Chapter 168 All parties are ready

Enter Buwen Peak.

I saw Ye Yuesheng looking at Ye Qingxian and others, and said:

“This time our Profound Realm is able to repel the offensive of the Shenshan Mountain.”

“It’s all the result of everyone’s concerted efforts.”

“If someone doesn’t try their best, I’m afraid the Profound Realm will suffer a lot of blows.”

Finished saying this.

Ye Yuesheng seemed to have thought of something.

He waved his right hand forward.

Directly in mid-air.

There were dozens of calligraphy and paintings that kept shining with golden light.

After scanning these calligraphy and painting slightly.

Ye Yuesheng said directly:

“In order to reward your contributions to the Profound Realm and Buwen Peak.”

“This time my teacher decided to give you all these powerful calligraphy and paintings.

“As long as you have these things.

“Even the existence above the emperor realm cannot harm you.”

Hear what Ye Yuesheng said.

Ye Qingxian and the others present suddenly flashed joy in their eyes.

Although their current Cultivation Base is already extremely high.

However, those giants facing the sacred mountain and other hidden old monsters are still somewhat powerless.

If the previous battle.

Without the profound formation as a refuge.

I am afraid that any sacred mountain giant can cause significant harm to them.

Next, he saw a smile on the face of the Ling Yao Yao, and said:

“The Master is so kind to us.

“This kind of calligraphy and painting is so powerful that it can harm the existence above the emperor realm.

“I’m afraid they are all valuable treasures.”

“Just give it to us, Master, don’t you feel bad about it, Master?”

Ye Yuesheng laughed immediately after hearing the words.

He directly said:

“Monster, these things are nothing but things outside of the body.”

“As long as you can protect your safety, even if it is precious, I am willing to give it to you.”

Upon hearing the words, the women’s eyes flashed with joy.

In my heart, I felt that I was able to worship Ye Yuesheng at the beginning.

It is really lucky.

After that, Ye Qingxian waved his hand forward and put a few calligraphy and paintings in his bag, and then said:

“Since the Master said so.

“Then Qingxian is welcome.”

“If the giants of the gods still dare to commit crimes in the future, Qingxian will definitely make them come back!”

When Ye Yuesheng heard this, he couldn’t help but nodded.

I saw him looking at the darkened sky not far away, and said:

“This time I will give you calligraphy and painting as a teacher, which is also a rainy day.”

“After all, the mountain is retreating at this time.

“But their ambition to capture the profound world will not disappear.”

“Maybe in the near future, the mountain will make a comeback again.”

“Therefore, we must not be proud of a victory.”

“You have to be cautious at all times.

Tianjizi, not far away, nodded slightly after hearing Ye Yuesheng’s words.

He directly spoke:

“The Master is right.

“When the sacred mountain was retreating, Tuer took the opportunity to calculate.”

“Want to see how lucky they are.

“I didn’t expect the final result to be so amazing.”

After speaking, he saw Tianjizi shook his head slightly, and continued with some helplessness:

“Although these sacred mountain giants were defeated by the Master with one move.”

“But their luck did not fall but rose instead, and instead became more vigorous!”

Ye Qingxian and others heard this.

Unbelievable colors flashed in his eyes.

The battle of Mount Kinabalu.

Inch of merit has not been built.

In the eyes of the world, it is a shameful thing.

They can continue to improve their luck, which is too amazing.

I saw a trace of worry flashing in Ye Qingxian’s eyes, and said:

“Master, this sacred mountain is really difficult.

“We have been beaten to this point, and they can actually improve their luck.”

“If the fight afterwards.

“Let’s be too careless.”

“I am afraid that the entire Profound Realm will suffer unimaginable disasters.

When the other disciples heard Ye Qingxian’s words, there was also a hint of worry in Xiu’s eyes.

The strength of the mountain is strong.

It is really shocking.

When Ye Yuesheng saw this, a slight smile flashed across his face.

He said:

“You don’t have to worry too much. Everything in the world has a pattern of ups and downs.”

“Sacred Mountain’s luck is after reaching the limit.

“It will usher in a decline.

“At that time, it will be the best time for our Profound Realm to completely slay the mountain.”

“You have to seize the opportunity.”

At the same time Ye Yuesheng was talking with his apprentice.

I don’t know how far away from the Profound Realm.

In the mysterious forbidden area of ​​Mount Kinabalu, those giants have also come out.

Lu Ruhai of the Zixiao Gate opened his mouth and said:

“Through this visit to Master Patriarch.

“Our strength has grown a lot.”

“Except for this.”

“We are even more able to find those hidden old monsters and let them work for us.”

“If you can’t break through the profound world under these conditions, Ye Yuesheng will be killed.”

“I’m afraid Master Grandpa will punish the entire sacred mountain.”

When the others heard this, a dignified color flashed in their eyes.

Don’t look at the mysterious forbidden area just now.

The founder of Shenshan was very kind to them.

But if the task is not completed, the founder of Shenshan will never think of incense and directly impose extremely severe punishment.

Let them feel that life is better than death.

I saw Heimike squinted his eyes and said:

“Brother Lu, you are worrying too much.

“We have such a big improvement of 683, we can’t solve the profound realm yet.”

“It really shouldn’t be.”

“Being punished by Master Patriarch is also a matter of course.”

Finished saying this.

Hei Mi Ke seemed to have thought of something.

He stretched out his right hand, called out a token that was shining with red light, and continued:

“Unexpectedly, in the original rumors, the undead Taoist who had already fallen is still alive.

“If you have the help of this guy.”

“Penetrating that profound realm is indeed like a tiger with wings, it’s quite simple.”

Lu Ruhai looked at the token in Hei Mi Ke’s hand, and a smile appeared on his face.

I saw that he also stretched out his right hand.

He directly summoned a token that also emits red light, and said:

“The founder of Pai Pai is really amazing.

“These old guys who disturbed the world in the past are actually under his control.

“Really surprising.”

“It’s been such a long time.”

“It’s really unexpected that these old guys are still active in the world.

After speaking, Lu Ruhai couldn’t wait to look in a certain direction.

He continued:

“Since our injuries are healed now.”

“Then call these old guys over as soon as possible, and then all the sects will take a break and then they can attack the profound realm.

“Next time we attack, we will definitely solve Ye Yuesheng this kid!”.

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