Faced with Kurosaki Ichigo's question, Grim Joe rolled his eyes, didn't look at Kurosaki Ichigo, and said impatiently.

"Say what! Who wants to be your companion? "

"Just because that friend Habach continues to do it, our virtual circle will disappear."

"If the void circle disappears, then where will I kill ~ you?"

Facing the tsundere Grimjo, Kurosaki Ichigo only faintly gentle - smiled.

"Alright! You're right. "

A high-cold leopard, and a gentle human, the appearance at this time, even a little - a match!

At first glance, Grim Jow seems to be stalking Ichigo Kurosaki.

Even if he is very disgusted with Kurosaki Ichigo, he must not leave Kurosaki Ichigo!


Seeing this, many people still want to complain about this Grim Jow.

[Stark: Good guy, he still wants to fight with Ichigo Kurosaki, he is also a unique existence. 】

[Hellibel: It's really emotional, hahaha. 】

[Grimjow: Isn't that normal?] I'm very loyal to the big void. It's like all of you threw yourself into his arms. 】

[Cheeluj: Hmph, a kitten who cares a lot about his territory, we will not put it in our eyes. 】

[Grimjow: Hmph, I care most about the virtual circle! If it weren't for the sake of the false circle, I would ignore this Kurosaki Ichigo! 】

[Baylorgon: Okay! In the past, Ichigo Kurosaki was our enemy, and we really hated him. But I can still join forces with him in the future. 】

[Uruchiora: Indeed, he also defeated the enemy for the sake of the Corpse Realm and our Void Circle. We have the ability to break the face, and we really need to help him. 】

The basic relationship between Ichigo Kurosaki and Grim Joe, and even the basic relationship of Ichigo Kurosaki and other men, made the audience relish.

Kurosaki Ichigo is a man whose instinct is fencing!

[Neutra: Hey, are you guys looking at that Inoue Orihime, have you ignored the stinky woman next to you? Isn't this person the former broken face.3 Nelie Elu? 】

[Sal Apollo: Damn, it's really this guy Nili Ailu, I saw this little girl before, it's a little familiar, it's really her! ] I didn't expect her to hook up with Ichigo Kurosaki..."

[Uluchiorra: So it is. She always pestered Ichigo Kurosaki, which means that she was the little girl before, right? 】

[Neutra: I see, it must have been after being seriously injured that I lost my memory, and even became smaller. 】

[Ichimaru Gin: That's really interesting! From the time he was in the virtual circle, he began to get close to Kurosaki Ichigo. That Nili Ailu's strength must be constantly improving, right? 】

[Stark: Yes, Grimmjow became Vastod, and if Nili Elu surpasses me, it is probably not a big problem. 】

[Grimjow: Hmph, I don't think I'm worse than this old NO.3! ] 】

[Dongxian Want: Indeed... Everyone who is close to Ichigo Kurosaki can open and hang it! 】

[Blue Ran Yusuke: Sure enough, it is worthy of Kurosaki Ichigo, and you can actually gain the favor of the men and women under me, and with the help of various powerful people in this world, I believe you will be able to successfully defeat Yuhabach next! ] 】


When everyone was expecting the people of Ichigo Kurosaki to hit the Spirit Palace again.

Another abnormality suddenly appeared.


Countless black spiritual pressures rushed down from the sky.

Countless ominous auras shrouded everyone's hearts, making people feel melancholy.

At the same time, countless invisible imperial buildings built on top of the Soul Court began to crumble and fly into the air!

Kurosaki Ichigo is in the black box, carrying a different dimensional elevator, ready to go to the Spirit King Palace again.

In the process, they could all feel the increasingly terrifying aura of friendly habach.

More and more foreboding arose in their hearts...


In the chat group, in the face of the upcoming new round of war, everyone is looking forward to it!

[Herribel: Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, once again hit this Spirit King Palace, I wonder if they can defeat Yuhabach and the others? ] 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: We have to trust Ichigo Kurosaki, he is absolutely capable of doing it! ] Before Youhabach, the Spirit King Palace had no formal confrontation with him! 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Maybe you Habach also knows the great power in his body, so he doesn't dare to fight him head-on...]

[Orochimaru: As long as Kurosaki Ichigo is ruthless, he can definitely kill him. 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Kurosaki Ichigo also knows his power, so he doesn't dare to play it casually, lest he really chop his ancestors to death. ] Kurosaki Ichigo is such a character! 】

At this moment, the Shinigami are all desperately cheering for Kurosaki Ichigo!

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Damn, I really can't be ruthless?] 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Is this the effect of the blood of the Destroyer that flows in my body? 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: This is absolutely not allowed! ] I swear! As long as I destroy the place where my companions live, the people who want to destroy this world, I must be fierce enough to defeat them. 】

[Hasward: Don't be sentimental, after Kurosaki Ichigo is serious, he can really defeat our majesty's appearance... What a dream! 】



During the flight, Xue Xu said that he would not fight with Kurosaki Ichigo and others.

