In the midst of all the attention, Lan Ran and Youhabach finally met.

Lan Ran raised his head and said lightly.

"It's Yohabach, right?!"

"I already know this name of yours, there is no need to be surprised."

"But I was a little surprised to be able to see you in person."

"From just now, the spiritual pressure I sensed already knew what was happening outside."

At this moment, he once again regained that king-like mentality.

Even in a cage, it seems to be looking at Youhabach with an attitude of looking down on the ants.

As if it was not he who was imprisoned, but Youhabach.

It was as if he was not imprisoned at all, and everything was just an illusion created by his mirror.

People can't help but think that in the entire corpse soul world, there is no one who is qualified to imprison Lan Ran, right?

Say that this blue dye is a fake blue dye, and the Grim Reaper is willing to believe it!

After all, in the past, Lan Ran used his own mirror to deceive countless people!

Now even if such a scene is repeated, they are not more "five-three-three" surprised.

This is the feeling brought about by the strong oppressive force of indigo dyeing.

Whether it's an illusion or not, it's real.

Even if Lan Ran saw this long-known friend Habach.

Nor did he think of himself as such a terrible enemy!

It was as if even he was sealed at this moment.

He also believes that he can ravage his friend Habach at will.

And Lan Ran's indifferent expression has also been clearly stated to everyone.

Hurting your own corpse soul realm is absolutely unforgivable!

Even if the enemy in front of you is Youhabach, it is no exception!


After seeing this scene, the Grim Reaper was so surprised that he was completely speechless.

It was an indescribable shock from the bottom of my heart.

It was as if I saw God, and I couldn't describe it in words.

No amount of language can describe the indigo dyeing at this time!

No matter how good the language is, it looks so pale!

The exterminator was very upset and began to speak.

[Gerard: Oh, this abominable fellow, why are you pretending! ] It is his honor that our Majesty is willing to come and see him. 】

[Lijebaro: Hehe, nothing surprising, he was originally a guy who could only pretend. I don't know how many times I was punched in the face. 】

[Esnott: I guess it's pretending to be addicted.] People who don't know still think that he is the strongest existence. 】

[Penida: Hmph, Lan Ran is estimated to have been imprisoned by the Grim Reaper for so long, and he is already crazy. ] He also considers himself the king of prison. 】

The exterminators are all desperately complaining about blue dyeing.

And the broken faces were silent for a while.

Especially the broken face of worshiping the blue dye, after seeing his blue dye master being imprisoned, his mood was naturally very depressed, and he didn't know what to say!

Whether in reality or in chat groups, I feel like I have nothing to say.

However, at this moment, the broken faces also have to speak one after another to protect their respected Lord Lan Ran.

[Urucchiorra: Hmph, a so-called exterminator king, what is so proud? If I'm not mistaken, in the future, Youhabach should still be successfully hypnotized by our Blue Dye Lord. 】

[Heribel: So, who is the hunter and who is the hunter is really a guess! ] It is you exterminators who should be slapped in the face. 】

[Dongxian wants: Just in this state, Lord Lan Ran can make Youhabach hit, and if he is completely liberated, how many Youhabach is not enough for Lord Lan Dye to fight. ] 】

[Stark: Indeed, Lord Lan Ran looks like a king at the moment, from a king of the Void Circle to a king of the Corpse Soul Realm. 】

[Ichimaru Silver: Is this the state of Captain Blue Dye in the future? It really embarrasses me...】

Dongxian wants to wait with Urucchiorra, and it seems that he has long been fascinated by the blue dye.

Even if it is the blue dye in this state, it is still an existence that makes them extremely respectful and worshipable.

He even has a firm confidence that Blue Dye will rule the world.

Because their indigo adults are omnipotent.

Even if you can keep him locked up for a while, it's really hard to say whether you can pay attention to him for a lifetime.


The footage continues to be live.


Youhabach also said to Lan Ran in a serious tone.

"If you know everything, that's fine. As a special combat power, how about you join my subordinates? "

Although he let Lan Ran be his subordinate, his tone was still very sincere, and he did not have a proud attitude.

Because he also knows that Lan Ran is a strong person who can be compared with himself.

Such a strong person is absolutely impossible to easily impress.

Hearing this, even if they knew that Lan Ran would not cooperate with Youhabach, the audience was also nervous.

[Zhibo Yixin: Although I know that these two people will never cooperate in the future, it still makes my scalp numb when I hear this! ] If the two of them work together, they can really be said to be invincible in sweeping the world, right? 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: Blue dye definitely can't say yes! ] After all, he is our common enemy of death, the leader of the Annihilation Division. 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: He is the one who wants to destroy this world, and he has no common interest with us Shinigami. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Yu no Hana: And looking at the tone of your friend Habach, it seems that he is still very respectful, he doesn't look like he is soliciting a younger brother, but a partner. 】

[Gerard: Hehe, what kind of joke, Lan Ran is only qualified to become a member of our Guards at most, and he is not worthy of carrying shoes with our Majesty! ] 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Blue dyeing, I wonder what kind of choice you will make? I hope you don't become a true traitor in the corpse soul world! 】

The Grim Reaper really didn't know how to talk to Lan Ran at the moment...

It was clear that Lan Ran was already a prisoner of their ranks, but he had to be persuaded not to join other forces...

It's ironic to think about!

Even more terrifying than Lan Ran and Youhabach is the joint efforts of these two guys!


And in the picture, the blue dye did not disappoint everyone!

He was indeed as proud as ever.

"The legendary Destroyer King. Do you want to take the initiative to let me join the Invisible Empire? "

Youhabach said seriously:

"That's right. In order to destroy the corpse soul realm. We can say that this is the same goal. "

He thought he was very familiar with indigo dyeing, but he didn't understand the true purpose of indigo dyeing at all!

Lan Ran said with a faint smile.

"I refuse."

Without any hesitation, he rejected Youhabach's proposal.

Even if it's the best time to give yourself a chance to get out of trouble.

Even if he was sealed on a stool at this time.

But it was as if someone else was begging him.

Decisive refusal without hesitation.

So arrogant that the exterminators were very upset and insulted fiercely.

In the Invisible Empire, countless exterminators were directly furious!

The sound of stamping and scolding is endless.

This is the first time they have ever seen such a dragged person!

They actually disrespected their Majesty so much.

It's just unreasonable!

The voices of these exterminators were all up and down, and they couldn't stop at all!!

"Damn, this madman who does not know the height of the sky, His Majesty quickly destroyed him."

"Let him know what a heavy price he should pay for offending our Majesty."

"There is no one in the entire corpse soul world who can compare to our majesty on 5.1, and this blue dye is no exception."

"Even if he seems to have confused His Majesty with a mirror before, what about it? Maybe his price is already dead. "

"Anyone who speaks wildly before our majesty cannot be unharmed."

They were all shouting loudly at the moment.

In this way, I can vent my frustration with indigo dyeing.

From the beginning to the present, this blue dye has been pretending, which really makes them very unpleasant!

Pretending to be in front of their majesty is simply unforgivable.

And above the throne.

Yohabach was also a little surprised at the moment.

Although he knows a lot about things outside the Invisible Empire.

I didn't expect that Lan Ran would refuse his proposal.

Isn't he the one who wants to end the corpse soul realm the most?

Why refuse it?

Youhabach naturally didn't know, on the surface, although Lan Ran betrayed the thirteenth team of the Guardian Court.

But in fact, Lan Ran loves the corpse soul world deeply!

The corpse soul realm is his, how can it be destroyed by Youhabach?。

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