Chapter 127 Evolution is true!

Ye Yuesheng didn’t say anything, but took out a stone carving work.

It is a very strange statue, I can’t tell what it looks like.

Even in the cognition of these imperial peak powerhouses, they have never seen such a creature in the heavens and the earth.

However, the body carved in stone has a strong breath of life.

It seems that it is not a stone carving, but a living object.

This is not surprising at all.

Although this method of creation is far beyond the ordinary imperial realm powerhouse, Ye Senior’s previous paintings and writing have already raised their psychological expectations to a very high level.

Seeing such a stone carving again at this moment, on the contrary, there is a feeling that it is nothing more than this.

However, the first two treasures have been taken away at high prices.

Now this thing, even if it is not as good as the calligraphy and painting in front, will be of great help to them, the powerhouses of the emperor realm.

There are also people who are willing to bid at a high price for “Six, Six, Three”.

Perhaps, the pressure of competition is less, and I have hope to shoot?

Everyone thought in their hearts, but at this moment, the stone carving suddenly moved forward and then disappeared.

At the next moment, there was a stone carving with a completely different shape and breath, which appeared in another place not far away.

When everyone was surprised, they saw that the stone carving was gone again.

Then, a new stone carving appeared in another location.

These stone carvings constantly change positions and shapes.

Sometimes it turns into a dragon, sometimes it turns into a tiger, and sometimes it turns into a weird look.

Everyone just felt overwhelmed.

Suddenly, the stone carving stopped and began to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

First it looked like a bug, then it turned into a fish.

Then it turned into a beast and a bird.

Then he becomes a person, and constantly changes his appearance.

Suddenly it swish again, and it turned into a huge stone egg.

“This is” Taoist Taiqing’s pupils shrank slightly.

“Evolution True Spirit, this is Evolution True Spirit!” Someone screamed out of the crowd.

As soon as this remark came out, the expression of someone was shocked and dumbfounded.

But there are still many people who are still at a loss.

Even if they are already the peak powers of the emperor realm, many people are still creatures that have existed since the beginning of the world, but it is the first time they have heard of the title of “Evolution True Spirit”.

“What is the true spirit of evolution?” someone couldn’t help but ask.

“The so-called evolving true spirit refers to the gods and demons that can evolve all things and create heaven and earth. This world is created by an evolving true spirit.”

Someone spoke slowly and explained.


It’s like being detonated.

The crowd fell into a terrible and dead silence first, and then bursts of cold breath sounded.

Even many people were so excited that the sound of their heartbeats came back.

“The true spirit of evolution was salivating in the chaos. It was originally just an inanimate stone. It was bred by the aura of chaos. It took an unknown amount of time before it could break out of the stone.

Someone said so.

In fact, there is no need to explain.

The gods and demons open the sky, who is not clear about these things?

Many people existed before the world opened up, and even experienced it firsthand.

Because of this, they also know more clearly what it means to evolve the true spirit.

“Impossible, this is impossible, how could he get the true spirit of evolution?”

Qin Huaijian seemed to be crazy, staring at the stone carving, muttering to himself.

This is incredible.

If we talk about the characters and paintings in front, as long as the strength is high enough and the attainments in them are deep enough, there is still hope that they can be done.

Then, the evolution of the true spirit in front of him was completely beyond his expectations.

This is not something human can do.

It was also the first time that Qin Huaijian had doubts about the strength of Shenshan.

In the face of an existence that can easily take out an evolutionary real spirit for auction, does Shenshan really have the ability to fight?

Not only Qin Huaijian, but the faces of the other four Shenshan disciples were also extremely ugly.

However, all the powerful emperors on the scene felt that their brains were not enough.

Evolution is really great!

This is the true spirit of evolution!

If someone could carve an evolutionary true spirit out of stone, it would be unimaginable!

I thought that the value of stone carving is not as good as the previous words and paintings.

It now appears that stone carving is the most valuable.

Ye Yuesheng’s expression, with a slight smile, was very calm.

Seeing the expressions of these people, he also knew that this treasure was definitely a treasure that these people would rather ruin their family and ask for.

No wonder that when he asked the system to estimate the price, the system carved this stone and also reported the recovery price of 300,000 system coins.

It is worthy of the thing that made him consume the most time and effort.

In order to sculpt this thing, he used the special skills of Big Dream World several times to observe the origin of Tiandi Dadao and supplement the Dao Yun on the carving.

As for the final product

In fact, even Ye Yuesheng himself doesn’t know what this is.

It was the first time that he heard what they said “evolving true spirit”.

“The starting price of this item is set at 300,000 original coins.”

Ye Yuesheng spoke lightly.

“2 million original coins!”

As soon as the voice fell, the Taiqing Taoists preempted to make an offer.

The audience was silent.

This is really not playing cards according to the routine.

The auction has just started, how can there be such an offer?

Is this a buyout at a price?

But Taiqing Taoist doesn’t care about these. In his eyes, there is only the true spirit of evolution.

Never imagined that there would be such a strange thing in the world.

As long as he can get this thing, it is to let him emptied all of his family, and sold them together with the underwear, and he is also willing.

As for the character in front.

The Taoist Taiqing is now very glad that he didn’t take the photo just now.

Thanks to the voice transmission reminded by Senior Ye.

Otherwise, having lost such a large amount of original pen, where is the money to bid for this thing now?

I’m afraid the intestines are going to be regretful.

After all, he is known for alchemy.

But the level of alchemy to the realm of Taiqing Taoist is far beyond the level that ordinary alchemists can reach.

What he pursues is to evolve everything.

In the ーfang pill furnace, various materials are refined, and one pill 5.8 is refined.

This is also an evolution.

The avenues go to the same destination by different routes.

The cultivation of Taiqing Taoists themselves is like alchemy.

He treats his body as a pill to refine, to refine and evolve

In the heavens and all realms, this is the unique practice of Taiqing Taoists.

Not known to outsiders.

And the evolution of the true spirit in front of him is most suitable for his own Tao.

Originally, he thought that no one in the world had such a way, he couldn’t learn from anyone, and he could only groping forward in the dark by himself.

But I didn’t expect to see the true spirit of evolution today.

If the previous painting allows him to see the realm above the emperor realm, the words on the back allow him to see the aura of the strong existence.

So, now this true spirit of evolution has truly shown him a bright avenue.

A road leading to the supreme realm and aspiring to the supreme existence.

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