When everyone was paying close attention to whether Uncle Chop Moon turned his face, the scene began to switch.

Deeply shocked, Ichigo Kurosaki, the spiritual space collapsed!

He sank into the water again.


At the same time, Kurosaki Ichigo is still asking Uncle Satsuki!

"What the hell is going on? Are you... Is it really that so-called friendly habach? "

This scene makes people laugh for a while.

It's like a love triangle.

Haku Ichigo is the arrogant guy who says that he hates himself the most, but actually loves himself crazy.

Even if he was disliked by Ichigo Kurosaki many times, he still did not leave Ichigo Kurosaki - did not give up!

Many times saved Kurosaki Ichigo's life at critical moments!

Never change your mind!

There is no greater love in the world than this...

Kurosaki Ichigo's scumbag behavior is really ashamed of such love!

And Uncle Satsuki, although he had always loved Ichigo Kurosaki before.

But lies on fundamental issues ...

Therefore, Kurosaki Ichigo naturally wanted to question this uncle of the moon.

You must know if Uncle Chop Moon has true feelings for him!


Heard Kurosaki Ichigo's questioning.

The friendly Habach-like guy sighed and had a showdown with him.

"I am the source of the power of the Exterminator in your body, I am Youhabach, but I am not Youhabach."

A familiar taste is here!

Kurosaki Ichigo still asked loudly!

"I don't understand! Are you an enemy or a partner? Have you been cheating on me all this time? "

People who don't know, what kind of bloody love drama is this...

The rain is getting heavier...

Symbolizing the spiritual space in Kurosaki Ichigo's body, he is becoming more and more sad and sad.

After letting the audience see this scene, they are a little worried.

And Uncle Chop Moon is still the style of the riddler, slowly speaking.

"I am not your companion or your enemy."

"But I didn't lie to you either, except for the name!!"

Uncle Chop Moon's words were loud and reverberated in the spiritual space!


After seeing this scene, many viewers were a little surprised.

[Hurribel: Oh, or did you really admit your deception? 】

[Urucchiorra: However, I don't think this "fake friend Habach" wants to do anything bad, his deception is all to better protect Kurosaki Ichigo... Is this the heart I couldn't understand before? 】

[Nirvana: Sure enough, as I said, he should also be the power to help Ichigo Kurosaki. 】

[Asanai Koji: But why is this guy's words so difficult to understand? What is not an enemy and not a companion? 】

[Tamarin Left Formation: What is called Youhabach, and not Youhabach?] 】

[Kyoraku Harumizu: Perhaps, this Annihilation Division power in this Kurosaki Ichigo body may be influenced by Yuhabach, and I hope Kurosaki Ichigo is more inclined to the Annihilation Division camp... But deep down, all he cares about most is Kurosaki Ichigo himself! 】

[Youhabach: Hmph, I don't think this guy can act out of my will! 】

[Lan Ran Yusuke: Youhabach, you better accept this fact! ] Just like my vainness, after I created it, it is no longer under my control... The resulting perfect work, Ichigo Kurosaki, is also not something I can control casually. 】

[Ichigo Kurosaki: Of course! My destiny is in my hands! Void Bai and Uncle Chopping Moon are my people, and I won't let them be controlled by you!" 】

Kurosaki Ichigo completely confessed to Void and Uncle Satsuki at this moment!

I must not fail them anymore!

[Yuhabach: Hmph, Kurosaki Ichigo, even your will must be controlled by me as the King of Annihilation! ] Not to mention me inside you? You slowly know you're wrong! 】

[Ryosuke Ran: Yes, Ichigo Kurosaki, I do expect that the you I created will be an independent person! ] 】

[Zhibo Yixin: Good guys, have you said enough? Where did you put me? 】

At this time, Youhabach and Lan Ran both showed the difference in their respective ways of teaching their children...

The audience was also speechless.

This Kurosaki Ichigo is really the proud son of heaven!

There are so many powerful top powerhouses as "dads" ...

There is so much power in the body!

There are so many guys in love with him!

What an enviable thing!

[Lijebaro: This scene really makes me complain, Kurosaki Ichigo and these guys in the body get along so well, it's just scumbag-like behavior..."

[Ichimaru Silver: It's really the determined Ichigo Kurosaki, and his love for this "Uncle Satsuki" is also very deep. So always believed in him. 】

[Matsumoto Ranju: This is love that goes both ways... They are sincere with each other. 】

[Stark: It was only our innocence that was injured before? 】

[Grimjow: So if you say so, you have been unrequited for so long? It's a little miserable...]

