
After inheriting the power of the Exterminator of Uncle Chop Moon and watching him leave him.

Kurosaki Ichigo also muttered to himself at this time in a sad and uplifting tone.

"Yes! You guy, and that guy, are not wrong. "

"You saved me with the shadow of the Exterminator, healed me with the blood of the Exterminator, and lent me the power of the Exterminator."

"Helped me who used to be very weak."

"Chozuki, it doesn't matter who you are! Whether it's you or him, you're definitely all Chopping Moon! "

That's right!

Ichigo Kurosaki is all!

It shows that he is no longer a child, but a mature adult!

This is not a scumbag!

It's the best of both worlds!!

Face these two people who love him deeply!

Ichigo Kurosaki can't live up to anyone!

So at this moment, the slashing moon he wants to create will be a double knife!!


In a chat group.

Seeing Kurosaki Ichigo's decision, everyone was amazed.

[Two Pieces House King Yue: Ouch, this little Ichigo is a little greedy, and both of them want to be used as a slashing moon? ] 】

[Kirin Temple Tenshiro: Yes, I originally thought that he was going to say goodbye to that "friend habach", but it turned out to be unsatisfactory...]

[Rukia Kurumi: What will Ichigo's new generation Satsuki look like?] 】

[Kyoraku Harumizu: It's really Ichigo Kurosaki who is very affectionate, shouldn't there be two slashing moons? ] 】

[Nirvana: A slashing knife that fuses the power of the destroyer and the power of the void? That's really the one who has never come before! 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Did Ichigo also have to say goodbye to the power in his body again?] It's really a bit of a "one zero zero" reluctance! 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Live up to everyone who loves themselves? It's so touching, this has nothing to do with me... It's very similar to our gentle blue-dyed captain! 】

[Shiba Isshin: We're moving, you bastards, don't spoil the atmosphere.] 】

[Azuke Kurosaki: Ichigo Kurosaki, your thoughts about Uncle Satsuki, Void White and others have completely changed now, so what about you to me? You should also recognize my good intentions! 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I... I don't want to talk to you! 】

[Ranzo Yusuke: Very good, Kurosaki Ichigo, let's go on so firmly! ] 】

[Blue Ran Yusuke: Say goodbye to the past and defeat this hateful friend Habach. 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: The uncle of the moon in your body is only the power to help you, and it is not the same existence as that evil friend Habach. 】

Yuhabach also began to fight for Kurosaki Ichigo, and continued to talk about it.

[Yuhabach: Kurosaki Ichigo, are you sure that what Uncle Satsuki said is the truth?] Before, these guys in your body said so many ambiguous things, do you think you should believe this Uncle Chopping Moon now? 】

[Kurosaki Ichigo: I... I just have to believe! This is an instinct in my genes! 】

Kurosaki Ichigo, who was used to being fooled, finally tried to resist the mouth of these "dads".

Even if he just sees the future on the screen at this time, he firmly believes it!

As if Uncle Chop Moon was like his own mother...

How could a mother harm someone?

[Youhabach: Besides, this so-called uncle Chopping Moon also didn't say that you would embarrass me and say that he wanted to kill me! ] 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Friendly Habach, don't be forceful! ] We can all see what this Uncle Chopping Moon wants to express! 】

[Shiba Isshin: Ichigo, don't listen to them, anyway, always remember that protecting your companions is the most correct choice! ] 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Don't worry! I know exactly what I do in the future! 】



Instilled by great power.

Kurosaki Ichigo got rid of the bottomless ocean in the spiritual space and saw the light again.

Back to reality.

With a resolute face, he walked towards the flame that the two house king Yue were creating.

The other women were amazed.

This is a very hot forged knife flame!

The second house king Yue said with a smile:

"Good. Ichigo you inject your soul into it now, then you can finish, this is your slashing knife, pull it out! "

At the moment when Kurosaki Ichigo injected his soul.


The extremely powerful spiritual pressure quickly exploded, erupting into an extremely powerful heat and shock wave!

