Chapter 171 The Departure of Mount Kinabalu

The many giants of Shenshan.

It didn’t take much effort.

Then easily took control of the strong people of Gedai.


See you when the undead Taoist ~ Behind the scenes.

A smile flashed across his face.

I saw the undead Taoist nodded slightly, and said:

“Very good, now that the entire sacred mountain is ready.”

“Then Lu Ruhai, you will be the one in command of all the disciples and start attacking the Profound Realm.”

“Don’t waste any more time.”

“Get rid of the power of the Profound Realm as soon as possible.

Hear the words of the immortal Taoist.

Lu Ruhai naturally won’t have the slightest delay.

After a dignified color flashed on his face, he said:

“Don’t worry about the undead Taoist.

“I will inevitably lead the entire sacred mountain to successfully attack the Profound Realm.”

“Ye Yuesheng, Cultivation Base of Xuanjie, no matter how powerful it is.

“It’s definitely not the opponent of our sacred mountain.”

After speaking, he saw Lu Ruhai turn around and said directly to the many disciples:

“Listen to the disciples!”

“Although our Mount Kinabalu has experienced a failure.”

“But this attack Shenshan has already received the help of heaven.

“So there will be victory in the future.

“Now, follow me to break through the profound realm.”

“I believe that after this war.”

“The mountain will be immortal forever!

Those disciples below.

After hearing this.

A raging war in his eyes immediately ignited.

They looked up to the sky and uttered several roars.

Started to move in the direction of the profound realm.

The attack of Mount Kinabalu.

It seems to be to demonstrate their incomparable power.

It didn’t establish a vast array of voids, and it was directly teleported outside the profound realm.

Instead, he kept advancing toward the profound realm through flying.

And in this case.

The movement of Mount Kinabalu.

Naturally it will be observed by other powerful forces.

Those powerful forces, after seeing this scene.

Naturally, I felt extremely shocked inside.

They never expected it.

Soon after being defeated, the mountain has made a comeback again.

This speed is really amazing.

At this moment, I saw a certain emperor realm strong standing in the void, looking at the marching queue of the sacred mountain.

A hint of shock could not help flashing in his eyes.

He said:

“Unexpectedly, only a few days have passed.”

“This Mount Kinabalu launched an offensive again, and this offensive is far stronger than before.”

“Really incredible.

“under these circumstances.”

“Even if Ye Yuesheng from the Profound Realm is more powerful, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist this offensive.”

Except for this emperor realm powerhouse.

At this time, other strong men have the same inner thoughts.

They hesitated for a moment.

They immediately followed the team of Mount Kinabalu.

I want to witness the greatest battle between the world and the earth with my own eyes.

And the other side.

In the Buwen Peak of the Profound Realm.

At this time, Tianjizi, who was deducing the movement of the sacred mountain, suddenly flashed an unbelievable color on his face.

He rose from the straw mat and looked at the horizon in the distance.

There was an incredible look directly in his eyes.

I saw Tianjizi mutter to himself:

“How can this be!

“Kamiyama actually attacked so quickly.”

“It’s been a few days since the last battle.”

“What method did Shenshan use to restore its vitality in such a short period of time?”

Tianjizi remembers it clearly.

The seven giants of Shenshan, in the previous battle.

They have all been beaten to death by Ye Yuesheng.

Even these giants Cultivation Base are advanced.

It is impossible to fully regain vitality without a decade of time.

How could it be in such a short time.

He came to the Profound Realm again.

This is simply impossible.

Thought of this.

Tianjizi did not dare to delay the slightest.

He immediately used his physical skills.

When I came to the lobby of Buwen Peak, I wanted to tell Ye Yuesheng about it directly.

I saw it above the hall.

Tianjizi said with an anxious expression:

“Master, the disciple has already calculated that the sacred mountain is about to come in a few days.”

“What do you think we should do?”

“Senior sisters and their Cultivation Base have not yet been upgraded, so they have to face such a powerful enemy.”

“If the response is not good this time.”

“I am afraid that the entire Profound Realm will suffer a huge disaster.”

Ye Yuesheng, who was in the main seat, suddenly showed a smile on his face after hearing this.

He directly said to Tianjizi:

“You are right.”

“Sacred Mountain is indeed about to come.”

“It’s just that, before they came, I was well prepared.

“You don’t have to worry too much.

“Look carefully at how Qingxian and the others eliminated the people from the mountain.”

…Please ask for flowers……

Tianjizi heard Ye Yuesheng’s words.

The heart that was originally hanging was immediately let go.

After he nodded slightly, he said directly:

“The Master is so calm at the moment.

“I must have already figured out how to deal with the mountain.”

“In this case.

“The disciple is relieved.

“With the Master, that mountain will definitely not be able to penetrate the profound realm.”

“My celestial machine absolutely believes in the master’s strength.”

Tianjizi’s voice just fell.

Ye Qingxian and others, who were in retreat, also came to the hall and spoke directly to Ye Yuesheng:

“Master, within these few days.”

“Although our strength hasn’t grown too much, the cooperation between each other has gone further.”

“Presumably when facing the sacred mountain.”

“Definitely be able to beat them down.”

“So the next time you go to war with Mount Kinabalu, Master, you don’t have to take action again.

“We are enough.

Ye Yuesheng heard the words and a smile suddenly appeared on his face.

He nodded slightly and said:

“You guys did a great job.”

“The calligraphy and painting that the teacher gave to you before.

“In addition to being able to take it out to face the enemy alone.”

“They can also form a large array of each other, and further exert the true power of calligraphy and painting.”

“As long as you work together.”

“Even if you encounter the biggest enemy, you can easily kill them.”

Hear Ye Yuesheng’s appreciation.

The eyes of Ye Qingxian and others flashed with joy.

They feel at this time.

These days and nights, I have been studying calligraphy and painting, and I have done it right.

Next, I saw the big disciple Fan Xian looking at Tianjizi, and said:

“Little Junior Brother, aren’t you calculating the movement of Shenshan?’

“Why come here.

“Have you found something already?”

Tianjizi heard this.

A wry smile flashed across his face.

It seems to be in Buwen Peak.

Only he and the Master knew in advance that Shenshan would attack the profound realm in a few days.

Tian Jizi stretched out his right arm, pointed outside the profound realm, and said:

“Master sister, just when you are comprehending calligraphy and painting.

“The mountain has recovered and is ready to attack the profound realm again.”

“If we can’t resist this time, I’m afraid it will really be wiped out!”

“Fortunately, you have already understood those calligraphy and painting.”

“Otherwise it would be a bit bad.”

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