In the Jurchen station.

Daewoo's cavalry is still rushing to kill the Jurchen soldiers.

At the same time, some cavalrymen threw torches stained with fire oil at the Jurchen tents.

One by one, the tents were set on fire, and those Jurchens who had not yet had time to run out suffered even more, some of them were covered in fire, wailing and running out, and some were directly engulfed in the sea of fire.

In the tent of the Chinese military camp.

As the main general, Gurtai was awakened in his sleep.

After hearing the shouts and killings outside, he ran out of the camp in a hurry.

As soon as I got out of the camp, I saw that in the military camp of Nuoda, there were many people, and countless Daewoo cavalry, everywhere, rushing to kill the sergeants under his command in all directions.

Gurtai's face suddenly changed.

The Daewoo Army dared to take the initiative to attack and rush to kill their army, which was something he had never thought of.

"Everyone listen to the order, get on the horse..."

Before Gurtai could finish speaking, a cold light slashed in front of him.

After Qinglong entered the camp, he was slaughtering the Jurchen generals in the camp everywhere, and when he saw Gurtai coming out, he took the lead and rushed over.

Capture the thief and capture the king first.

At present, the Daewoo Army has an absolute advantage, and it is categorically unable to allow the Jurchen soldiers to organize and form an effective counteroffensive.

In that case, even if you can win in the end, you will have to pay some price.

The cold knife light slashed over, and Gurtai didn't have time to say more, so he hurriedly raised his knife to resist.

Qinglong's force is already excellent, coupled with the huge impact of the cavalry, this knife down, how can Gurtai be able to block it.


There was a violent collision.

Gultai took a few steps backwards, his body staggered, he fell to the ground, and the long knife in his hand also flew out.

As soon as he struggled to get up, the green dragon had already appeared in front of him at a ghostly speed, condescendingly, and the long knife in his hand slapped down heavily.

Before Gurtai could react, he lost consciousness.

If possible, capture Gultai alive.

This was what Lin Feng told him before leaving.

After cleaning up Gultai, Qinglong looked around, the battle was still going on, but many of the young real soldiers had already reacted from the original six gods and no masters, and began to resist the massacre of the Daewoo army.

"Allah will be captured, and the Daewoo generals will be killed!" Qinglong shouted.

As these words sounded, around the camp, Daewoo's cavalry, while killing the enemy, also shouted: "Allah will be captured, and the soldiers will kill the enemy!"

Soon, such shouts sounded in all directions of the camp.

Those Jurchen soldiers who had just come to their senses, at this time, heard the news that their master was going to be killed, paused, and the fighting spirit they had just raised disappeared without a trace.

In this era, the Lord will be killed and captured, which is undoubtedly very fatal for any army.

On the side of the Daewoo army, the situation is diametrically reversed.

They were originally the one who took the initiative to attack, and at the beginning they faced the Jurchen soldiers of the six gods and no masters, and the momentum of killing was like a rainbow, but now, when they heard the news that the enemy master would be captured, everyone was very excited.

One by one, they screamed and their fighting spirits were high.

The Jurchens are recognized for their courage and skill, and one-on-one, Daewoo's sergeants are often not opponents.

But now, they killed these Jurchen soldiers, like chopping melons and vegetables, and they have never been so refreshing.

The more you kill, the more excited, the more you kill, the more excited.

The fight continues.

It's just that the so-called fight is not a war between the two sides, but a situation in which one side is completely reversed.

Finally, on the Jurchen side, someone couldn't bear it.

They gave up their proud warrior dignity and fled in embarrassment in front of the Daewoo army, which they had always looked down upon.

Someone takes the lead, someone follows suit.

Soon, more and more Jurchens, giving up the fighting, turned on their horses, and began to rush outside the camp.

Lin Feng planned all this, the purpose was to wipe out this Jurchen army, how could it be possible to let them escape.

On the periphery of the camp, Qinglong, Su Xingchang and Liao Hui had already prepared an ambush in advance, and many Jurchen soldiers had just rushed out, and before they could breathe a sigh of relief, they were killed by the ambush soldiers outside.

In the dark.

The fire was blazing, and blood was sprinkled everywhere.

Of the more than 10,000 Jurchen soldiers, only a few hundred broke out of the encirclement and escaped.

The rest, except for Gurtai, who was captured by Qinglong, were all killed by Daewoo cavalry and died in this mountain of corpses and blood.

Qinglong, Su Xingchang, and Liao Hui gathered together, and everyone's faces were full of excitement.

Especially Liao Hui, he has been in Liaodong for many years, and he has never fought such a battle, and he has never been so hearty.

Suddenly remembering something, he turned his head, in the direction of Quang Ninh City in the north, and silently shouted in his heart: "Brothers, I have not been able to bring you to live, but this hatred, I have always kept it in my heart, and today, I will use the blood of this Jurchen to sacrifice your souls in heaven." "

The next step is to clean up the battlefield.

When the dust settled, the sky was already dark.

"Let's go, go back to the city!" The

three Qinglong looked at the camp that was smoking and turned into ruins, and after that, they beckoned all the troops and ran towards Guangyuan City.


Guangyuan City.

Lin Feng didn't sleep all night.

Qin Mengxue and Qin Mengyao looked at the man standing there, the slightly thin back, but in their hearts, it was so tall.

This man, as if he was fascinated, always made people can't help but be curious and want to find out.

He doesn't know martial arts, but there are many masters under his command who take their lives to serve.

The first time he went to the battlefield, he managed tens of thousands of troops in an orderly manner, and he worked from top to bottom.

Sometimes he's domineering, sometimes he's so affectionate.

Before they knew it, they were addicted to it.

"You should rest first, Qinglong and Su Xingchang are both measured people, and nothing will happen if you think about it. Qin Mengxue stood up, walked to Lin Feng, and said slowly.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry, but you didn't sleep well. Lin Feng smiled softly.

This night attack, he studied the psychology of the Jurchens and came up with it.

To put it bluntly, there is still an element of gambling.

If the Jurchens were prepared and even set traps, then this elite cavalry of 10,000 people would definitely suffer huge losses.

This has to be worried.


At that moment, a long howl sounded outside the house.

Hearing this voice, Lin Feng was shocked, pushed open the door, and walked outside.

A sergeant in armor and still stained with blood rushed in from outside, his face full of excitement and excitement.

"My lord, great victory!"

"In this battle, our side annihilated more than 10,000 enemies, and only a few hundred people escaped. The

sergeant fell to his knees on one knee, and there was an irrepressible trilling in his voice.


Hearing this, Lin Feng let out a long sigh of relief.

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