Chapter 204 Fusion

After the ancestor Baimei came.

Immediately began to merge with the undead Taoist.

In order to conceal the perception of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

Next, I saw the inside of the halo.

The undead Taoist’s huge fat body.

As if melted.

It instantly turned into black sludge and began to wriggle slightly.

And the other side.

The white-browed ancestor who just appeared here.

It is constantly manipulating these black mud.

Let them turn into a dark black armor to wrap your body.

It only took a while.

The ancestor Baimei covered himself up and down.

Not even a trace of the gap was exposed.

And after doing this.

The ancestor Baimei nodded in satisfaction.

He secretly said in his heart:

“Although adopting this approach will reduce part of my strength.

“But as long as it can cover the perception of the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

“I can easily swallow Ye Yuesheng completely.”

Although the ancestor Baimei is now the representative of the heavens of the heavens and myriad worlds.

But in fact.

He was spotted by a mysterious existence called the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

Just reveal your true body to the world.

The mysterious existence that represents the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth will be immediately sensed.

Then they descended into the world together and began to frantically attack the ancestors with white eyebrows.

Face this difficult problem.

The ancestor Baimei thought hard for a long time.

Then came up with a solution.

He expended much effort.

Remodeled a clone that has nothing to do with him.

Then let this clone replace oneself and act secretly in the world, in order to find opportunities to make up for one’s own natural path defects.

As soon as this clone finds an opportunity, it will start to notify the ancestors of the white eyebrows.

Let the ancestor Baimei choose the time.

Completely swallow the chance.


I saw the ancestor with white eyebrows who had completely concealed his breath.

After a long roar from the sky.

He directly blasted a punch towards the front, directly dispelling the halo scattered around him.

And Ye Yuesheng after seeing this scene.

A dignified color flashed in his eyes suddenly.

Now under his perception.

The ancestor of the white eyebrows who has integrated the immortal Taoist.

It was able to burst out such a powerful strength.

It really cannot be underestimated.

Seeing a trace of killing intent appeared on Ye Yuesheng’s face, he clenched the God’s Axe tightly, and immediately struck the ancestor with white eyebrows.

Brilliant golden light.

Like a stormy sea, it burst out from the ax blade in an instant, and pressed against the ancestor Baimei.

And the ancestor Baimei on the opposite side, after seeing this scene.

A trace of disdain flashed across his face.

He smiled at Ye Yuesheng and said:

*.々You don’t only have this strength, do you/”?”

“If this is the case, Ye Yuesheng, you can only be swallowed by me obediently.

“No matter who appears, there is no way you can escape the fate of falling.”

Finished saying this.

The black armor covering the body of the ancestor with white eyebrows suddenly showed huge eyes.

(Zhao’s Zhao) These eyes seem to have will.

At this moment, he was staring at Ye Yuesheng with very bitter eyes.

Seeing this, the ancestor Baimei laughed immediately and roared.

Immediately blasted a blow at Ye Yuesheng.

Afterwards, I saw very dark beams, bursting out from the eyes of the armor instantly.

As if to destroy the world, he bombarded Ye Yuesheng away.

And just in the next moment.

These two immense energies collided together. Library,

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