
The screen skips the battle process that I have seen before.

Came to the scene after Kurosaki Ichigo no moon.

Although he cut Lan Ran in two, he still couldn't let Lan Ran be completely killed!

With the power of Bangyu, Lan Ran was resurrected again.

And at this moment, Kurosaki Ichigo's power of death completely disappeared and became a mortal.

He simply couldn't stop Lan Dye anymore!

And Lan Ran laughed proudly:

"Ichigo Kurosaki, you lost."

"Look! My slashing knife is disappearing, you know what that means, right? "

"It's like you fused with the Slashing Knife and its abilities."

"Now I have surpassed you who have lost the power of death."

"Bangyu has already made a judgment that I no longer need the slashing knife."

At this moment, the blue dye has indeed come to a new realm!

He has reached a state where he can talk to the strongest Ichigo.

If this continues, he will completely become the master of the three realms!



Seeing this scene, the audience of the Grim Reaper was also very worried.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: How is it possible?] Can he really reach the realm of Ichigo Kurosaki? I don't want to believe it. 】

[Matsumoto Ichigo "Eight Nine Zero": This is simply more serious than Kurosaki Ichigo's hanging, right? 】

[Kyoraku Chunshui: If he can really reach this level, it will not be a fantasy to deal with Yuhabach in the future. If his broken jade can really evolve infinitely, then it will not be a problem to be destroyed by Youhabach, after all, he will continue to become stronger! 】

[Uluchiorra: No need to assume, this is already a fact! ] Lord Lan Ran will definitely become a god! 】

[Gerard: Hehe, what to blow, you are just temporarily proud, and you will soon be severely hit by our Majesty. ] 】

[Hasward: It's just that such a repair and evolution ability is far less than our Majesty's. 】

[Lijebarro: Fight with our majesty, and you will know what true omniscience and omnipotence are! Mirror Flower Water Moon and Broken Jade are not afraid! Your Majesty is the true Spirit King! True gods! 】

[Ichibei of the main division of the army: Although it is said that the current annihilation division is the common enemy of our god of death, I also want to say that Lan Ran's current strength is far less than mine! ] 】


When the audience is accustomed to arguing.

In the picture, the conversation between Ranzoe and Ichigo Kurosaki continues.

Lan Ran looked at Kurosaki Ichigo proudly and gave Kurosaki Ichigo the final judgment:

"Ichigo Kurosaki. It's over!! "

But at the moment.

Several rumors, bright pink spikes suddenly protruded from the blue dyed body.


Lan Ran's eyes were cold, and he said unpleasantly:

"What the hell is this? When was it? "

He quickly realized the truth and began to grit his teeth.

"Kisuke Urahara, is it the ghost you did?!!"


Kisuke Urahara finally appeared here lightly, as if he was the final boss in the middle of the curtain.

He said slowly:

"That's right, that ghost path was broken into by me before you transformed."

"When you are most careless, use other ghost paths to punch it into your body."

"That's the seal!!"

"When you fused with Honyu, I knew that I could no longer kill you, so I specially developed a new ghost path to seal you."

Kisuke Urahara's words, one stone stirred up a thousand waves!


Seeing this, the audience was shocked again.

[Crushed Bee: What, it turns out that Kisuke Urahara actually shot in the end? ] 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: So it seems that it was not Kurosaki Ichigo who finally solved the blue dye, but him? 】

[Uluchiorra: Humph, how is that possible?] It is absolutely impossible for him to really solve Lord Lan Ran, how can this level of ghost path work? 】

[Hellibert: He's just cheating. Lord Lan Ran is so invincible! Kurosaki Ichigo can't be defeated! With such a little ghostly way, you also want to hurt him? 】

There is no way to believe that Kisuke Urahara will really defeat Lan Ran.

Anything like that is absolutely not allowed.

Even if they were defeated by Kurosaki Ichigo before, this kind of defeat by secret calculations and directly sealed ends, they are absolutely unbearable!

In that case, their image of Lord Lan Dye will be greatly affected.

It is a pity that the picture is really developing in the direction that the blue-dyed people are unwilling to accept.


In the picture.

Hearing Urahara Kisuke's words, Lan Ran still pretended to be calm.

"That's the case, but it's a pity that now I've moved to a higher stage, how can I be sealed with a ghost like you?"


The next second later.

Click, click!!

The white substance on his hand disappeared instantly.