Shibo Iwato was very dissatisfied with this and quarreled with Xuexu.

And Ichigo Kurosaki just stopped their fight.

After all, Kurosaki Ichigo and Yuki Xu have been companions for a certain period of time, and they know that Yuki Xu is an ordinary child who lacks family affection.

So he asked Xuexu to stay here, and at the same time let Liluka stay as well.

After all, their strength, participating in such a battle, is still a little reluctant.

And Liluka wants to fight with Kurosaki Ichigo because of her feelings for Kurosaki Ichigo.

Facing Liluka, who was arguing excitedly to fight, Kurosaki Ichigo said gently. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I've been to this so-called valley before, and I know it's a very disturbing place."

"Your ability has always only put cute things in..."

"So now you must be able to stuff this valley into the box because we endure the pain, right? Thank you! "

Kurosaki Ichigo's tolerant and understanding heart, the warm man's words, made Liluka's face red, and she was a little overwhelmed.

She yelled at Ichigo Kurosaki to hide her feelings.

"I... I'm not for you..."

Kurosaki Ichigo interrupted her.

"I'd better ask you one more thing, you and Xuexu stay here and help pick us up at any time!"

Although Kurosaki Ichigo wanted to protect Liluka, he still consulted with her in a pleading tone.

Liluka could only agree to Kurosaki Ichigo's request, lowered her head, and said in a weak mosquito voice while secretly looking at Kurosaki Ichigo:

"Okay, I promised you..."

Ask for flowers


After seeing this scene, everyone was amazed again.

[Matsumoto Ranju: Sure enough, it is worthy of high emotional intelligence and warm Ichigo! ] The flirting technique is no worse than his father's. 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Not only does she take care of the girl like this, but she can also make the girl listen to herself willingly. No wonder so many girls would help him...]

[Omaeda: In this big box, 3 of the 4 women have an ambiguous relationship with Ichigo Kurosaki. There is also an old captain of Shikaedein, who also gets along with Kurosaki Ichigo with the attitude of a big sister. It's a winner in life! 】

[Kisuke Urahara: Yes, in this regard, you can kill your friend Habach in seconds! ] And so many girls ... It's unbelievable that it's so harmonious. 】

[Yoichi Shikaedein: Hey, Urahara, you have something to say, right?] Don't think badly. 】

[Crushed Bee: Hmph, at least compared to Kisuke Urahara, I think Ichigo Kurosaki is quite good. 】

[Bazby: Hmph, I don't know if this Kurosaki Ichigo will hook up with a few female exterminators along the way when he fights us...]

[Cut: Cut, don't you see him so gentle with me, can't you be gentle when hitting girls? 】

[Bambi Aita: But to be honest, I think Kurosaki Ichigo was indeed gentle enough when he fought with you, but you just didn't know how to fight him. 】

[Cutis: Hey, Bonby, you shouldn't have been poisoned by Ichigo Kurosaki so quickly, right?] 】

Minina: Well, I admit he's still a bit of a gentleman. If it were other male exterminators, he might not be so merciful. I'm really worried that if the strength is weaker, he will meet one by one. 】

[Yaskin: No wonder Ichigo Kurosaki is a minotaur... May I never meet this minotaur in this life! 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Hmph, if you think about it, he looks similar to Lan Dye in this regard, and he is indeed a bit of that...]

At this moment, even many viewers are complaining in private.

This Kurosaki Ichigo is really a scumbag.

Why not marry?

Worthy of so many girls' feelings for him?

For the unhappy blue dyeing of Rifangu Dongshiro and others, it is simply no different from scumbags!

After all, he deeply broke Hinamori's heart!

Of course, in the hearts of more people, Ichigo Kurosaki definitely has this strength and charm.

After all, this is the son of Shiba Isshin and Kurosaki Masaki.

It is also a perfect work influenced by the subtle influence of indigo dyeing.

It is probably not surprising that so many women like him.


Soon after.


Kurosaki Ichigo and the others finally successfully completed the transmission of the elevator in another dimension!

However, after just walking out, Kurosaki Ichigo and everyone else were very surprised.

Where is this?

It doesn't seem to be the Spirit King Palace!

These seem to be the houses of the Annihilators, the invisible empire.

Didn't you reach the place where Yoruichi left a mark before Yoruichi in Shikaede-in?

However, after some probing, Yoruichi saw the wooden stake that he had arranged before.

So this is where she deliberately made a mark!

She had to say this with a solemn face.

"There is no doubt that this is the Spirit King Palace. That guy from Youhabach actually transformed the Spirit King Palace into his own thing!! "

Hearing this, everyone was completely stunned.

What is called transforming into something of its own! Inch?.

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