Chapter 422 Selection

The movements of the blood queen and Yu Ling’er were quite rapid.

It only took a while.

They completed Ye Yuesheng’s orders.

Fix the jade slip directly and hand it to Ye Yuesheng.

After Ye Yuesheng got the jade slip.

So he immediately immersed himself in the jade slip.

Begin to confirm the choice made by the blood queen and Yu Ling’er.

When the confirmation is complete.

A smile appeared on Ye Yuesheng’s face.

“August 20” only saw him nodding, looking at Ye Qingxian and others, and directly said:

“Very well, there is no duplication of the jade tiles chosen by the Blood Empress and Yu Linger.

“You start picking tokens now.”

“Just let the teacher see who can have such good luck.”

And Ye Qingxian and others standing not far away.

After hearing what Ye Yuesheng said.

A hint of joy flashed across his face.

As long as you can successfully get the token chosen by the teacher.

Then they can explore the secret realm together.

Thought of this.

These disciples began to mobilize the power of heaven in the body.

Start picking those tokens.

I saw that Ye Qingxian’s body flashed past several divine lights.

A token suspended in the air immediately fell into her hands.

Ye Qingxian glanced at the dark token slightly.

A hint of joy flashed in his eyes.

She took a deep breath and said nothing more.

Immediately began to quietly wait for Ye Yuesheng to announce the quota.

Except for Ye Qingxian.

After the other disciples got the token.

He also became quiet, and began to wait quietly for Ye Yuesheng to announce his quota.

I do not know how long it has been.

After all the disciples got the token.

Ye Yuesheng nodded slightly.

He took out two jade slips from the storage ring and said:

“Next, I will talk about the token chosen by Yu Ling’er after bleeding.

“As long as the token is in your hand.”

“That means you can follow me to explore the secret realm together.”

After that, Ye Yuesheng did not sell anything.

The results were announced directly.

And those disciples who were waiting for the results heard the results announced by Ye Yuesheng.

Most people’s faces flashed with disappointment.

There were only two disciples, and there was an extremely happy expression on their faces.

They cheered.

I am very happy for my luck.

Next, I saw Ye Qingxian looking at the spirit demon beside him, and said:

“You Yao, I didn’t expect our luck to be so good.”

“It is incredible to be able to select those two tokens.”

And the Ling Yao Yao standing aside, after hearing what Ye Qingxian said.

A look of joy also appeared on his face.

She never expected it.

A token that I chose at random was actually the token that the Queen of Blood had chosen.

This really made her feel happy.

After seeing the Ling Yao Yao haha, he opened his mouth to Ye Qingxian:

“Senior Sister Qingxian, you are right.”

“This time our luck is indeed very good.”

“I believe that in the secret water curtain, this luck can also be maintained.”

After speaking, Ling Yao Yao raised his head and looked at Ye Yue5.8 Sheng with some excitement.

It seems to be able to follow Ye Yuesheng into the secret realm.

It’s a pretty good thing.

Ye Yuesheng saw the expressions of Ye Qingxian and Ling Yao Yao.

A smile also appeared on his face.

I saw him look at the spirit demon and said:

“Since you won the draw this time, it is a good result.”

“Remember not to run around after entering the secret realm. Everything is under my command.”

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