Chapter 289 Guess boldly

Fairy Yaoqing who is in the process of judging results.

After listening to the man’s words.

A hint of coldness flashed across his face.

She turned around.

Said to the man who exuded his spirits:

“Do you value yourself too much?”

“I, Yaoqing, don’t need anyone to give in, to be able to win the first place.”

“Even if you do your best.

“It’s definitely not my opponent.

“Be obediently die this heart.”

The young man heard this.

No anger but joy on his face.

It seems that Fairy Yaoqing is talking to him.

It is the biggest reward for him.

I saw this person laugh, and said directly:

“Fairy Yaoqing is right.”

“I, Jin Tiancheng, is indeed not your opponent now.”

“However, as long as my emperor dragon body is completely awakened, it may not be necessary.”

“At that time, I have to ask Fairy Yaoqing for some advice.”

“If Fairy Yaoqing can’t compare to me, how about promising me one condition?”

“Don’t worry, Jin Tiancheng is definitely not a shameless person, and I will never make excessive demands.” ”

“As long as Fairy Yaoqing can watch the moon with me.”

Hear what Jin Tiancheng said.

Yaoqing fairy Yu Rong was slightly cold.

She didn’t say much, and ignored Jin Tiancheng’s words.

Continue to take out the Chaos Demon Core from him.

Put it into the cloth bag.

And next.

as time flows.

A light curtain for recording in mid-air.

The number above has almost reached the point of one hundred.

Those onlookers around the square.

After seeing this scene.

Unbelievable expressions flashed across his faces.

They never thought of this beautiful woman.

It is really amazing to have such a powerful strength.

I saw these people discussing:

“This fairy is really powerful.”

“She is now ranked second, directly surpassing the guy who was the Third Stage day.

“Maybe, she can still surpass the number one.”

“Really won the first place of Daozi!”

Ye Yuesheng heard what these people said.

My heart suddenly became curious about that Yaoqing Fairy.

I saw him looking at Fairy Yaoqing.

After looking at it carefully.

He shook his head slightly.

Directly secretly inwardly:

“This Fairy Yaoqing feels a little strange to me.

“Although she has a very outstanding look on her face now, even to the point where the country is overwhelming.”

“But that Jin Tiancheng can be regarded as a peerless arrogant, with a noble background, it is not that he has never seen stunning beauty.”

“.々If you don’t see this woman, you won’t be able to extricate yourself.”

“Pursuing her so desperately, this Jin Tiancheng obviously knows some secret things.”

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng raised his head and began to observe Jin Tiancheng.

It only took a while.

He found a trace of anomaly.

That Jin Tiancheng seemed to really like Fairy Yaoqing.

The eyes never left Fairy Yaoqing’s face, as if he was extremely obsessed with it.

Ye Yuesheng see here.

A bold thought (Zhao Lihao) flashed in his heart.

He secretly said in his heart:

“It is impossible for Tiangong to recruit some other purposeful guys in.”

“under these circumstances.

“That Fairy Yaoqing must be a woman with an innocent background.

“And if so

“At this time Fairy Yaoqing showed his face.”

“It shouldn’t be the real face.”

“Her true appearance must be quite amazing.”

“It’s even reached the point where you must use secret techniques to cover it up!”

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