After seeing his future scene, Lan Dye was also very sure of this.

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Sure enough, this is what I will say in the future! ] I can even feel that my future self will definitely not lose my strength. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Whether it is mentality or strength, it is even much stronger than in the past. 】

[Ryosuke Ran: To be able to achieve all this, I have to say, I really have to thank you, Ichigo Kurosaki. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Ah, all this... Do you really want to worship what I have given? 】

[Hibanya Dongshiro: Okay, Lan Ran, although you talk like this to your friend Habach, our corpse soul world is still sure, but don't think about kicking your nose on your face! ] 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: As long as you can fight this friend Habach back, it will be regarded as a dead sheep to make up for it, and you can barely make up for the mistakes of the past. 】

[Hakuya Wanki: Lan Ran, can't you lose to this friend Habach! ] When I saw this friendly habach, I was very upset. 】

Meanwhile. 21 After seeing the Lord Lan Ran, whom he admired endlessly, the members of the virtual circle also spoke one after another.

[Dongxian wants: I really want to have the opportunity for us to join such a battle, we must teach these exterminators a hard lesson. ] 】

[Uluchiorra: yes, they did such a thing to our false circle before, which is simply unforgivable. We must not let them get away with it. 】

[Hurribel: Humph! Before, it has always been the manifestation of your Grim Reaper, and it's time for the manifestation of our virtual circle. 】

[Stark: Lord Lan Ran will definitely be able to teach these exterminators a hard lesson. Our broken face is no exception. We have to let you know how good we are. 】

[Nirvana: The Exterminator is just fighting to seize the power of the Liberation for a while, and we will definitely not let them go, and our corpse soul world will soon find a way to deal with them. ] 】

[Grimjow: And I, Grimjow, won't let these guys go. I had to kill a few Guards to prove my strength. 】

In this regard, the exterminators scoffed.

[Gerard: Oh, you Grim Reaper and Broken Face, this is not knowing the height of the sky. Rest assured! You will soon see yourself beaten to the point of losing your armor and fleeing. 】

[Lijebaro: At this time, Lan Ran has been sealed, and he can't move, how can he fight with our majesty? It is simply easy for our Majesty to kill him. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Yes, that's a problem. After that, do we have to find someone to unseal the blue dye so that he can fight against Youhabach? 】

[Zhibo Yixin: What kind of joke, how can you end the seal of blue dyeing? ] 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: I'm telling the truth too! It is impossible for Lan Dye to beat Friend Habach at this time! Then isn't he destroying the heavens and the earth, and the whole world is invincible? 】


At this moment, fierce discussions also began within the corpse soul realm.

Ukitake Shirou put forward the analysis with a strange look.

"Do you say that there is a possibility that indigo dyeing is now... Or will it definitely restore full strength in the near future? "

"Although he is indeed a great threat to our Corpse Soul Realm, at this moment, in order to deal with the Exterminator and this unrivaled friend Habach, he also has to come up with this strategy!"

Hearing this, the other gods of death were extremely shocked.

Such an idea is simply beyond their imagination!

"That's unbelievable, isn't it!?"

"If we really do this, then how much risk will we have to take in the Corpse Soul Realm?"

Some Grim Reaper even put forward bolder conjectures.

For example, Nirvana, the brain is open.

"You said that there is a possibility that we don't need to take the initiative to unblock, Lan Ran he would have been able to leave here!"

"You know, Lan Ran's mind will never be comprehended."

"If he can really retain the state of fusing the strength of Collapsed Jade, then who in the entire Corpse Soul Realm can control him?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Maybe he will really be able to dominate the corpse soul realm long ago and be invincible to the world!"

"Just like his previous state of death, he has very invincible power, but he is still lurking in the corpse soul world, and when he is an ordinary god of death, he may be for some unknown purpose..."

"So you've been pretending to be sealed!"

Although this idea is very bold and does not sound realistic, many Grim Reaper will really think so.

After all, Lan Ran is the actor who has concealed countless gods of death and played the entire corpse soul world!

So it should not be surprising that he did this.

In the face of a movie star like Lan Ran, no one can guarantee that he can really be imprisoned!

And at the moment.

Even the face breakers guessed such a thing.

They all boasted and said:

[Uluchiorra: Don't worry! Lord Lan Ran will definitely not be solved so easily, maybe the next death god of your corpse soul world will ask him to fight with Youhabach, maybe he will take the initiative to release Lord Lan Ran! 】

[Heribel: Even if our Lord Lan Dye is sealed, it is definitely not something you can insult, you still have to beg him to fight. 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Yes, I have to admit, I just thought that my assassination operation was really successful, but I was still deceived by Captain Lan Hana Suiyue! ] 】

[Dongxian Want: Indeed, when did you have the illusion that you have sealed Lord Lan Ran? 】

[Ichimaru Silver: Indeed, in front of such a blue-dyed captain, no one can do anything! 100 Don't look at the blue dye captain is motionless now, maybe his body has come to the back of Yohabach. Kill him soon! 】

The members of the virtual circle are all brain-opener.

Having just experienced the rebellion in the void circle, they had already been submissive to Lan Ran.

So even such an outrageous idea, they think it's very likely!

[Gerard: Okay, okay, you Grim Reaper and Broken Face don't think about wrong anymore.] 】

[Penida: You can't convince yourselves, can you? This must be your wishful thinking. 】

[Lijebaro: How can blue dyeing have an impact on our majesty with mirrors. As he said. The battle between the gods of death is the battle of spiritual pressure, and his spiritual pressure is definitely far from being comparable to our majesty. 】

[Yaskin: No matter how powerful the rule system ability is, it is impossible to have an impact on our Majesty, just as although our forces are all rule forces and are very invincible, it is impossible to have an impact on Your Majesty! ] 】

[Hasward: Even if Lan Dye can barely influence our Majesty, at most, it will affect his judgment for a while and affect his perception of time. Do you really think you can influence him a lot? As for killing our Majesty, it is even more impossible. 】

The Exterminator didn't want to believe that Lan Ran still had such a powerful power at this moment.

If he is so strong now, then he will have to lift the seal?。

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