Chapter 290 Start canonization

Faced with Jin Tiancheng’s unusual behavior.

Ye Yuesheng directly inferred a fact about Fairy Yaoqing.

That is the true appearance of Fairy Yaoqing is extremely outstanding.

It has reached a level where it will be completely degraded at a glance.

It is extremely amazing.

On the other hand.

If it matters.

Ye Yuesheng made Fairy Yaoqing aware.

Then he will inevitably cause a lot of trouble.

At least that Jin Tiancheng.

Will definitely come to look for Ye Yuesheng’s troubles.

Maybe he would choose to let Ye Yuesheng shut up forever, and could not tell the truth about this matter.

Although Ye Yuesheng is not afraid of closing hands with Jintian.

But this situation.


For Ye Yuesheng who wants low-key development.

Naturally there are some conflicts.

So next.

Ye Yuesheng counted after looking at Fairy Yaoqing.

So he put his attention directly to other places.

Except for Ye Yuesheng.

Those other Taoist candidates.

There is no such high concentration.

When they looked at Fairy Yaoqing.

A faintly stunning expression flashed in his eyes.

It seems that they have a very high opinion of Fairy Yaoqing.

I want to win Fairy Yaoqing’s attention to himself.

After seeing this situation, Jin Tiancheng, who has been investigating the situation of others.

A sneer flashed across his face.

Fairy Yaoqing is for him.

It is the supreme existence.

If others dare to touch her, they have to pay the price.

He cultivated so desperately.

Just to shoot all the bugs that dare to approach Fairy Yaoqing to death

Next, as time passed.

Fairy Yaoqing finally took away all the chaotic demon cores on her body.

Put them all in that shiny cloth bag.

And the light curtain in mid-air.

At this time, he finally stopped beating.

It directly showed an extremely shocking number.

The white-robed Tiangong elder not far away.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

He immediately looked up to the sky and laughed.

He said:

“Very good, I didn’t expect Yaoqing you to be able to take out one hundred and fifty-six Chaos Demon Cores.”

(bdfi) “This is really amazing.

“Such a high level”

“Even if it is included in all the records of the Tiangong calendar, it is enough to be in the top ten.”

“It seems that our Tiangong really recruited a lot of good seedlings this time.”

“Presumably it won’t be long.”

“Tiangong will be able to place itself in the Chaos ranking, and we will take a few steps forward.”

Hear the words of the elder Baipao.

A smile flashed across Fairy Yaoqing’s face.

She said softly:

“Grandpa, you are really exaggerated.”

“Yaoqing’s achievement is nothing.”

“Maybe in the near future, someone in the heavenly palace will surpass Yaoqing.”

Elder Baipao heard this.

Suddenly shook his head slightly.

In his eyes.

A person who can surpass his granddaughter in the future.

There are really few, almost impossible to appear.

Even like Jin Tiancheng.

A family with the highest rank in the realm of Heaven.

There is also a slim chance.

Thought of this.

The white-robed elder did not delay any more time.

He directly raised his head and announced:

“Now, the top ten Daozi candidates in Tiangong have all appeared.”

“Just canonize later.

“They will be able to become the real Taoists of Tiangong!”

“And the future Sect Master of Tiangong will definitely be born from them!”

After speaking, the white-robed elder waved a big hand.

Directly in the vast square, a number of platforms exuding countless brilliance were called out.

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