Let the surrounding ocean evaporate in an instant.

It can be called burning the sky and boiling the sea!

It's like a knife in the fire!

Steam is like a tsunami, sweeping in all directions!

The place where Kurosaki Ichigo is located is like an isolated island in the sea!

The real moon is finally born!

This special effect alone is a striking shot!


The footage continues to be live.


The two house king Yue with a smile on his face also began to explain!

"That's right, he really didn't pretend to be a slasher."

Kurosaki Ichigo also said to himself.

"Chop the moon! I won't let you lend me your power anymore, and I won't tell you not to get in the way. "

"I won't ask you to fight with me."

"I'm going to fight with my own power now, thank you!"

"Chop Moon, you are me!!"

His soul completely merged with the two knives in front of him.

In Kurosaki Ichigo's hands, two black slashing knives suddenly appeared, and they looked very different.

In the left hand is a short knife that represents the power of the Exterminator.

In the right hand is a long knife representing the fusion of the power of void and death, and the blade is close to the grip and partially hollowed.

Although they are in the real world, the audience can also see that there are two illusory figures surrounding Ichigo Kurosaki!

Uncle Chop Moon and Void !!

Represents their guardianship of Ichigo Kurosaki!

Although they will not be able to continue to appear for the time being, they will continue to use their own power to protect Ichigo Kurosaki!

Ichigo Kurosaki has thrived!

It's time to leave him alone!



Kurosaki Ichigo's kingly aura is completely revealed!

...... (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Seeing this, the entire audience was shocked again!

[Genmu Sword Eight: What a powerful spiritual pressure! ] I would love to fight with the current Kurosaki Ichigo! 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: It's much stronger now than before. It's just that it's hard to say that he and the last battle against Lan Ran's state, which state is stronger? 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: Anyway, it's a power far beyond our imagination! 】

[Jingle Chunshui: Even if he is not as good as himself in the moonless state he once was, at least in terms of staying power, he is far better than the moonless state. 】

[Ukitake Juro: Are his two slashing knives one from the void in his body, and the other from the power of the exterminator? 】

[Shiba Isshin: They will definitely be used by Kurosaki Ichigo, and Ichigo really can't be described as a simple Shinigami or an Exterminator. 】

[Immortal Mu Hakuya: Originally, his slashing knife was already strange enough, but I didn't expect that these two were also very strange! ] 】

[Ukitake Juro: My double knife is also far from him! ] At least my form is similar. This is a unique double knife in the corpse soul world! 】

[Orochibana: Kurosaki Ichigo's power will definitely exceed our imagination, and it should not be difficult to defeat Yuhabach! ] 】

[Tamarimura Left Formation: I suddenly feel that he seems to be Kurosaki Ichigo's mother! ] Only a mother doesn't want her son to go to war, and she doesn't want her son to be hurt! 】

[Rukia Kurumi: That's right! Compared with the void, this Uncle Chopping Moon is indeed much gentler, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is his mother. 】

[Gerard: Hey, you're going too far! Treat our Majesty as a, then get it? 】



The audience was amazed at Kurosaki Ichigo.

I am also looking forward to his performance more and more.

After the success of the real Satsuki Creation, how strong will Ichigo Kurosaki show?

Can he fight Hasward, who cut his knife before, or even Friend Habach?


At a time when everyone is looking forward to it.

The picture appears from a previous scene.

After fighting with Imagination, Kenhachi defeated V Imagination with Shijie Nosun.

At this time.

The first thing that came to mind was to find his partner Eight Thousand Streams!

But he searched the entire battlefield, and he could only find the death suit of the vice captain of the eleventh team.

It looked as if she had disappeared out of thin air.

Although he was trying to feel the spiritual pressure of the grass deer eight thousand streams...

But strangely, the grass deer eight thousand streams do not look like this battlefield at all.

Gengi Kenba immediately ordered the other gods of death to find Kusakasa Yachiryu.

But at this time!

