"Everyone, please go back, if there is anything, we will talk about it tomorrow. Xia Siyao dropped a sentence and turned back to the hall.

Not long after the little emperor came to his senses, judging from Lin Feng's indifferent expression, there should be no problem, but as a mother, Xia Siyao knew what the little emperor needed most now.

Outside the main hall.

The officials all fell silent.

Yang Wenxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and the heart that he had been carrying finally fell into his stomach safely.

The people of King Ning's faction had a look on their faces that was a little incomprehensible, and King Ning, who was at the front, couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

There could be no mistake in the news coming back.

Then, in the middle of their arrival in the palace, something must have happened that he didn't know, so that the little emperor was out of danger and rescued.

It's just that he still feels a little incredible.

Falling overboard.

This is the method they have been planning for a long time.

It will successfully achieve its goal, but it will not arouse too much suspicion and create the illusion of the accidental death of the little emperor.

But the accident happened.

At this time, King Ning, the pride and expectation in his heart disappeared cleanly, and in his place, he was full of anger, and there was no way to vent it here.

Looking at Lin Feng with disdain and mockery in his eyes, King Ning clenched his teeth, his fingers pinched and turned white, he didn't take that step after all, and retreated.

"God bless Daewoo, since Your Majesty's dragon body is safe, this king, who is the emperor's uncle, can rest assured.

King Ning dropped a sentence and prepared to turn around and leave.

He didn't believe that Lin Feng would not have the slightest suspicion, and when he went back this time, he had to think about it in the long run as soon as possible, and then find another way, otherwise, if Lin Feng was allowed to completely control the hussar camp, and then press forward step by step, and continue to weaken the power in his hands, at that time, he would really become a fish on the board and let others slaughter.

"Grandpa Lin, then we will also leave.

Yang Wenxuan arched his hand and prepared to leave with the cabinet and the courtiers.


At this moment, Lin Feng's faint voice sounded, and his gaze fell on King Ning and his faction.

"Lin Feng, what else are you going to do?"

Sensing Lin Feng's ill-intentioned gaze, King Ning's already irritable heart added another fire, and shouted in a deep voice.

"As a courtier, we should put the country's society first, Your Majesty's dragon body is frightened, we braved the night to enter the palace to meet us, is Gonggong Lin also going to arrest us?"

Lin Fengyin said with a smile: "Your Excellency is worried about Your Majesty's dragon body, my father has nothing to say, if you want to leave, you can leave, but Lord Yuan has to stay, my lord suspects that Lord Yuan is in contact with the palace, and I should investigate it carefully." "

Come on, take Yuan Wenbo down and bring him back to Dongchang for investigation.

Lin Feng gave an order, and several Dongchang fans rushed to the front.

Yuan Wenbo panicked all of a sudden, he didn't care about the risk, he stood up, he thought that he could brush his sense of presence in front of King Ning and make a great contribution, but he never expected that the little emperor had no accident at all.

The credit was not established, but the risk exploded.

In a panic, he could only look towards King Ning, his eyes full of pleading.

How could the East Factory be a place where people could go, he had no doubt that once Lin Feng was caught in the East Factory and wanted to come out again, it would be basically impossible.

"Lin Feng..."

What, does the prince want to hinder my Dongchang from handling the case?"

Facing Lin

Feng's cold and threatening eyes, King Ning was angry and angry, confronted each other for a moment, left a cold snort, and left with his sleeves brushed.

The others also hurriedly followed, for fear of being invited to Dongchang for tea at a slow pace.

Soon, the front of the store was completely quiet, and only Yuan Wenbo was left shivering there.

"Bring it down!" Lin

Feng waved his hand, and the fan of the East Factory dragged Yuan Wenbo, who was paralyzed on the ground, down.

Looking at King Ning who was gradually disappearing into the night, Lin Feng's eyes were unusually sharp.

Not for a while.

Qin Zhong is back.

"Overseer, find out clearly, Your Majesty fell into the water, it should be a eunuch in the palace deliberately, and the eunuch fell into the water in the process of playing with Your Majesty. "Qin Zhong's efficiency is very high, and he basically checked it clearly.

"What eunuch, how can he get close to His Majesty?" Lin Feng asked with a frown.

The eunuchs around the little emperor were all carefully selected by him, and the foundation was innocent, there could be no problem, and he hadn't figured out how King Ning did anything to the little emperor.

Qin Zhong smiled bitterly: "This little eunuch should have been summoned by His Majesty."

"Those people arranged by the Overseer, although they are loyal, are too pedantic, and Your Majesty doesn't like it very much, so..."

When Qin Zhong said this, Lin Feng suddenly realized.

I couldn't help but think of what the little emperor said last time, but I forgot about it after a lot of turmoil these days.

King Ning.

What a Ning King.

It really prescribes the right medicine and makes it impossible to prevent it.

"What about the little eunuch?" Last

time there was a big purge in the palace, and many of King Ning's eyeliner in the palace were cut, but he never took it lightly and took precautions against the little emperor and Xia Siyao, and now it seems that there is still some distance from completely eradicating King Ning's eyeliner.

"When the subordinates found it, they had committed suicide by taking poison. In

a simple house, Lin Feng met the initiator.

A little eunuch who was about twelve or thirteen years old, the same age as the little emperor, but he no longer had any breath.

Seeing this, Lin Feng's face became more and more cold.

Play hard.

Leave no future behind.

This method is simply impeccable.

But do you think that's going to be fine?

When he returned to the little emperor's bedroom, the little emperor had already fallen asleep, and Xia Siyao stayed by the bedside and did not leave.

Seeing that the little emperor had completely settled down, Lin Feng was also relieved.

The dust has settled.

Lin Feng comforted Xia Siyao a few words beside him, and did not continue to stay in the palace.

King Ning had murderous intentions towards the little emperor, indicating that during this period of persecution, King Ning was almost on the verge of being able to bear it.

The mountain rain is coming, and the wind is full of buildings.

He had to be prepared accordingly.

Back at home, it was already late at night, and Qin Mengxue and Qin Mengyao hadn't slept yet.

Seeing Lin Feng come back, the two women came up with concern.

"It's okay, Your Majesty is fine.

Lin Feng said briefly and did not elaborate further.

The two women were also very knowledgeable and did not continue to ask, but from Lin Feng's expression, they also saw a lot, and they felt more and more that their guess was not wrong.

And at this time.

In King Ning's mansion, it was another scene.

When King Ning returned to the mansion, he could no longer suppress the fury in his heart, and roared loudly.

Leave with confidence and return with defeat.

Not only that, but he also lost Yuan Wenbo, the squire of the military department, and stealing chickens and rice made him almost crazy.

The rest stood aside, not daring to speak at all.

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