Of course, even Kurosaki Ichigo is 99% wrong...

Isn't there that 1% wrong with nothingness?

This uncle appeared early in the early stage and earned enough favorability...

And the white mouth is smelly and arrogant, who keeps saying that he wants to seize control of Kurosaki Ichigo's body, who will trust him?

One is that when the game can't be beaten, he carefully teaches his uncle Chop Moon!

One is to scold Ichigo Kurosaki for beating badly, while also grabbing the keyboard and mouse for the whiteness ...

It's normal for Ichigo Kurosaki to be afraid and hate whiteness!



Uncle Chop Moon continued to say sincerely:

"Ichigo, you should have been able to see it clearly!"

"When I taught you the method of using the slashing knife, I have always borrowed the power of the Great Void."

"When you can't give full play to the power of the slashing knife, when your life is in danger, it's not me who has been saving you!"

"It's the void in you."

As soon as he heard this, Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but think of that tsundere void...

I have to admit that this vain is indeed his best combat partner!

No way!

The next time I see him, I must treat him well!

Seeing the moved Kurosaki Ichigo, Uncle Satsuki continued to sigh with emotion:

"I don't want you to be the Grim Reaper, so I suppress your immature power."

"Put myself at the center of your power."

"I just want to protect you and keep you out of the fight."

"Once you become the Grim Reaper, there is no way for you to avoid the battle, then you will definitely be very miserable!"

"At that time, I will have to end your life."

Uncle Chop Yue's words vividly showed his deep love and contradictions!

And at this time, a blue Lingzi giant sword condensed in his hand!

Completely burst out all the power of the Exterminator that he has!

Prove your identity as a destroyer!


After seeing this scene, everyone was full of emotion and began to discuss!

[Hibanya Fuyushiro: Ah, he won't still have to do it to Kurosaki Ichigo, will he?] 】

[Kisuke Urahara: No, I know very well that he has no killing intent at all, and Mr. Kurosaki will not be in danger. 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Sure enough, this guy is the power of the Exterminator, so in the previous scene, we haven't seen him give Ichigo any power. 】

[Shiraya Kurumi: Indeed, those who directly train Ichigo Kurosaki are all tsundere whites! ] 】

[Gerard: Good fellow, our majesty confessed so affectionately, I got a little goosebumps...] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Lijebarro: Yes, it is completely different from the image of His Majesty I saw before...]

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: I was a little moved, I no longer saw this middle-aged friend Habach, and I wanted to cut him...]

[Kyoraku Harumizu: Yes, the real friend Habach is so gentle as him. They are really very different beings! 】

[Asanai Koji: Although he prevented Kurosaki Ichigo from becoming the Shinigami, Kurosaki Ichigo ended up becoming so strong...]

[Lan Ran Yusuke: I am quite satisfied that such an unexpected exterminator force protects Ichigo Kurosaki and has achieved such a great work for me! ] 】

[Ichimaru Gin: Of course, Kurosaki Ichigo, I hope you remember! It's just this middle-aged friend Habach who is whitewashed! Remember the friend Habach in old age, cut when it is time to cut! 】



Uncle Satsuki, who is in the image of Yuhabach, is still gently saying to Kurosaki Ichigo.

"Ichigo! I will never be able to make you the Grim Reaper, and once I do, I will have to kill you. "

"But by chance, accompanied by countless pains, you still embarked on this path."

"Whenever I see your moving figure, my heart is shaken..."

"So in the future, I am more inclined to help you than to keep you away from the power of death!"

"So now I can leave you with peace of mind..."

"And I feel very happy about it!!

What Uncle Satsuki said at this time seemed to be possessed by Kurosaki Masaki!

In this way, I can accompany my son to grow up.

He has no regrets!

Hear it here.

Satisfied, Uncle Satsuki began to say goodbye to Ichigo Kurosaki.

From his trench coat, to his torso and face, it gradually dissipated into the air.

"Ichigo! In the future, you will definitely be able to continue to become stronger, I am very happy to witness your growth, there is nothing happier than this..."

And in the close-up of this shot, the audience can also see it very clearly!

Yohabach cried!


It was Uncle Chopper who cried!

Also, many viewers themselves cried!

Damn it......

Uncle Chop Moon's damn tenderness made them all infected...

