Chapter 126 What about cheating people?

Ye Yuesheng looked at the people below.

“Now, the auction starts. The starting price of this picture is 100,000 original coins.”

Everyone was slightly stunned.

In their view, the value of this character is much higher than that of the previous painting.

But he didn’t expect that the starting price given by Senior Ye was actually lower than the previous painting?

Senior Ye is really casual!

However, when you think about it, you know that such treasures will definitely be sold at an incredible high price, and there is no need to worry about the starting price.

“110,000 local currency.” Someone immediately made an offer.

Such a price, of course, is only an introduction.

“120,000 original coins!”

“130,000 original coins!”

“150,000 original coins!”

The ups and downs of each other’s quotations-keep ringing.

And the price of this character also climbed all the way, and soon rose to 300,000 original coins.

Moreover, the upward momentum continues, and there is no weakening trend at all.

Who doesn’t want to get such treasures?

I just hate that the treasures on my body are not enough, and there are not many original coins that can be exchanged, so I can’t get back this character.

“500,000 original coins!” Qin Huaijian said again.

As he said, he squinted his eyes and gave Tianjizi a warning, with a trace of triumph in his eyes.

Let you grab it with me, this time there is no original currency, right?

Unexpectedly, Tianjizi just watched his nose, his nose and heart, as if he hadn’t seen Qin Huaijian’s provocation.

He has already obtained the painting that suits him best, and he is not interested in the present character.

Suddenly he felt a punch on the cotton.

Hmph, if you don’t fight with me, I can probably win this painting at the price of 500,000 original coins.

That is a huge advantage.

Unexpectedly, when this idea just came up, there was a sudden sound in the court.

“One million original coins!”

All of a sudden the audience was stunned.

“It’s really rich, I got 1 million original coins!”

“Oh my god, I’m both a peak powerhouse in the emperor realm. My entire worth is less than 100,000 original coins. Why is the gap so big?”

“It’s a pure Taoist, it’s no wonder that this price can be paid.”

Yes, it is Taiqing Taoist who quoted this time.

As the number one alchemy master of all heavens and ten thousand realms, he has been making alchemy since the beginning of the world.

The amount of his savings is definitely far more than that of other imperial peak practitioners.

Tianjizi has already taken the previous painting, and he really wants the present character.

Rather than increase the price slowly, it is better to directly set a high price, so as to scare away some competitors, so as not to waste time.

Qin Huaijian’s expression became gloomy when he heard the quote from the Taoist Taiqing.

These guys, thinking that they are old people who existed when the world opened up, have been dissatisfied with the mountain.

He did this, obviously deliberately not able to cross the sacred mountain.

Otherwise, why should he participate in the auction?

Don’t you know to give up and give it to the mountain?

However, this time, he didn’t dare to speak threateningly!

The lesson just now is very profound, and he never wants to experience it again.

“1.1 million original coins!”

Qin Huaijian gritted his teeth and spoke.

Ye Yuesheng glanced at him lightly.

He had seen the treasures on Qin Huaijian’s body just now and had evaluated them.

The obvious fact is that all the treasures in Qin Huaijian’s body are not worth 1.1 million original coins at all.

If he quotes this way now, he can only borrow the original currency from others.

Needless to say, they are the other four disciples of Shenshan.

This is a bit interesting.

It seems that he really has the potential to win this handwriting.

However, they competed in this way, and naturally it was in Ye Yuesheng’s arms. Of course, he was happy to see it succeeded.

“1.2 million original coins!” Taiqing Taoist quotes calmly.

“1.3 million original coins!” Qin Huaijian gritted his teeth and continued to increase the price.

This Taiqing Taoist really deserves to be the number one alchemist of the heavens and ten thousand realms, and he is so worthy.

It’s just that he had missed the painting before, and Qin Huaijian would never let go of this character.

“1.5 million original coins!” Taiqing Taoist said without hesitation.

“You…” Qin Huaijian was so angry.

I wanted to have an attack, but I saw the faint gaze projected by Ye Yuesheng.

Suddenly, my heart shuddered.

He swallowed what he originally wanted to say.

Everyone in the field also watched this scene dumbfounded.

1.5 million original coins, such an expensive price, has exceeded their imagination.

The wealth of Taiqing Taoists is well known.

However, seeing him cry out the price of 1.5 million original coins without changing his face and heartbeat, still surprised many people.

“1.6 million Yuanyuan City!” Qin Huaijian said again.

He had already made up his mind. After leaving Buwen Peak this time, he must find a Taiqing Taoist to settle the accounts.

“2 million original coins!” Taiqing Taoist shouted out a new statistic.

There was silence in the court.

Many people were stunned by the price.

Qin Huaijian squeezed his fist tightly, suppressing the heart that wanted to attack.

“2.1 million original coins!

After hesitating for a moment, he decided to keep up.

This is also the highest price he can accept.

He has 500,000 original coins, and the other four people each give out 400,000 original coins. Together, it’s just 2.1 million original coins.

…For flowers…………

If the too clean Taoist raises the price, he really can’t afford it.

“This too pure Taoist should not be able to follow it, right?” Qin Huaijian prayed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, Tai Daoqing became silent.

But after a while, he opened his mouth again, seeming to be preparing for an offer.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Taoist Taiqing suddenly caught a glimpse of Senior Ye above and winked at him.

That look seemed to make him give up?

Taiqing Taoist was shocked.

I don’t understand, what does Senior Ye mean?

When he was puzzled, a voice rang in his mind.

“Leave it to him, don’t bid for any more bids!”

Is Senior Ye really talking?

The Taiqing Taoist was taken aback and swallowed back if he was going to increase the price.

“Since no one increases the price, then this character belongs to you.


Ye Yuesheng’s voice faintly sounded.

Qin Huaijian sighed suddenly.

There was also a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

Despite the high price paid, it is worthwhile to get back this character.

Afterwards, Qin Huaijian exchanged the treasures borrowed from the other four with all the treasures in his body for source currency for delivery.

After confirming that the 2.1 million original coins were correct, Ye Yuesheng stretched out his hand, put the character away, and flew into Qin Huaijian’s hands.

“Remember, this character disregards the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, and is incompatible with the rules of the heavens and all realms. On this Buwen Peak, there is an array prohibition that is suppressed, and it is not harmful.”

“If you go to the outside world, you must be careful not to open this character easily. Otherwise, the true meaning in the character may be intensified, and it will attract backlash from the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth!”

“Slightly insignificant, it will even harm life. Remember, remember!

Ye Yuesheng confessed very seriously.

Qin Huaijian froze there suddenly.

What the hell?

There is such a big flaw in this character?

I can’t open it after I get out of Buwen Peak?

The true meaning in the words is intensified, attracting the backlash of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth?

As an imperial peak powerhouse, he certainly knows what it means to counterattack the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth.

Under the operation of the Heavenly Dao, even those who are strong in the emperor realm can’t resist.

There is even a risk of death.

Such a big hidden patient, why didn’t you say it earlier?

Isn’t this a pitfall?

I felt so joyful just now, but now it’s all gone.

“No, there must be a way to open it! Besides, it really doesn’t work, there is also a Master.”

Thinking of the Master, Qin Huaijian’s heart settled slightly.

As one of the seven giants of the mountain, the master is very powerful, and there must be a way to solve this problem.


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