
Grimcho and Nilu fight each other for Kurosaki Ichigo.

A man and a woman, almost got into a fight because of Kurosaki Ichigo.

While they were arguing and about to fight, a familiar voice of Ichigo Kurosaki appeared.

"Hey, you idiots, do you know what to do now?"

I saw that in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and the others, a very strange black house appeared.

There are stairs to get them into.

And a girl with a purple-red double ponytail, a sweet look, and a very short temper at first glance also appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo.

Liluka the Poison Bee!

There is also a boy Xuexu who looks cute!

They are all the owners of the Perfection Technique!

And they all said that they would help Kurosaki Ichigo next and go to the Spirit King Palace again.


After seeing another pretty and cute girl appear, everyone wanted to complain crazy again.

How did this Kurosaki Ichigo meet so many girls again, are these girls his friends?

It's really all forces that don't let him go!

[Gerard: Good guy, Ichigo Kurosaki, you're a scumbag, right? It's already hammered! 】

[Lijebaro: One by one, they all ran to help Kurosaki Ichigo, is this Kurosaki Ichigo's most powerful force? 】

[Esnott: Hmph, Kurosaki Ichigo, this guy is always hooking up with various forces, I don't know if he remembers his identity as a destroyer. 】

[Kyoraku Harushui: Then again, there is also a Ishida Rain Dragon in your Exterminator Division, which is considered to have a very good relationship with Kurosaki Ichigo, and it can be regarded as being born into death! ] 】

[Cutis: Hmph, this half-hearted Kurosaki Ichigo is really unpleasant! ] Let's let our Majesty give him a loving whip another day! 】

After the appearance of the new and old faces of these 270 forces, everyone really wanted to complain more and more about Kurosaki Ichigo.

Of course, Ichigo Kurosaki is actually very puzzled...

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Ahem! But then again, who is this woman? Think you knew me before? I guess what new partners I don't know where to contact! 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: It's not like a broken face, it's not like a destroyer, and it's not like the Shinigami. 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Do simple humans also have such great powers? Forget it, it doesn't matter! Anyway, they just help Ichigo's people. 】



At this time, facing the confused Kurosaki Ichigo.

Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard said that they were now ready to return to the Spirit King Palace again!

She explained the principle simply.

What connects the corpse realm with reality is the "Broken Realm".

And around the broken boundary, scattered are large and small, called "valley" shedding soul gathering places.

The places that fill the gaps between the "valley", "broken boundary", "present world and corpse soul realm" are called "black cavities".

In this black space, the spiritual pressure is unstable, and you need to release your spiritual pressure at all times and constantly create a foothold!

Otherwise, they may not be able to stand firmly.

As for these called valleys, I don't know why, they can continue to exist in them as spirit sub-space.

Urahara has also been thinking about how to use these mysterious spirit spaces.

So these people were found.

Use Liluka's ability to teleport these tiny "valleys" in a chest, and then use Xuexu's ability to turn them into rooms.

It can become this black box now.

Then with the use of the mark, you can quickly move to the Spirit King Palace here!!

The biggest advantage of this method is that it can sneak into the enemy's location without releasing spiritual pressure.

Therefore, Kurosaki Ichigo and the others are now going to start a surprise attack on them and defeat them in one go.

Yoruichi said.

When he was in the Spirit King Palace before, Yoruichi of the Four Maple Courtyard tried to seal the Spirit King.

At the same time, she quietly drove a wooden stake near the body of the Spirit King as a marker.

As long as the people of Yuhabach cannot find and clear this stake, Kurosaki Ichigo and the others can get there smoothly.

It's like an arbitrary door that is marked, allowing them to go straight there!


After seeing this invention of Kisuke Urahara, the audience was once again amazed.

[Rukia Kurumi: Although I don't know the origin of this girl and boy... But it's really strong! You can all participate in the battle of the Spirit King Palace! 】

[Uluchiora: Kurosaki Ichigo's side, sure enough, all of them are hangbi. 】

[Ichimaru Silver: Indeed, I have every reason to think that these guys only became stronger after they disarmed with Ichigo Kurosaki! 】

[Stark: In addition, I have to admit that Kurosaki Ichigo once had the experience of becoming stronger because of Grim Joe, but Grim Joe also became stronger because of Kurosaki Ichigo at this time! ] 】

[Grimjow: Cut, don't say it so disgusting, okay?] I became stronger by relying entirely on my own instincts to cultivate! Instinctively, this thing is still what I taught Kurosaki Ichigo. 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: Hey, don't be sentimental, it's obvious that my vain taught me. 】

[Grimjow: Ouch, I don't see it, you are all in love with him now, and you call his name so intimately. Didn't you still dislike him before? 】

[Mako Hirako: Haha, is Grim Jow jealous now? 】

[Grimjow: Hey, you're jealous. Is it to want to fight? 】

Watching these people quarrel, the rest of the audience were very speechless. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The guys around Ichigo Kurosaki are indeed very incredible!

