Chapter 167 Recovery and token

The founder of Shenshan.

Pass the new cultivation technique to Lu Ruhai and others.

It did not disappear directly from the crowd.

Instead, he continued to speak:

“Very good, although your strength has been greatly improved now.

“But there are still a lot of injuries from the battle.

“I will lose some vitality right now, and I will completely recover you.”

Finished saying this.

I saw the founding ancestor of Shenshan, who directly waved a few white lights and integrated it into the bodies of Lu Ruhai and others.

I saw these white lights.

When I first met Lu Ruhai and others.

They directly cured their injuries.

And these sacred mountain giants, after feeling the incomparable vitality in the body.

Ecstasy flashed across his face.

To know.

Ye Yuesheng’s attack was quite powerful.

Relying on ordinary means, it is impossible to suppress the injuries he caused by “six-eight-three”.

It is almost impossible to heal an injury in an instant.

If it were not for the Cultivation Base of these sacred mountain giants, they had already reached a certain height.

I’m afraid on the way to escape.

He had already screamed for his life long ago.

Next, after these sacred mountain giants recovered well.

Immediately, he was extremely excited and said to the founder of Shenshan:

“Master Cultivation Base is unique in the world.

“Then Ye Yuesheng must have never imagined that the master healed our injury in just an instant.”

“Now we all have to prepare for the various schools of Shenshan.”

“You can immediately attack Xuanjie and Ye Yuesheng!”

“Then Ye Yuesheng absolutely couldn’t predict that we would make a comeback so soon.”

“Under this offensive, the group of people in the Profound Realm is bound to be difficult to resist, and can only be slaughtered.”

Heard this.

The founder of the sacred mountain suddenly shook his head slightly.

He said:

“Although your ideas are good.”

“But only with the power of the mountain now.”

“If you want to deal with this kid Ye Yuesheng, I’m afraid there is something wrong.

Hearing this, Lu Ruhai’s eyes suddenly flashed a hint of doubt.

He directly said:

“Master, our current strength is compared with before.”

“There has been a lot of progress.

“Even if there are only these sects of Shenshan, it is enough to solve the Profound Realm and Ye Yuesheng.”

“Could it be that Ye Yuesheng is really so powerful.”

“Do we need to make additional preparations before we can get rid of him?”

When the founder of Shenshan heard this, he immediately smiled.

He said:

“Lu Ruhai, you got it wrong.

“I’m not saying that your current strength can’t solve Ye Yuesheng.”

“It’s about adding a little more insurance.

“Later, as long as you look for those hidden old monsters, let them help.”

“When I deal with Ye Yuesheng, I feel like a tiger is even more powerful.

Hearing these words, a trace of entanglement flashed across the face of Lu Ruhai, the Zixiao gate.

He said:

“Master, although those old monsters are powerful.”

“But they have been hidden for many years and will not show up unless they encounter a catastrophe.

“What kind of method should the disciple use.”

“Can these old monsters bow their heads to the mountain?”

Before Lu Ruhai and others.

When attacking the Profound Realm.

Did not really mobilize all the masters of the heavens and the world.

Some old monsters in pursuit of a higher level.

Did not follow the mountain ー to shoot at the same time.

They have always stayed in a secret place for cultivation.

Only when you encounter a catastrophe that you can’t avoid, you will appear to cross the catastrophe.

Other times.

These people are hard to find.

Therefore, even if the Cultivation Base of Lu Ruhai and others is extremely high, it is difficult to find them.

Not to mention ordering them to attack the profound realm.

The founder of Shenshan laughed when he heard what Lu Ruhai said.

He said:

“It’s actually quite easy for you to find those old monsters.”

“Just hold this token.

“You can order them to let these people take orders from you.”

“Although some people are rebellious, they already have their life and soul aura on this token.”

“They are absolutely unable to fight you.

“With the help of these old monsters, Ye Yuesheng will be no matter how powerful it is.

“I can’t resist your offensive.”

After saying this, the founding father of Mount Kinabalu snapped his fingers.

Directly sent several tokens emitting red light to Lu Ruhai and the others.

“You refine this token.”

“Just took the lives of those old monsters directly.”

“Then you can order them to do things for you.”

After speaking, the founder of Shenshan seemed to have thought of something again.

After he sneered, he continued:

“These people are actually talented people

“When I was young, I was almost the same as Ye Yuesheng.

“It’s a pity that Cultivation Base is successful.”

“We have to fight against Heaven.

“So in the end I can only hold their lives in my hands.”

When Lu Ruhai and others heard this, surprises flashed in their eyes.

Just relying on the passage of the ancestor just now.

They can be sure.

These people are extremely powerful masters.

With the help of such a master, killing Ye Yuesheng is just a fairly easy task.

Next, I saw Lu Ruhai and the others, hurriedly operating the profound arts in the body, directly refining the tokens in their hands.

After doing this.

The self-confidence of these sacred mountain giants.

Has reached the peak.

They believed that when they attacked the Profound Realm again, they would definitely be able to kill Ye Yuesheng.

And the founder of the mountain.

After seeing my disciple give the token to refining.

A hint of satisfaction flashed across his face.

He waved his hand and said directly:

“Since your current strength has been greatly improved.

“Then you don’t have to stay here.”

“Hurry up and kill Ye Yuesheng this kid!”

Hearing that, Lu Ruhai and others naturally did not dare to disobey the order.

They respectfully knocked their heads at the founder of the mountain.

They left this forbidden area directly.

Back in the sacred mountain, planning to start the second attack on the mysterious world 5.8 plan. .

And the other side.

Just when the strength of Lu Ruhai and others was greatly improved.

In Buwen Peak within the profound world.

Ye Yuesheng is also beginning to improve the strength of his apprentice.

He glanced at Ye Qingxian and the other women, then laughed:

“This time you repelled the attack of the mountain.

“Done very well.”

“In order to reward your credit, I have specially created a lot of powerful calligraphy and painting for the teacher.”

“There must be their help.

“You must be able to walk more securely on the path of spiritual practice.”

Ye Qingxian and others heard this.

Xiumu suddenly flashed an extremely happy expression.

They have followed Ye Yuesheng for so many years, and they have long known that what Ye Yuesheng gives is good.

With these calligraphy and paintings, even if you encounter the most powerful enemies, you will surely be able to smooth them out.

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