Chapter 238 Yunyin City

Ye Yuesheng heard the words of the Queen of Blood.

A hint of shock flashed across his eyes.

He never expected it.

In such a vast Yunyin area, only one city was built.

This is really incredible.

Then, after seeing Ye Yuesheng looking at the blood, he said:

“There is only one city in the entire cloud hidden area.”

“This is too abnormal.

“After the blood, can you explain to me, what is the reason?”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

The blood queen nodded and said directly:

“In fact, the reason why there is only one city in this cloud hidden area is very simple.”

“That’s because, in other places outside this city.”

“There is no way to improve your Cultivation Base.”

13 “Only in Yunyin City can you continuously and smoothly break through the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

After saying this, the Queen seemed to think of something again.

She went on to add:

“Actually, if the Cultivation Base is lower than the realm of Heavenly Dao.”

“It will not be affected by this restriction.

“But in the chaos.

“If there is no Cultivation Base in the realm of heaven.”

“It will be easier to encounter dangerous enemies.”

“So those whose Cultivation Base is below the realm of Heavenly Dao also choose to live in Yunyin City.”

After hearing the blood, I said this.

Ye Yuesheng’s eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of clarity.

After frowning slightly, he said:

“Unexpectedly, the environment here in Chaos actually has such restrictions.”

“I don’t know how capable that Yunyin City can actually make people break through the realm of Heavenly Dao.

After hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words, the blood queen continued to explain patiently:

“This involves the Heavenly Dao Monument.

“Only a city with a monument of Heavenly Dao is qualified to allow people to step into a higher realm of Heavenly Dao.

“And because in the entire Yunyin area, there is only one Heavenly Dao stele.

“So, someone chose to build the city there.

Finished saying this.

The Blood Queen seemed to have thought of something again.

She looked at Ye Yuesheng, glanced at it, and continued:

“And if there is no monument to Heaven.”

“Able to cultivate to the limit of Cultivation Base with my own efforts.”

“It’s the Third Stage of Heaven.”

“Since now, your husband, your Cultivation Base is the Third Stage Heaven.”

“Then Yunyin City, you must go.

After listening to these words.

Ye Yuesheng’s understanding of the chaotic world suddenly deepened a lot.

Although he has not yet touched the Heavenly Dao Monument.

But I also understand that this kind of thing is a very important existence for myself.

After Ye Yuesheng nodded slightly, he said:

“So that’s it, I finally understand now.

“Then in the next few days, I must leave for Yunyin City.”

After saying this, Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something again.

After looking at the blood in front of him, he continued:

“Just before I left.”

“I’d better open up your rights to 720 first.”

“Otherwise, it will be too much trouble for you to come to Chaos here, or to enter my world in the future.”

After the blood, I heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

A hint of happiness flashed in his eyes.

After she nodded slightly, she said with some joy:

“My husband, if you are willing to do this, it is naturally better.

“If I bother you every time I go in and out of Chaos.

“That’s really troublesome.

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately after hearing the words of the blood.

He did not hesitate at all.

He immediately gave the right to freely enter his own world directly to the Queen of Blood. .

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