Chapter 415 Anti-bomb

Li Daozi’s attack was extremely strange.

The mist he summoned took only a moment.

It completely swallowed Ye Yuesheng’s attack.

This happened.

Naturally, the blood queen and others were extremely shocked.

After seeing a trace of jealousy flashing in the eyes of the blood queen, she said:

“Sure enough, Li Daozi has other means.”

“The mist he is calling out now is really powerful.”

“Unexpectedly, in such a short period of time, he successfully defeated the husband’s attack.

“It’s really unexpected.”

And Yu Ling’er on the side, after listening to the words of Blood Queen.

He also nodded.

She looked at the battlefield and began to analyze:

“Now this Li Daozi has almost spread the mist.”

“If the husband just rushed forward like this.”

820 “I’m afraid it’s easy to fall into Li Daozi’s trap.”

“At this kind of moment, it should be safer.”

And just when the Queen of Blood was discussing with Yu Ling’er.

Fairy Yaoqing was also surprised by Li Daozi’s performance.

She didn’t expect it.

This Li Daozi actually grasped part of the usage of Mingyue Yin when he was on the Sixth Stage.

It really made her feel a little surprised.

Next, I saw Fairy Yaoqing looking at Elder Tianbing, and said:

“Elder Tianbing, this Daozi Li is also quite powerful.

“I can actually comprehend this magical effect of the Mingyue Seal.

(bdfi) “No wonder he dared to challenge Ye Daozi.”

“As long as you can comprehend this kind of magical power, you will be defeated by Ye Daozi.”

“He can also drag Ye Daozi down.

“It seems that Li Daozi never thought of a fair fight from the beginning.”

“I have been calculating Ye Daozi all the time.

“This kind of guy is too Damn it.”

Elder Tianbing heard what Fairy Yaoqing said.

Nodded suddenly, she looked at Ye Yuesheng and said:

“Yaoqing, you are right.”

“In this situation, Ye Daozi should be difficult to win.”

“If you want to maintain the fairness of Tiangong.”

“I can only shoot now.”

“Otherwise, if Li Daozi takes the opportunity to defeat Ye Daozi, it would be bad.”

Upon hearing this, Fairy Yaoqing also agreed.

She turned and looked at the battlefield, ready to intervene in the battle between Ye Yuesheng and Li Daozi.

However, just when Fairy Yaoqing was preparing to act.

Ye Yuesheng took practical actions.

It directly prevented her from wanting to help.

I saw Ye Yuesheng take a deep breath.

Then the power of heaven in the whole body.

All were transmitted to the Immortal King Seal.

And that immortal king seal, after absorbing many powers of heaven.

A burst of brilliance suddenly burst out, directly calling out a complete Immortal King virtual shadow palm.

This palm just appeared.

There was no pause.

Immediately patted Li Daozi on the opposite side.

On the other side, Li Daozi, after seeing Ye Yuesheng’s offensive.

Immediately looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

He said:

“The Immortal King phantom you summoned is indeed very powerful.”

“But it’s not enough to see in front of me.

“A mere handprint of the Immortal King’s phantom shadow.”

“It’s too naive to want to defeat me with this!”

Finished saying this.

Li Daozi immediately pinched the formula.

Directly let the surrounding mist turn into a dragon.

Then he bit the Void Shadow’s palm fiercely.

When Ye Yuesheng saw this, a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He looked at Li Daozi and said:

“Since you are so arrogant, it is time to realize that you are defeated!”

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