Ask for flowers

[Genmu Kenhachi: I don't know why, I actually want to shed tears? Damn it...... This damn tear can even appear on me? 】

[Orochimaru: Captain Gengi may be a little empathetic. 】

[Kusaka Yachiryu: Ichigo's feelings for the slashing knife, I am also very touched! ] Sure enough, only people who are most passionate can have such sincere feelings with their own slashing knife! 】


And at this time.

Kurosaki Ichigo could not accept this fact, and swam through this ocean with all his might, reaching out in vain to grab him.

The audience can also clearly see the tears rolling in his eyes.

Ichigo Kurosaki really moved his feelings!

He shouted hysterically:

"Don't... Wait..."

Don't go!

Uncle Chop Moon!

However, he could only watch this Uncle Chop Moon who had accompanied him for so long completely dissipate in his spiritual space.

The uncle who always stops his world from raining.

Eventually left.

And Uncle Chop Moon's voice is still echoing.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, the power you've been using."

"It's just that I didn't suppress it, it's just a very small fragment in your power!"

"Now you are finally able to fight with all your strength!"

"This is your real slashing knife!!"


Although Uncle Satsuki is gone, the power of the Great Sword of the Annihilation Master Reiko left behind by him is still in the spiritual space of Kurosaki Ichigo!

And a steady stream of pouring into Kurosaki Ichigo's body!


Seeing this, everyone also exploded and talked about it.

[Asanai Koji: Good guy, so Ichigo's Shinigami power has always been suppressed by the power of the Exterminator? ] How terrifying his original power should be! 】

[Immortal Mu Baiya: The captain-level spiritual pressure he showed at the beginning was very enviable, but the result was still fragments? ] 】

[Ichimaru Silver: Sure enough, I felt that way before, Kurosaki Ichigo, who appeared at the beginning, was stronger than him for a long time after! ] 】

[Rukia Kurumi: Indeed, I feel that when Ichigo rescued me, he was like a savior, and no one could stop him... Now it seems that it is not my brain supplement, but really, right? 】

[Kenhachi Gengi: Hehe, then this Kurosaki Ichigo defeated me at that time, I can also accept it. 】

Everyone was even more amazed by Kurosaki Ichigo's power!

It's no exaggeration to say that this is the setting of the appearance is the full level, right?

There is no need to open and hang it!

Completely the own son of this world!

[Lan Ran Yusuke: What a familiar scene, when Kurosaki Ichigo was cultivating the last crescent moon Tenchong, he also said goodbye to them like this, right? That minotaur friend Habach's gesture of union should also be the power of Kurosaki Ichigo, and he loves him, right? 】

[Yamamoto Motoyanagisai Shigekoku: Indeed, Kurosaki Ichigo is not getting stronger, but is just constantly regaining his true strength. 】

[Mako Hirako: It's numb, this is not an open hanging... It turned out to be a ban, just to get the equipment back. 】

[Tosen: This Kurosaki Ichigo, really not open...]

[Blue Ran Yusuke: Not bad, not bad! ] Kurosaki Ichigo, you can finally unlock your full power! After the power of the Annihilator, Void, and Death hidden in your body is completely fused, it will be a power that even me, the creator, can hardly imagine! 】

[Shiba Kazushin: Haha, Masaki, if you see this scene, you will definitely be very relieved! ] The son we gave birth to, his power is beyond our imagination. 】

[Ishida Ryuji: Did you say... Is half-blood the most powerful? Then the pure blood that our Ishida family has been pursuing is not going in the wrong direction? 】

[Yuryu Ishida: Dad, you're starting to change your mentality too. 】


On the other side, the invisible empire.

The pure-blood exterminators who prideon themselves are also mixed feelings and self-doubt.

Is the hybrid exterminator they looked down on in the past the most powerful?

Now Kurosaki Ichigo is no longer a simple annihilator.

But the power may far exceed them!

Of course, they could only secretly look at Youhabach and dare not say these words.

And Youhabach just looked gloomy as water and said to himself:

"Hybrids are stronger?"

"Hmph, maybe there is some truth."

"But it doesn't matter if the power is mixed blood."

"I just need Ichigo Kurosaki to listen to me!"

"The one who flows with the blood of the Exterminator is my son, and should join my camp!!"

"Let's destroy the corpse soul realm together, overthrow this world, and create a brand new world!"

Yuhabach's eyes were fiery, and he couldn't wait to let Kurosaki Ichigo do his own thing!.

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