That's right, blue dyeing is such a double standard at this time.

For him, the void is just his tool.

He doesn't care much about them.

What's more, these tools for betraying ~ betraying themselves?

And seeing Lan Ran's indifferent expression, those broken faces who made rebellious acts were all worried, almost soul-flying!

Crawling on the ground, looking into Lord Lan Ran's eyes, there was only a plea for mercy and fear.

It's like worshipping the gods...

And Lan Ran is the god who controls their power of life and death, and any look can make their souls disappear and never be superborn!

Lan Ran looked at them for a while before he began to say gracefully:

"Stupid big void... Unexpectedly, I have been giving the illusion that I have not used Kagami Shui Yue before? It's ridiculous! "

"However, you don't have to be so afraid..."

"I will give you the opportunity to see how far I will grow with the help of Bangyu, and then let you regret your actions!"

"It's not too late to dispose of you after my video is over!"

Anyway, now they have no threat to themselves, so Lan Ran is also willing to let them live for a while.

Let the broken faces see their future selves, climb step by step, and climb to the throne of God!

Then they will definitely regret their current selves!

At that time, these broken faces will naturally regret for life.

This may be a better punishment for them.

Thinking of this, Lan Ran ignored these broken faces that had long been scattered and fearful!

Keep looking at yourself in the picture!

Wondering what the scenario will be after that.

And at the moment.

Lan Ran finally had the kung fu in the chat group and began to watch everyone's chat.

The gods of death in the corpse soul world are indeed very concerned about what happens in the void circle.

They all knew very well that this would be a vigorous rebellion.

So all kinds of speculations, all kinds of inquiries, can't wait to know what the result will be like!

After seeing this, Lan Ran smiled slightly.

After a long absence, he began to talk in the chat group.

[Ryo Yusuke: Yes, just as you talked about before, Ichimaru Gin's assassination has been suppressed by me. He will not be able to betray me again in the future. 】

Hearing this, a stone in the corpse soul realm stirred up a thousand waves!

The air in the Corpse Soul Realm seemed to have countless ripples.

The waves rippled, making the gods of death unable to stop surging.

They all held their breath, not daring to see the next result...


Is everything already over?

[Matsumoto Ranju: Abominable! Blue dye, what did you do with silver? 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: I will never let you do something to our Corpse Realm Death God, if you kill him, then I will definitely make you pay in blood in the future. 】

[Nirvana: Sure enough... With the blue dyeing of the mirror flower and water moon, there should be no more flaws..."

[Jingle Chunshui: Lan Ran, you won't kill him, right? Just because Captain Ichimaru Silver has a chance to almost kill you in the future, are you going to kill him so angrily? 】

The Grim Reaper were all angry and sarcastic at this time.

[Uluchiorra: Huh, what are you talking about? The blue dye is not as bad as you think. You have no way of imagining his magnanimity. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: That's right. There is no need for you to use such a clumsy method of provocation. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: I just let Ichimaru Silver not be able to do it in the future. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: However, he will not die. I will choose to let him continue to watch me continue to become a god. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: In my path to becoming a god, there is no evenly matched opponent, of course, it will be very boring. In addition, if there are not a few audiences, it will also be very boring! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: So he will not be killed by me, just like you, but will witness how I climbed to the final throne. 】

If you dye it, throw it on the ground!

Crossing the boundaries of time and space, it all reverberated in the Void Night Palace, the Corpse Soul Realm, and the Invisible Empire, and the sound was like a bell!

In the lake of everyone's hearts, there are huge waves!

The mood of the Grim Reaper is full of emotion.

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Hmph, okay! Count the blue dyeing you know...】

[Genmu Jianba: Very good, Lan Ran's idea of keeping an opponent and expecting others to surpass himself is indeed deep in my heart, and I can be regarded as having renewed admiration for you. ] Don't forget, Ichimaru Gin, this guy, I often spar with him, seeing him so strong, I am also looking forward to the opportunity to fight him in the future! 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: Haha... True...... It's really great, can you hear it, silver!? 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Haha, don't worry! ] Chaoju, it seems that my life... It should be able to be saved. I don't know why, Captain Lan Dye did such a thing, I am not so surprised... Let's keep watching and see what happens next..."

