Chapter 203 Steal the day


Just in the immortal Taoist.

About to be completely killed by Ye Yuesheng.

The ancestor Baimei finally passed the secret technique.

Successfully transferred himself to the undead Taoist.


I saw the undead Taoist’s body split in half.

After a slight flash of light.

Then burst out a very strong momentum.

The law of life played by Ye Yuesheng was completely ejected.

And the other side.

When Ye Yuesheng saw this scene.

A dignified thirteen colors flashed in his eyes suddenly.

Just now.

He has already felt a powerful existence and has directly come here.

If there are no accidents.

The guy who appeared in front of him now.

It should be the guy named Baimei Old Ancestor.

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng did not hesitate at all.

Immediately, he directly attacked the ancestor Baimei who was fusing the undead Taoists in front of him.

I saw a slight movement of his right hand.

The god-opening axe that exudes countless sacred lights immediately appeared in his hand.

He glanced at the immortal Taoist slightly.

Ye Yuesheng waved his right hand and directly launched the strongest attack on his body.

I saw a dazzling golden light that burst out from the axe blade instantly, as if to destroy the heavens and the earth, rushing towards the undead Taoist.

And the other side.

The white-browed ancestor who is merging with the undead Taoist.

After seeing this scene.

A strong killing intent flashed in his eyes suddenly.

The ancestor Baimei gave a low voice.

The Taoist god ring appeared out of thin air near the body of the undead Taoist.

Just like an eggshell, wrap yourself directly.


Just the next moment.

Ye Yuesheng’s attack has also come to the ancestor Baimei.

I saw that bright golden light, with a sharp and sharp aura, directly hit the circle of gods.

In an instant burst of endless brilliance.

People can’t even open their eyes.

When Ye Qingxian and the others in the profound realm saw this, a look of shock suddenly flashed in their eyes.

That immortal Taoist was about to be beaten to death by Ye Yuesheng.

Unexpectedly, something happened again.

in this situation.

It is really unexpected.

Seeing that Ye Qingxian watched the battle erupting outside the profound realm, he said with some worry:

“Now the situation has changed Master of the fighting.”

“There is an unknown existence that suddenly came here.”

“It makes me feel very uncomfortable.”

And after hearing this, Chu Qingyin on the side also nodded.

She said:

“Now in these heavens and ten thousand realms.”

“Can cause threat to the Master.”

“It’s almost gone.

“If inferred from this kind of thinking.”

“The guy who appeared in front of us now should be the so-called Dao of Heaven.

When all the girls heard Chu Qingyin’s words, there was a flash of shock in their eyes.

They didn’t think of it in their hearts.

The heavenly way of the 707 of the heavens.

It actually came in this way.

It was too unexpected.

And the other side.

At this moment, Ye Yuesheng is also observing the situation of the undead Taoist.

After seeing his brows wrinkled slightly, he secretly said in his heart:

“This ancestor with white eyebrows, just through a low drink.

“It actually resisted my attack.

“It seems that the Cultivation Base on this guy has reached an unimaginable level.”

“If you don’t pay some price.”

“I’m afraid I can hardly defeat the ancestor Baimei.”

Thought of this.

Ye Yuesheng began to mobilize the power of the heavens around him, and constantly strengthen his own strength. ,

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