Chapter 421 rule

I heard Ye Yuesheng say that he would start the selection process.

A trace of tension flashed across the faces of Ye Qingxian and others.

Waiting for the opportunity for so long.

Now it finally appeared.

Just draw a place in the next ~ draw.

They will be able to explore the secret realm with their Master.

Thought of this.

A trace of excitement appeared on the faces of Ye Qingxian and others.

And the other side.

Ye Yuesheng saw the excited expression of his disciple.

A smile appeared on his face.

He didn’t say much, and directly stretched out his right hand and waved forward.

A dozen tokens suddenly appeared, and then hovered in the air.

After doing this.

Ye Yuesheng looked at the disciple in front and said:

“Later, I will let the Blood Empress and Ling’er choose a token at will.”

“Then, after they have selected the tokens and recorded them.”

“I will gather the numbers on the tokens together.”

“If the two choose not to repeat.”

“Then it’s time for you to make a choice.”

“Just choose the token chosen by Ling’er.”

“That is to get the quota to participate in the secret realm together.”

Ye Yuesheng’s rules for drawing lots are quite simple.

Just said it again.

Ye Qingxian and the others understood clearly.

When a smile flashed across Ye Qingxian’s face, he said:

“The Master is really amazing.

“I can think of such a good drawing method.”

“I really admire Qingxian.

The Ling Yao Yao standing aside heard this.

He also nodded.

It seems to agree with this very much.

I saw that she couldn’t wait to say:

“Master, since you have already stated the rules.”

“Then start the draw now.

“Yao Yao feels that he must be able to get a spot.”

And the blood behind sitting beside Ye Yuesheng, after hearing this.

He also nodded.

I saw her looking at the spirit demon and said directly:

“You Yao are so sensible.

“Maybe we can really win the spot.”

“I believe in your luck very much.

Yu Ling’er on the side heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

A smile also appeared on his face.

She looked at Ye Yuesheng and said directly:

“Husband, it seems that the Queen of Blood and your disciples can’t wait.”

“Then start the draw now.”

…For flowers…

After hearing Yu Linger’s words, Ye Yuesheng would naturally not delay anything.

I saw him lightly nodded.

He mobilized the power of the Heavenly Dao in his body, and directly disrupted the token floating in front of him.

Next, wait until this matter is done.

Ye Yuesheng looked at Yu Ling’er and Blood Empress, and said:

“Now you can choose tokens.”

“Just pick one at random.


Hearing the words, the blood queen nodded immediately.

She glanced at the tokens in midair.

So he directly selected the token closest to Ye Yuesheng.

And Yu Ling’er, who was sitting nearby, saw this.

Naturally, time will not be wasted.

She glanced at it casually.

So he directly chose a token closest to him.

Ye Yuesheng smiled immediately when they saw the two of them finished the matter.

He looked at the queen of blood and said to Yu Ling’er:

“Well, since you have all selected now.”

“Then record the result on the jade slip.

“Just bring it to me.”

Upon hearing this, the Queen of Blood and Yu Ling’er immediately began to act.

I saw them take out a blank jade slip from the storage ring.

Then directly record the relevant information. Of.

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