Chapter 414 Mist

After Li Daozi raised the Cultivation Base to the Sixth Stage.

The whole person exploded with an extremely powerful aura.

It was astonishing as if all beings were in the spleen.

And the other side.

The Queen of Blood and Yu Ling’er watching the battle not far away.

After seeing this scene, something incredible appeared on his face.

I saw the blood queen looking at Yu Ling’er next to him, and said directly:

“What’s the matter with Daozi Li?”

“He entered the Sixth Stage a few days later.”

“Unexpectedly, it can explode with such a powerful momentum.”

“It’s really unexpected.

Yu Ling’er, who was standing by, heard these words.

He also nodded.

Seeing that she glanced at Ye Yuesheng with some worry, she said:

“Although the husband is very confident, he thinks he can defeat the enemy.

“But I always think that Li Daozi should have hidden cards.

“If the husband is too careless next.”

“Maybe you will suffer.,

“We should remind our husband immediately.””. ”

After the blood queen listened to Yu Ling’er’s views.

Nodded immediately.

She spoke to Ye Yuesheng without thinking:

“Husband, this Li Daozi seems to have some plans.

“You must be careful.

“Remember not to fall into the trap of the other party.”

Ye Yuesheng not far away heard the words of the blood queen.

A smile suddenly appeared on his face.

I saw him making a relieved gesture to the blood queen and the others.

He looked at Li Daozi in front of him and said directly:

“Li Daozi, you should be ready by now?”

“If you are ready, let’s go to war!”

“I still have a lot of things to deal with afterwards. I really don’t have time to play with you anymore.”

“Hurry up and make a quick decision.

I heard Ye Yuesheng’s slightly mocking words.

A trace of healing suddenly appeared on Li Daozi’s face.

After seeing him sneer a few times, he said:

“It seems that you are really confident, Ye Daozi.”

“If this is the case, then I will let you experience despair!”

“I will definitely make you regret it!”

After speaking, Li Daozi screamed to the sky.

The Mingyue Seal was immediately urged.

And then, with this Mingyue Seal began to release its power.

Various moonlights began to appear in this entire battlefield, like mist.

Gradually shrouded this battlefield.

Seeing this, Ye Yuesheng naturally understood that the other party wanted to do something.

I saw him look at Li Daozi.

He immediately started the action, blasting a punch directly at Li Daozi Yaoyao.

With Ye Yuesheng’s fist blasted out, a series of ferocious blood dragons followed, blasting towards Li Daozi in an instant.

When Li Daozi on the opposite side saw this, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face.

He directly spoke:

“.々This kind of attack, if my Cultivation Base is still Fifth Stage.”

“It’s really amazing.

“But since my Cultivation Base is already Sixth Stage days.”

“Then let you take a look, one of the powers of Mingyue Seal!”

After saying (the money is gone), this Li Daozi immediately pinched the tactics and displayed the magical powers belonging to the Mingyue Seal.

I saw the mist shrouded all around, driven by Li Daozi.

It’s like a beast that wakes up.

Directly toward the blood dragons surging forward, swallowing them all in an instant!

When Ye Yuesheng saw this, a dignified color flashed across his face.

He looked at Li Daozi, who had hidden his figure in the mist, and said:

“It seems that this is your killer copper.”

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