[Matsumoto Ranju: Woo-woo, that's great. I finally understand what you mean to me. You won't be able to do such a stupid thing in the future. I don't want to see you die in vain. 】

In just a few scenes, Matsumoto Chaoju and Ichimaru Silver were like a world apart.

In this regard, the members of the Invisible Empire scoffed.

They also began to laugh.

[Gerard: Okay, okay, you Grim Reaper can stop! ] Saying so many things really makes me feel very boring. 】

[Esnott: What a farce! Watching you Grim Reaper fight inside makes me only have very boring thoughts. 】

[Lije Barrow: Don't worry! Lan Ran, you will not have any glorious moments in the future, at that time, even if you are not defeated by our Majesty's son, you will definitely be easily solved by our Majesty, there is no doubt about it. 】

[Hasward: Compared to our Majesty, your power is nothing at all. 】

Youhabach also looked expectant, looked at the picture projected by the three realms, and spoke coldly.

[Youhabach: Very good, after watching so much boring content, you can finally get to the point, right? 】

[Yuhabach: I'm also very concerned about how Kurosaki Ichigo fought with Lan Ran. 】

[Youhabach: If you can take advantage of this opportunity to evolve again and become stronger, you can barely become an opponent worthy of my face. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Youhabach couldn't wait.

Ask for flowers

He is also very looking forward to seeing the scene of his violent beating and dyeing in the future!

He is also full of confidence in himself!

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Very good, Yuhabach, look forward to my future battle with you! ] Although my son has no way to defeat you, as long as I have a hand, everything is fine. 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Finally going to see this scene...]

[Shibo Kazushin: Come on son! ] We must use our family tradition to end indigo dyeing once and for all! 】


At a time when everyone is looking forward to it.

In the picture, the blue dye, who evolved again, coldly handed down the death sentence to Ichimaru Silver.

"Evolution requires fear."

"The fear of facing an imminent end allowed me to evolve further."

"Thank you so much, Silver, it is thanks to your blessing that I can finally become an existence beyond death and void."


Lan Ran's rare killer of his subordinates!

Ichimaru Silver was disemboweled by it, completely cutting off his vitality...


Blue dye successfully counter-kills Ichimaru silver!

The subsequent picture plays slowly as if in slow motion.

Ichimaru Silver fell lightly to the ground.

ended his magnificent life.

In the last moments of his life, Ichimaru Silver only sighed a little self-remorse.

"Eventually... I still haven't been able to get back what Chaoju lost! "

"I said, let her not cry like this all the time."

"But I still couldn't do it..."

"Chaoju, it's really great to be able to apologize to you earlier!!"

With such a tragic ending, Ichimaru Gin's life has come to an end.

And in front of him, it was Matsumoto Chaju, who knew the truth, recovered from the state of suspended animation, and quickly rushed to here.

Matsumoto stretched out his hand in vain to save Ichimaru Gin's life...

However, everything is grim...

While the audience was still sighing for this pair of bitter mandarin ducks, and the scene was endlessly reminiscing, Ichimaru Silver's eyes suddenly opened again!

The eyes that had lost their vitality burned with a glimmer of hope again.

Because in his eyes, Ichigo Kurosaki, who has the image of a savior, has finally appeared!


Forcing King Kurosaki Ichigo to finally cultivate the last crescent moon Tianchong successfully!

The return of the king!


Ichimaru Silver didn't know why, but suddenly raised countless confidence in Kurosaki Ichigo.

It's as if I've read the script!

With the last strength, he uttered the last words of his life and muttered:

"What a firm look..."

"Very good, if it is you now, then I can rest assured..."

"Leave everything to you!"

Ichimaru Silver handed the baton to Ichigo Kurosaki.

Next, it will be Kurosaki Ichigo's pretense moment!


And after that.

The eyes of the Grim Reaper audience, which were still bleak, also lit up with a blazing light again!


Finally, I can see the final battle between Ichigo Kurosaki and Lan Ran!

The ending that I didn't see before can finally come!

This will be a battle for the fate of the three realms!.

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