On the banks of the Daning River.

Gurtai took more than 10,000 soldiers and generals under his command and retreated here.

On the banks of the river, tents were erected, bonfires were burning, and horses were enclosed in makeshift stables.

Gurtai and his generals were concentrated in the big tent of the Chinese army.

This time, he volunteered to attack Guangyuan City with his Zhenglan Army, wanting to build another city for the tribe and gain military achievements.

According to the past, these rabble in Liaodong, a wave of charge, is enough to make them lose their fighting spirit.

Today, to hell with it.

The Liaodong Army, which was cowardly in the past, saw them rushing into the city, but instead of being afraid, their eyes lit up, as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

It felt like an old bachelor seeing a peerless beauty sent to the door.

This has never happened before.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Gultai asked in a deep voice, looking at the generals of the Blue Army on both sides.

"Today's Liaodong army is indeed a little abnormal, the last general noticed that the general at the head of the city seems to be the Liaodong general we met in Guangning City, it is very likely that the abnormality of these Liaodong troops is his reason. A Blue Army general said.

Gultai's face was a little gloomy.

At that time, the distance between the two sides was relatively far, and faintly, he only heard the voice coming from Guangyuan City, and did not see the figure too clearly.

When I heard this, I pondered it carefully, and it was indeed somewhat similar.

In the battle of Guangning City, Wang Wenyan, the Liaodong Economic Strategy, was about to collapse, but Liao Hui, the deputy commander-in-chief, left some impression on him, if there was no desperate resistance from this person, they would have taken Guangning City early, and they would not have been delayed at all.

I never thought that seeing you again today would cause them trouble.

"When he was in Guangning City, he was still beaten by us and fled, here, how can he stop my invincible Jurchen army. "

The last general asks for battle, give the last general 3,000 people, and tomorrow will definitely take Guangyuan City." A

bearded burly general stood up and swore an oath.

When the others heard this, they all smiled and nodded.

The cowardice of the Liaodong Army is already deep-rooted in their hearts, even if they occasionally encounter some difficult people, but in front of their brave Jurchen warriors, they will still be defeated after all.

"Okay, tomorrow we will break through Guangyuan City in one fell swoop, and the Liaodong Army in the city will all be slaughtered, and no one will be left. Gurtai's expression returned to normal and he said sharply.

A small setback, although it made Gultai a little annoyed, did not affect his fighting spirit.

This is the self-confidence that has been cultivated over a long period of time and has won many battles.

On the other hand, it was also the weakness of the Liaodong Army that made them unconsciously develop the habit of contempt.

After the discussion was over, the sergeant outside the tent brought in the roasted golden leg of mutton, and the crowd began to feast.

Eat and drink to your heart's content.

After a brief arrangement of the vigil, Gurtai went into the tent and fell asleep.

At this time, he didn't know that more than twenty miles to the south of him, the closed Guangyuan City slowly opened, and an army of Daewoo drove out of the city gate at night and came in the direction where they were stationed.

The number of this team is not very large, and it is only 10,000 people when it is full, but it gathers the elite of Guangyuan City.

At the front of the team, Qinglong, Su Qingchang, Liao Hui and others rode on their horses, looking at the front of the night, and everyone's faces were endlessly indifferent.

This was Lin Feng's plan.


Night Raid.

The Jurchens and Daewoo have fought many times, winning consecutive battles, from the bottom of their hearts, they look down on the Daewoo army, and they have a large number of cavalry, once they start a war in the open field, it is not realistic to want to annihilate them all.

Taking advantage of their contempt for the Daewoo army and launching surprise and night raids is the best way to completely annihilate this Jurchen army.

Although he is not very knowledgeable about military affairs, he also knows that war is not simply a matter of fighting for strength by force.

In history, there are countless examples of winning more with less and running thousands of miles.

While the strength of force is important, strategy is even more indispensable.

The experience of his predecessors, he has learned and used, is always right.

Lin Feng stood at the head of the city, looking at the team that was gradually disappearing, and in his heart, he was secretly looking forward to it.

The war between Daewoo and the Jurchens has always been relatively weak, and they have been defeated one after another.

This is a great blow to the morale of the army and the people.

If this Jurchen army of more than 10,000 people can be successfully annihilated, in addition to forming a great blow to the Jurchen's southward plan, it will also greatly improve the morale of the army and the people.

It's significant, both strategically and tactically.

The distance of more than 20 miles is just a fast gallop, and it will arrive soon.

As the team approached the banks of the Daning River, it stopped, and then slowly approached Gurtai's station.

In the dark.

Qinglong, Su Xingchang, and Liao Hui were at the front of the team, staring at the flickering station in front of them.

They all held their breath in their hearts, and now the time has come, and everyone's faces are filled with murderous intent.

After a brief whispered exchange, the three of them dispersed with their respective teams.


At one moment, with a loud voice, three teams simultaneously charged towards Gurtai's station.

The rumbling sound of horses' hooves resounded in the land.

At the gate of the Jurchen station, the dozing night watch soldiers were immediately awakened, and looked at the charging cavalry, their faces full of disbelief and horror.

"Enemy attack!" shouted

the soldiers of the night watch, panicked.

However, it was too late.

The three teams, all cavalry, with the terrifying speed of the charge, broke through the perimeter of the Jurchens and killed them directly.


The sound of blades cutting through flesh.

As soon as the soldier on the night watch shouted, he didn't have time to draw his blade, the sword flashed, and the whole person was already out of breath.

Many Jurchens who were still asleep were awakened, and ran out of the camps in a hurry, as far as they could see, countless cavalry rushed to kill in their own camps, and some were taken away by passing cavalry before they could react.

It is that sentence, there is a mental calculation and no intention.

From the very beginning, the Jurchens never thought that the Liaodong Army, which had always been weak, would actually fight out of the city and attack their camp.

Perhaps, the Jurchen soldiers here are all brave and good at fighting, and their combat power is extraordinary.

However, they were unprepared, so when a large number of cavalry rushed in, they could not react at all.

On the other hand, on Daewoo's side, the three cavalry teams are all elites in the army.

When they rushed into the camp, they began to slaughter the Jurchen soldiers who had no six gods and no masters.

Just as Lin Feng said when he gave the order, after rushing into the Jurchen camp, before the Jurchens could not react, they had to cause as many casualties as possible at all costs.

In just a short period of time, countless Jurchen soldiers died.

Moreover, it was a complete one-sided slaughter.

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