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Of course, the most important thing is Kisuke Urahara, and it really deserves to be Kisuke Urahara, who has countless means...]

[Lan Ran Yousuke: At this time, he was able to find a way to break through the barrier and reach the Spirit King Palace. 】

[Urahara Kisuke, you have broken through my imagination again and again! ] But just for the sake of this poor spirit king who was cut into a stick by the Grim Reaper (CBCG), you worked so hard... Hum! 】

Lan Ran's contempt for Kisuke Urahara is already overflowing!

In Lan Ran's eyes, Kisuke Urahara is just an old guard who has empty intelligence, but is used to maintain the old order!

In terms of pattern, they are simply not qualified to compare with themselves.


Everyone was also preparing for the future, carefully figuring out how to go to the Spirit King Palace.

[Shiraya: Then again, this is called valley, black cavity and other things... What kind of means are they, I seem to be confused. 】

[Hirako Mako: Anyway, it's like a different dimensional elevator, in short, you can go to the Spirit King Palace again! ] 】

[Nirvana: yes, even the blue dye has to be envious and jealous, right? I only went up once before with my help. As a result, can you go back again?! I also have to bring the other Captain of Death to the Spirit King Palace with me!" Otherwise, others will forget that I am the head of the Technology Development Bureau! 】

[Gerard: Thanks to our Majesty's efforts to go to this Spirit King Palace, he can casually come up with a bunch of inventions to arrive..."

[Crushed Bee: The inventions of Kisuke Urahara, Lan Ran, and Nirvana Rei and others can indeed always have the effect of changing the situation of the war...]

At this moment, the audience was completely impressed by Kisuke Urahara's means!

On the throne, Youhabach also said with a solemn face!

"In the past, I already knew that Kisuke Urahara was very difficult."

"Unexpectedly, his means are still beyond my imagination!"

"Before, firing a cannon was able to go to the Spirit King Palace, but I didn't expect that after being shot down, I found a new way to reach the Spirit King Palace!!"

"I now officially announce that Kisuke Urahara can definitely become one of my special combat powers!"

"His unknown is the means !!"

At this moment, Yuhabach, although he still does not see the key role of Kisuke Urahara in sealing the blue dyeing.

But just looking at Kisuke Urahara's current future record is enough for him to take it seriously!

In the thousand-year-old bloody battle alone, he has already made great achievements!

At the beginning of the thousand-year bloody war, he took Kurosaki Ichigo to the Void Circle, and then asked Kurosaki Ichigo to the Corpse Soul Realm to support...

Twice let Kurosaki Ichigo go to the Spirit King Palace...

And in the previous incident between Shiba Isshin and Kurosaki Shinsaki, he also played an important role in Kurosaki Ichigo's growth, such as when he broke into the corpse soul realm and fought against the void circle!

Although not as high-profile as India and Friend Habach...

But it is no exaggeration to say that his growth effect on Ichigo Kurosaki is even more direct than that of Ranja and Yuhabach!

Worse than!

In addition, Lan Ran also highly praised Kisuke Urahara, giving a stronger evaluation of his wisdom than himself!

Such an existence will naturally not let Youhabach ignore it!

Therefore, making Kisuke Urahara a means of special combat power is definitely worthy of the name!

Hearing Youhabach's evaluation, the other exterminators did not have much objection.

Being able to have such a close relationship with the Spirit King Palace is definitely not a good stubble!

Many exterminators are even eager to fight Kisuke Urahara.

After all, Urahara Kisuke's strength in the frontal battlefield has not been completely displayed.

The high-level combat forces in the Annihilation Division, such as the Guards and others, are still very confident that they will defeat Kisuke Urahara!


The screen continues to play.

Moreover, in the process of preparing to go to the Spirit King Palace!

Yoruichi Shikaede also mentioned the opponents he had fought above.

That guy in the cloak, Penida, one of the members of the Guards of Friendly Habach!

This Penida didn't know why, and easily let her hand break.

So you have to avoid that guy and make a long-range attack.

After knowing the next plan, Kurosaki Ichigo looked at Grim Jow next to him a little suspiciously.

"Then again, why did you become our companion?"

This Grimmjow's awkward character really baffles him.

This is naturally because he, like Void White, is an extremely arrogant character.

Dead and alive are reluctant to say what they really think.

It's normal that Ichigo Kurosaki doesn't understand!.

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