With confidence, he led people into the palace with confidence, ready to meet the imminent emperor's throne, but the reality gave him a blow to the head, a huge gap in his heart, and King Ning's mentality was completely unbalanced.

At this time, it is like a mad dog, catching and biting whom.

"You tell me, why is the emperor safe and sound, doesn't it mean that it is foolproof?" King Ning roared, shifting his gaze to Liu Yong, a staff member in the palace.

Liu Yong has a hard time.

It is said that a companion is like a tiger, but for him, the master who is angry and angry can only swallow the pain in his heart.

Just then, someone walked in from outside.

"Lord, I asked people to investigate, and I found a little rumor, the emperor did fall into the water, and when he was rescued, he was dying, even the imperial doctor had no choice, but after Lin Feng entered the palace, I don't know what method was used, but the emperor turned the corner and woke up. Everyone

in the room looked at each other in unison, their eyes full of suspicion.

It can be said that Lin Feng is a killing god and an executioner, but when it comes to saving people, I have never heard of it, the imperial doctor has no choice, Lin Feng saved people, who is this fooling.

"This matter is true, it came from the Tai Hospital. Hearing

this, the doubt in everyone's eyes gradually turned into disbelief, this is too fantastic!"

Lin Feng..."

King Ning gritted his teeth, he had never encountered such a difficult enemy.

One person is more of a headache and hates him than all the old foxes in the cabinet.

"Lord Wang, although the assassination failed this time, it didn't leave any handle, so even if Lin Feng guessed that we did it, there was no reason to start, the top priority at the moment was the hussar camp, and Lin Feng must not be allowed to control the hussar camp, otherwise, we will be even more passive. In

the face of this moody master, Liu Yong was helpless, but he still had to try his best to plan.

As a strategist, his bets were all on King Ning, King Ning went up, what was waiting for him was glory and wealth, King Ning was unlucky, and he couldn't get any benefits.

Fortunately, after a short period of anger, King Ning had calmed down, and Liu Yong was a little relieved.

"This king has been running a hussar camp for many years, and he can eat it if he wants to.

King Ning calmed down, and a sinister smile appeared on his face: "Does he think that if he captures Shi Hu and uses the pretext of investigating the hussar camp to insert his own people in, he will be able to control the hussar camp."

"He was thinking well, but there was one thing he was wrong. "

He was a dog eunuch, he didn't know anything about the military, he had never been on the battlefield, he didn't know anything about the army, and he didn't know anything about the hussar battalion.

"Even though the hussar battalion is the elite of Daewoo, almost all the sergeants at the bottom come out of the countryside, have no knowledge, only a fierce courage, such a person is best controlled and bewitched. "

Isn't it true that Jinyiwei hasn't started yet, before Jinyiwei starts, let the deputy commander Wu Sheng make up all the food and salary owed, and send it for two more months, and tell those soldiers that the imperial court wants to break up the hussar camp, so the food and salary can't be sent for a long time, and then incite and incite, let them make trouble."

King Ning sneered.

In the eyes of those in their upper ranks, the hussar battalion was a tool, but in the eyes of the lowest soldiers, the hussar camp was their faith.

As for the salary, it is even more trivial, if it is not paid, the sergeants will complain, as long as they make up for it, and then give a little extra sweetness, it is easy to be confused, and they have done this kind of thing more than once.

After listening to King Ning's words, Liu Yong's eyes also lit up.

King Ning in this state is the King Ning he was familiar with at the beginning, the powerful prince who lowered the cabinet.

As long as the lowest sergeant makes trouble, even if Lin Feng has a way, he will be helpless, and it will be impossible to kill all the hussar battalions, it is simply unrealistic.

"As soon as the chaos comes out, it may be a little difficult to control, but Lin Feng can't control it, when the time comes, depending on the development of the situation, we may be able to add another fire, make Lin Feng angry and resentful, at that time, even the Queen Mother can't protect him. After King Ning finished speaking, he looked around, and his smug expression reappeared.

The others nodded: "The prince's plan is very good, there is no flaw at all, if you can take the opportunity to bring down Lin Feng, the dog thief, it will kill two birds with one stone." "

Very good, then do it!" King

Ning gave an order, and everyone had a plan in their hearts, ready to move again.

Everyone can see that Lin Feng is the biggest obstacle, and if Lin Feng is eliminated, the world will fall into their hands sooner or later.

The night is silent and deep.

Lin Feng was sleeping with Mei Jiao Niang in his arms, and he didn't know that King Ning had put a lot of effort into dealing with him.



Lin Feng was just about to go out when he saw Qinglong coming in a hurry.

"Factory Gong, according to the instructions of the factory father, his subordinates just prepared to go to the hussar camp today to get people, but they received news that Wu Sheng, the deputy commander of the hussar battalion, did not know where to get the silver taels, and paid the soldiers silver, and at the same time spread rumors in the army, saying that the factory man wanted to break up the hussar camp.

"Nowadays, the sergeants of the hussar battalion have a lot of opinions, and they are afraid that there will be trouble.

Qinglong said cautiously, this matter Lin Feng handed over to him, this is undoubtedly a trust in him.

He had to be careful not to mess up.

But to Qinglong's surprise, when Lin Feng heard this, he didn't change at all, he just smiled lightly: "What a quick means." "

Yesterday's plan didn't work, so I immediately changed my plan and started with the hussar camp.

King Ning really didn't stop for a moment.

"The hussar battalion is the elite of the Beijing Division, the heavy weapon of Daewoo, and it can no longer be controlled by King Ning.

"My father must take it back, as for those troublemakers, you look at it and deal with it yourself, and those who are too stubborn don't have to keep their hands at critical moments." "

Governing evil with good is certainly the royal way, but sometimes, curing evil with evil can have immediate results.

King Ning's actions had already made Lin Feng feel dangerous, and he didn't have the leisure to continue to camp step by step.

When Qinglong heard this, his heart was shocked, and his juniors broke out in a cold sweat, knelt down on one knee and said in a deep voice: "My subordinates will definitely go to the soup and fight the fire, and they will not give up ten thousand times."

"Qinglong, you have a heavy burden on your body this time, and this move is also a bit risky.

"Once the hussar camp makes a big fuss, the consequences are unimaginable, but the major affairs of the soldiers are related to the safety of the imperial court, even if there is a risk, the prince has to take it.

"In this matter, you must have a bottom line, as for other means, act on the opportunity!"

"If necessary, you can let Qin Zhong cooperate with you."

Qinglong bowed his head and bowed his hand, a little serious in his excitement, and said in a deep voice: "Don't worry, your subordinates will live up to the trust of the factory

!" "Go, try to be careful!"

After Qinglong got up, he hugged his fists again, and then left.

He knew that the hussar camp was very important to the factory father, and there was no room for error.

After Qinglong left, Lin Feng sat down again, his brain was running rapidly, and his heart was not calm.

King Ning's methods are getting more and more tricky.

This time, he was indeed taking a risk, but now in the imperial court, he had to take a risk.

After sorting out his mood, Lin Feng thought about it for a while and felt that it was better to go to the palace.

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