It was as if the black spirit pressure disappeared before Kurosaki Ichigo.


Lan Ran's face changed in an uproar again!

This time, he really lost his calm.

"My power has actually disappeared, how is it possible?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Kisuke Urahara explained this lightly.

"This is the will of Bangyu."

"The seal I broke into your body before, the reason why it is only launched now is because your power has weakened."

"Bangyu thinks you are no longer his master."

The calm words revealed a major event that changed the fate of the three worlds!

Thunder on the ground!

At this moment, Lan Dye still can't accept such a thing!

"This is absolutely impossible, how could this be? How can it be...... Something like this will happen!? "

He muttered in disbelief.

It's a little incoherent.

The power of sealing also continued to emerge from him, making his freedom gradually disappear!


The audience was even more amazed!

They had imagined many possibilities.

But I didn't expect that the final ending of the blue dye turned out to be like this!

It seems that if nothing else, the blue dye really failed!

Not at the hands of Ichigo Kurosaki, but to the resourceful Kisuke Urahara.

[Crushed Bee: This Urahara Kisuke, there really is him everywhere. yes, I don't know how many times I've said this. 】

[Yoichi Shikaedein: Haha, Urahara, you still have some skills, and in the end you succeeded. It seems that I don't need to complain about you all the time. 】

Of course, the Grim Reaper was surprised and delighted at this time!

But the emotion of surprise is too strong, far suppressing the feeling of joy!

After all, the scene in front of them really shattered their three views!

[Nirvana: Damn it, you guy stole our limelight again... Can you handle any kind of guy? Hmph, if it weren't for the fact that I was still in the void circle, I might have had a chance to deal with this blue dye..."

[Kisuke Urahara: Haha, Nirvana, that's really a pity, come on! ] I am very optimistic about you! I believe you can become a scientist second only to me. 】

The members of the Invisible Empire also began to complain about this last battle.

[Gerard: Hmph, it's the internal struggle of you Grim Reaper again, you Grim Reaper just likes to fight in the den, it's completely boring, I'm going to yawn. ] 】

[Lijebarro: Directly sealing the blue dye with a ghost road is really a waste of our feelings and rational analysis. 】

[Hasward: It seems that the blue dye is really just that, and it was solved by such a Urahara Kisuke. Although there is a reason why he got carried away, it is indeed very humiliating! 】

They were all very dismissive of the Grim Reaper at this time.

After all, Wuyue's powerful attack, the kind of trembling that made them tremble from the depths of their souls... It's been a long time coming.

At this time, they will only remember Kisuke Urahara's trick of playing yin.

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Blue dye... Is that really the end of it? 】

[Shiba Kazushin: How? Ichigo do you still have feelings for indigo dyeing? 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I... I just think it seems a bit hasty. Is this the so-called final showdown? 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Well, in fact, it can't be said to be very hasty, after all, this is also a combination of the right time and place, so that the blue dye was sealed. Without the last crescent moon tenchoshi I taught you, if you beat Lan Ran into a serious injury, he can't be sealed by Kisuke Urahara, so Ichigo you should still be very proud! 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Hmm... Maybe that. 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Haha, Lan Ran this guy is silent anymore, he knows that he is very humiliated, right? ] How do you feel now? 】

[Blue Dye Right Suke: ......]

【Dongxian want:......】

【Ichimaru Silver:......】

2.3 And at this time.

The whole virtual circle began to fall silent again.

The previous rebellion of the Face breakers against Lan Dye soon subsided.

Compared to Lan Ran's fiasco at this time, everything before seemed to be insignificant.

The hearts of the broken faces are like a roller coaster, seven up and eight down, ups and downs!

Is this really the end of indigo dyeing?

Defeated most of the members of the 13th Gotei team, carried the assassination of Nigozai City Marugin, and survived Kurosaki Ichigo's Moon Moon...

In the end, he actually lost to this seemingly inconspicuous Ghost Dao Seal?

It's outrageous to say it!

They all felt that the scene in front of them was very dreamy, it was like a mirror, very unreal!

And Lan Ran also got up, his eyes flashing with incredible light.

His face was extremely moved, and his expression was frozen on his face...

An earth-shattering emotional storm was staged in my heart!

He really didn't know what expression to make at this time.

Compared to the previous defeat under Ichigo Kurosaki, this is a different feeling!


In the end, it still lost...

And in such a form?。

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