Chapter 212 condition

The ancestor Baimei saw that his attack was blocked.

A gloomy color flashed across his face.

He never expected it.

This represents the existence of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth, and it has come here so soon.


I saw the woman in front of the white-browed ancestor, and said:

“After the blood, I have no grievances with you, why do you want to stop me from devouring that kid?”

“As long as you don’t interfere this time.

“I will definitely meet your “July One Zero” requirement.”

“Even if you want to swallow all the creatures in these heavens and worlds, there is no problem!”

“My white eyebrows will never stop you.

“How about it, this condition is good!”

After speaking, the ancestor Baimei flashed with confidence in his heart.

He believed that any demon existed.

It is impossible to resist this temptation.

As long as this guy called the Queen of Blood does not stop himself from devouring Ye Yuesheng.

It would be indifferent at all to be regarded as all the creatures of the heavens and worlds being swallowed by her.

After the big deal, I will spend some mana to reshape some heaven and earth creatures.

Even if this is the case, the loss of the heavens and the world will become very serious.

But as long as we can diligently improve Cultivation Base again, no matter what the price is, the ancestor Baimei will choose to pay willingly.

And the other side.

After the blood queen heard this paragraph.

The figure shrouded in the blood mist suddenly let out a sneer.

She stared at the ancestor Baimei, and said coldly:

“what a pity.

“I chose to incarnate as a demon.”

“Then it became the source of the great calamity here.”

“Not to slaughter sentient beings.

“It’s to completely kill you, this fellow.”

“You don’t have to waste your tongue.

“Just give me death obediently.”

Hearing this, the eyes of the ancestor Baimei suddenly flashed a gloomy color.

Although he knew it a long time ago.

There was something wrong with this incarnation of the Heavenly Demon who became the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

But now it is absolutely unexpected.

This woman was facing the temptation to slaughter sentient beings.

It was actually able to resist it, and directly rejected him.

You have to know the race of demon.

But the bloodiest existence.

They live in chaos, specially choose to invade the place where heaven was born, and constantly plunder the flesh and blood inside.

He is a well-known invader from Heaven.

Anyone who has reached the realm of Heavenly Dao in Cultivation Base must deal with these celestial demons very carefully.

Lest they hurt the world they control.

Ye Yuesheng, who was not far away, heard the conversation between the blood queen and the ancestor Baimei.

An inexplicable color flashed in his eyes suddenly.

Just passed a few words from the two.

He already has another level of understanding of these heavens and myriad worlds.

It turned out that after his Cultivation Base reached the realm of heaven.

Not to sit back and relax.

But continue to face enemies outside of Chaos.

This woman named the Queen of Blood.

This is the source of the great calamity of the heavens and the earth among the heavens and the world.

Although the identity of this woman is very special nowadays.

But because she just saved Ye Yuesheng.

So at this moment, Ye Yuesheng doesn’t really dislike her.

Instead, 5.8 is vaguely in my heart.

There was a very familiar feeling.

It seems that he had been in contact with this woman named the Queen of Blood a long time ago.


No matter how Ye Yuesheng thinks.

But there was always a layer of mist shrouded in his heart, so that he could not really recall the identity of the woman.

This strange phenomenon.

Ye Yuesheng felt helpless in his heart.

After shook his head slightly, he temporarily left the matter behind. .

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