Chapter 213 Team up against the enemy

Although Ye Yuesheng did not recall the identity of the Queen of Blood for the time being.

But the blood queen shrouded in the blood mist.

But in the first time.

The real identity of Ye Yuesheng was directly recognized.

After seeing her beautiful eyes flashing with excitement, she secretly said in her heart:

“After so many years.

“You finally got to this point.”

“As long as I kill the ancestor Baimei later, I will take back what belongs to you.”

“You can return to the original state.”

“By the time ”

“You must be able to remember that I am”

Thought of this.

The blood queen immediately turned his head, stared at the ancestor with white eyebrows in front, and said directly:

“Enough talking nonsense.”

“Old ancestor Baimei, you have done a lot of evil, and you will surely fall here today.”

“No matter who it is, I can never save you!”

“Be obedient to me!”

When the ancestor with white eyebrows on the opposite side heard this, a gloomy color flashed in his eyes.

He has planned for so many years.

Arranged so many back players.

Just to be able to swallow Ye Yuesheng.

But now, he was obstructed by this incarnation as the blood queen of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

This really made the ancestor Baimei angry.

I saw him grinning towards the back of the blood:

“Very well, since you are not willing to agree to my terms.”

“Then no matter what price I pay, I will kill you and that kid directly.”

“Even if it is a demon, in this world, it is absolutely impossible to be my opponent!!

After speaking, the ancestor white eyebrows screamed from the sky.

He clenched the sledgehammer in his hand again, and smashed towards the Queen of Blood and Ye Yuesheng fiercely.

I saw the great hammer just fell.

Black winds appeared out of thin air, as if to freeze everything in the world, directly rushing to the Queen of Blood and Ye Yuesheng.

The opposite blood queen and Ye Yuesheng, after seeing the offensive of the ancestor Baimei.

Naturally will not sit and wait for death.

After seeing the blood, he stretched out his right hand and waved it forward.

The blood mist all over her.

It keeps tumbling like boiling water.

A fierce blood-colored flood dragon appeared directly in front of him.

This scarlet dragon just appeared.

There was no pause, and he rushed directly toward the gust of yin wind, looking extremely mighty.

Ye Yuesheng next to him did not watch the game either.

He once again drew out the god-opening axe and directly attacked the ancestor Baimei.

I saw golden light bursts out of the axe blade like a stormy sea, frantically rushing to the ancestor Baimei.

Facing the strong combination of the two.

At this moment.

Even if the ancestors of the white eyebrows are already burning the order of the gods.

I also began to feel a great deal of pressure.

Just one is not careful.

He would be injured by the blood queen or Ye Yuesheng.

Become embarrassed.

This situation is at a disadvantage.

Naturally, the ancestors of the white eyebrows felt irritated 710.

He growled again and again.

Like a wounded beast, he began to launch a chaotic attack.

And the other side.

The daughters staying in Buwen Peak.

After seeing the appearance of blood, a hint of surprise appeared on his face one after another.

They never expected it.

Your own Master will have such a powerful helping hand.

This situation is too unexpected.

Ye Qingxian patted his chest and said with some relief:

“Master is amazing.”

“I know such a strong friend, so she can rush over to help.”

“With her help, Master will surely be able to win this battle.”

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