from Tianbao Pavilion have met.

It is quite normal for the other party to verify their identity.

Next, Ye Yuesheng took out his identity token and held it up high.

He said directly:

“This is my identity token in Tiangong.”

“I believe all of you in Tianbao Pavilion should be able to recognize it.”

“If you can’t see clearly from a distance.

“You can also send someone down to watch.

I heard what Ye Yuesheng said.

There was a voice of discussion on the flying boat.

It seems to be distinguishing the authenticity of Ye Yuesheng’s token.

I do not know how long it has been.

The people in the flying boat seem to have reached a conclusion.

Next, I saw the flying boat.

After walking out of a gorgeously dressed woman, she flew directly towards Ye Yuesheng.

This woman is extremely fast, just a blink of an eye.

He has come to Ye Yuesheng.

She looked at Ye Yuesheng a little and counted her eyes, and then directly said:

“Because it is the first time we saw Ye Daozi in Tianbao Pavilion.

“So I didn’t recognize Ye Daozi at a glance.

“If there was an offense before.”

“I also hope that Ye Daozi will forgive me.”

When Ye Yuesheng heard the woman’s words, a smile flashed across her face.

After he nodded, he said directly:

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Tianbao Pavilion acts cautiously, which I really like.”

“I don’t know how the girl is called, can you tell me the name?”

Hearing that, the gorgeously dressed woman did not refuse to answer.

After she smiled lightly, she said directly:

“My name is Liu Yue, and I am now the pavilion owner of Tianbao Pavilion.

“This time in the Water Curtain Secret Realm, I brought the pavilion disciples into the trial.

“If Ye Daozi wants to enter the secret water curtain, too.

“Then our Tianbao Pavilion can also help you enter…”

“After all, this is something that has been promised a long time ago.

“However, can you really enter the secret realm.”

“It depends on whether Ye Daozi has a predestined relationship with the secret realm.”

Upon hearing the words of the Lord Tianbao, a smile suddenly appeared on Ye Yuesheng’s face.

After he pointed to Yu Ling’er and the others behind him, he directly spoke:

“They are all people close to me.

“I hope that Pavilion Master Tianbao can also help them enter the secret realm.”

“I wonder if this is feasible?”

Upon hearing this, the Lord Tianbao immediately smiled.

After she glanced at the blood and waited for others, she immediately said:

“It’s simple.”

“Ye Daozi is relieved.”

“If these people follow you.”

“If they are all related to the Water Curtain Secret Realm, if 5.8, they can also enter.”

At this time, it was when the Lord Tianbao was talking with Ye Yuesheng.

The Blood Empress and others are also looking at Pavilion Master Tianbao.

After seeing a flash of stunning color in Ye Qingxian’s eyes, he spoke to the spirit demon demon:

“Monster, what is the origin of Pavilion Master Tianbao?”

“Her appearance is on par with the teachers.

“It’s really amazing.”,

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