Chapter 239 Endow

Ye Yuesheng flicked towards the front.

An invisible energy.

It appeared out of thin air.

Quietly suspended in front of Ye Yuesheng and the Queen of Blood.

After observing the energy for a few glances, Ye Yuesheng laughed and said:

“After the blood, as long as you refine this mass of energy.

“From now on, I will be able to freely enter and exit the world under my control.”

“With your current strength.”

“It should be able to be refined in an instant.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on the face of the Queen of Blood.

She didn’t say much, and immediately hooked towards the energy.

Refining it directly into his own avenue.

And after doing this.

The blood queen looked at Ye Yuesheng and said:

“I don’t know when your husband plans to start acting?”

“If you rush to Yunyin City now, it may take a lot of time.”

“Before you act, you should inform your disciples.”

“Make them mentally prepared.”

Finished saying this.

The Blood Queen seemed to have thought of something again.

With a light wave of her right hand, a blood-red jade slip appeared out of thin air.

Fall directly into the hands of the blood queen.

After scanning a few eyes slightly.

The blood queen handed this jade slip to Ye Yuesheng, and then said:

“This is a map of the Yunyin area, although there are not too many recorded places.”

“But with this map, your husband should be able to easily go to Yunyin City.”

“Even the ancestor Baimei was able to go to Yunyin City by mistake.

“With your husband’s ability, you must be able to get there easily.”

Ye Yuesheng said this after hearing the blood.

Nodded suddenly, he said:

“Although the ancestor Baimei is not strong.

“But when I was killing the ancestor Baimei.

“He once called for someone to avenge him.”

“After the blood, what do you think of this matter?,

“With my current strength.

“Can those enemies be defeated?”

Hearing the words after the blood queen, a smile flashed in his eyes.

She directly said:

“Husband, don’t worry.”

“What can the ancestor Baimei have, don’t you and I know?”

“Even if he ran into Yunyin City, he probably wouldn’t be able to reach any very powerful people.”

“After all, the strength of this guy’s body is just the second stage.

“At most, people who can only recognize the Fourth Stage of Heaven.”

“Even if you take the Grand Canal, worship a certain school.”

“His Master will only send people from the Third Stage Heaven to come over and pretend to be.

“.々A casual cultivator without any foundation, no one will stand up for him.”

“Husband, you don’t have to worry about this.”

Although at this moment, after the blood, I think very firmly.

The ancestor Baimei couldn’t let people come to avenge him.

But Ye Yuesheng still faintly flashed something wrong in his heart.

After he shook his head slightly, he spoke to the blood queen and said:

“In that case, put this matter aside for now.”

“When I am strong. (Zhao’s)”

“Even if someone really comes to avenge the ancestors of the white eyebrows in the future.”

“I will never let these people hurt you.”

Hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, the eyes of the Queen of Blood flashed with emotion.

She nodded lightly and smiled:

“After that, I will rely on you to protect my sentence.”

“Husband, you have to work hard to cultivate.”

After speaking, the blood turned into a white mist and entered Buwen Peak again.

Started his own cultivation. .

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