Chapter 170 Failed control

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The undead Taoist is unruly and rebellious.

As soon as he appeared on the stage, he mocked the Hei Mi off in public.

Hei Mi Ke felt extremely angry.

Then, after a smirk flashed across Heimike’s face, he directly urged the token.

Attempt to torture the immortal Taoist directly.

Let the immortal body feel that life is not as good as death.

I saw this token just moved.

The whole body of the undead Taoist.

Then began to flash a dazzling red light, constantly eroding his will, looking extremely terrifying.

And the other side.

When the Huatianjiao’s Hei Mi off saw this behind the scenes.

A hint of happiness flashed across his face.

He directly said:

“Undead Taoist, although you used to have the reputation of Megatron.

“But now in front of me, you are nothing more than a trivial existence.”

“If you know it.

“Just follow me to attack the Profound Realm together.”

“Otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite.

Hearing this, the undead Taoist suddenly flashed a sneer in his eyes.

I saw a flash of black light all over him.

The red light on the body surface was directly covered by the black light.

At this time, the 687 token in Hei Mi Ke’s hand did not seem to have any effect on him at all.

And other sacred mountain giants see this.

A hint of shock flashed across his face.

They never expected it.

The undead Taoist actually has the ability to resist the token’s control.

this matter.

Patriarch didn’t mention it.

And the other side.

When the undead Taoist saw the look of these sacred mountain giants.

A trace of contempt flashed across his face.

He said directly:

“Although you can’t control me.”

“But I will also take action against the enemies of the mountain.”

“So wait until the other old monsters come out, don’t dare anymore, and immediately start attacking the profound realm!”

After saying this, the immortal Taoist seemed to have thought of something again.

He looked condescendingly at Hei Mi Ke, and continued to speak:

“You kid don’t make tricks for me.”

“Otherwise, the Taoist people will be welcome.”

Hei Mi Ke heard this.

His face suddenly became extremely blue.

He expended a lot of mana to activate the token, but he couldn’t help this immortal Taoist. This really made him feel extremely ashamed.

After seeing a faint healing color flashing on Heimike’s face, he urged the token again.

Trying to let the undead Taoist obey his orders.

And the undead Taoist standing in the void.

Behind the scenes after seeing this.

A flash of incomparable killing intent flashed across his eyes.

He didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately activated the profound arts in his body, and directly threw a punch at Heimike.

Everyone only heard a loud noise.

The Heimike who was urging the token was knocked out.

The breath of the whole person became wilting.

Those sacred mountain giants see this.

A hint of horror flashed across his face.

You know, Huatianjiao’s Heimike is quite powerful.

The existence that can knock him out in one blow.

Apart from Ye Yuesheng, I am afraid that there is only one’s own ancestor, the ancestor of Baimei.

I saw Lu Ruhai of the Zixiao Gate, and looked at the invisible Taoist with a little jealousy.

He secretly said inwardly:

“What the hell does this guy come from.”

“Our ancestor master’s token can’t control him. This is really amazing.”

“If you attack the Profound Realm later.

“This immortal Taoist is making trouble, I’m afraid our Shenshan will encounter a lot of trouble.”

And that immortal Taoist.

Seeing what Lu Ruhai looked like.

After rolling his eyes, he seemed to have guessed Lu Ruhai’s heart.

I saw the undead Taoist speak:

“To tell you the truth, I have an extraordinary relationship with your ancestor Baimei ancestor.

“Don’t think of me and other old monsters as beings of the same level.

“If you disrespect me again.

“This Daoist will let you experience what it’s like to live is better than to die.”

Heard this.

Lu Ruhai suddenly felt the danger of falling.

He lived so long.

This kind of breath can only be felt from Ye Yuesheng and his ancestor.

What is the origin of this immortal Taoist? It is really amazing to be able to raise his Cultivation Base (bdfi) to this level.

Except for Lu Ruhai.

The other sacred mountain giants were also silent at this time.

They never expected that there would be an existence beyond their control.

And the other side.

The Heimike, who was knocked into the air by the undead Taoist, heard the words of the undead Taoist.

The original face was extremely green.

Also became pale.

He just wanted to control such powerful characters.

It’s too overwhelming.

Fortunately, the immortal Taoist didn’t care about him, otherwise he would be finished.

And just when the giants of Shenshan were shocked.

Inside the mysterious forbidden area of ​​Mount Kinabalu.

That figure represents the way of heaven.

Appeared again in this misty space.

I saw this person glance at the front lightly.

The sight of the undead Taoist eating the emptiness appeared in his pupils.

I saw the founder of this sacred mountain, muttering to himself:

“The immortal Taoist serves as my clone of walking in the world.”

“It will certainly be able to bring great help to this attack on the Mount Kinabalu.”

“if things go smoothly

“It can become the vehicle for me to directly descend into the Profound Realm.”

“Even if there is the existence of great calamity.”

“It will definitely not affect me to swallow Ye Yuesheng.”

After saying this, the ancestor Baimei seemed to have thought of something.

A frantic smile suddenly appeared on his face.

As if in the next moment.

He would be able to completely capture the Profound Realm, and then obtain what he wanted.

And the other side.

After the undead Taoist appeared.

The other old monsters also stepped on Shattering Void and came directly to the camp of the mountain.

These old monsters.

Compared with the immortal Taoist.

totally different.

Their faces were extremely dull.

It seems that under the influence of those red lights, most of the intelligence has been lost.

Only the basic reaction is left.


Even so.

These Gedai figures who exude extremely powerful strength.

Standing side by side in the void.

Still let the people of the mountain feel terrified.

I saw Lu Ruhai at the Zixiao Gate.

After carefully observing one of the strong.

He began to urge the token in his hand, trying to order this strong man to act according to his own ideas.

Next, I saw Lu Ruhai’s right palm, emitting a faint red light.

That strong Gedai figure.

He started to act directly according to his inner thoughts.

See this for Lu Ruhai.

A hint of joy flashed across his face.

He laughed and said:

“These tokens are really powerful enough.”

“As long as we have the help of these powerful people, our Shenshan will surely be able to conquer the profound realm.”

And when other giants saw that Lu Ruhai could command those strong.

He didn’t hesitate.

Try it immediately.

It only took a while.

Those Gedai powerhouses standing in the void directly exploded with astonishing aura, shocking the entire disciples of the mountain. .

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