A bolt of thunder fell from the sky!

Boom, boom!!

These Grim Reaper were all struck by lightning!

The smell of scorching pervades the battlefield...

The screams were endless.

At the same time, four women appeared under the interplay of thunder and lightning!

A member of the Knights of the Star Cross!

And the one who released the lightning was T Katice Katnip!

Her holy word is Thunder!

After this Cadice unleashes lightning bolts and comes to the battlefield.

Gengi Kenba quickly circled behind his back and swung his sword at him.

However, it is synonymous with lightning.

Katis was very fast, dodging the attack of Kenhachi, and also released lightning, directly numbing it.

Immediately afterwards, another pink-haired girl appeared, and with powerful brute force, he hit Genmu Jianba directly to the ground.


After that, they also commented in amazement:

"This guy is terrible! Obviously beaten like this by imagination, even able to fight? "

After seeing this, the other members of the Grim Reaper quickly wanted to fight these female exterminators.

A cute girl with short yellow hair with bangs directly turned her mouth into a huge mouth!

And it can become larger and longer at will, directly biting off the body of a god of death!

She said with a crooked mouth while eating.

"Of course, it's more wooden sword eight on the other side, which is understandable! He must be killed while he is exhausted! "

She's Grito Toran Pado (Gluttony)!

Genmu Jianba still wanted to rush over to fight them, but at the moment he was already scarred, so he was quickly knocked to the ground by lightning.

Boom, boom!!

At this time, the more wooden sword eight can be described as the tiger falling Pingyang was bullied by dogs...


Seeing this, everyone was very surprised!

[Madara Ichime: I really didn't expect it! ] Captain Eight of the Wooden Sword would also encounter such a danger, this is the scene where he finished fighting with that imagination "V" before, right? 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Yes! He has been fighting for so long, so it is normal that he does not have the strength to continue fighting these guys. 】

[Kusaka Hachiryu: Ah, Xiaojian, don't be angry, they are taking advantage of the fire to rob, how can you be so weak!? ] 】

[Genmu Kenhachi: Hmph, I will only disdain them! ] That V at least made me enjoy a hearty fight. And this group of cowards, who didn't see them make a move before, are cowardly mice! 】

[Cadice: Hey, what do you say! Maybe we just arrived just in time. No matter how strong you are, I dare to single you out! 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Are these exterminators? It was actually four women. It seems that their strength is not simple! 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Next, do you want to talk about the plot after Kurosaki Ichigo forged the slashing knife? ] I'm really looking forward to it! 】

[0.6 Kenhachi: Do I have to let Ichigo Kurosaki save me next?] Hey, it's a pity, if my injuries can be recovered, there should still be no big problem with one slash of these exterminators. 】

Genmu Jianba was indeed very angry and worried at this time.

Although he longs to fight, what he longs for is a fair fight!

He is not afraid of death, but he is afraid that he will not have the opportunity to fight in the future!

As for the exterminator, he was very happy.

[Lijebarro: Do you want to start the slaughter of death by our exterminator again? You Grim Reaper is Sun! 】

[Gerard: Hmph, finally give you women a chance to behave. 】

[Bumby Aita: Come on! But then again, you all showed up, why didn't you see me? 】

[Grammy: Che, what's so proud? Isn't it thanks to me that I gave you a bloody Genmu Sword Eight? 】

[Urucchiora: Don't be proud too early, don't forget that Ichigo Kurosaki hasn't appeared yet! ] 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Yes, you must know that every time Kurosaki Ichigo cultivates, he will usher in a very bright moment... I wonder if this time is the same as your last Crescent Heavenly Chong last time? 】

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Lan Ran, are you embarrassed to mention this? You've been taught a terrible lesson! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: A real strong person will not deny his past failures! ] This can be elevated to a higher level! Besides, my battle with Ichigo Kurosaki may not be a loser! And, I will definitely play a key role in this battle as well! 】

At this moment, Lan Dye is indeed looking forward to the glorious moment of himself and his son! !

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