
5 Xia Siyao's face was a little ugly.

In the main hall, Yang Qi and the others who were kneeling on the ground, as well as King Ning who was standing aside, were secretly proud in their hearts.

Their faction has been operating in the DPRK for a long time, so how can they say that they want to shake it.

We don't believe it, you can ignore the opinions of the ministers.

Not to mention the Queen Mother, even if it is the Holy Lord, he does not dare to do this.

However, in the face of the plea of the ministers, she was still unmoved, and said: "The ancestral etiquette law cannot be abolished, just do what you want!"

Lin Feng got the approval, glanced at Yang Qi, the imperial history of the left capital who was kneeling on the ground, and sneered: "There is such a criminal minister in the Imperial Court, and the dignified imperial history of the left capital actually said such ridiculous words, it is really a nest of snakes and rats, come here, Yang Qi and Xu Rong have formed a party for personal gain, and they have no royal law, and they are also removed from their positions and punished with thirty rods."

Lin Feng's cold voice suddenly made Yang Qi fall into an ice cave.

"Shaft Zier dare?" King Ning couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and stared at Lin Feng.

The Metropolitan Procuratorate's power to supervise impeachment is a sharp sword for him to check and balance the cabinet, and the dismissal of these two people is a huge blow to his faction.

Besides, these two people are attached to him, if they just endure it like this and don't come forward as a guarantee, who will dare to serve in the future.

"This prince enforces the law impartially, isn't the prince going to rebel?" Lin Feng took the lead and looked at King Ning.

Lin Feng said a word, and King Ning suddenly had a hard time riding a tiger.

Lin Feng's actions are all the queen mother of the representative, if he does not obey, he will resist the decree, and he will be disrespectful in the name of resisting the decree, and the group of people in the cabinet will definitely not let go of this opportunity to lash out at him.

But if you rebel, it is not a good time at all, and if it fails, it will be left for thousands of years, and there will be no place to turn over.

King Ning glanced at Lin Feng deeply, held back his anger, and retreated.

One small step forward, one giant leap for civilization.

One small step, one big step to victory.

Xu Rong and Li Yuanming were dragged down, and soon outside the hall, they remembered the sound of the execution rod, and the terrible roar of someone, the desperate scream, which couldn't help but make people frightened.

At this time, King Ning spoke again: "Queen Mother, the Metropolitan Procuratorate has the right of impeachment, Lord Xu may be guilty, and now he has been punished, I hope the Queen Mother will uphold justice." Hearing

this, Lin Feng sneered.

Old fox.

This move is to retreat into advance, which can be said to be a big problem for Xia Siyao.

If Cha Linfeng, this is a self-destructive foundation, he can also take revenge in disguise, if he doesn't check, where is the justice and majesty of the Queen Mother.

However, how could he let King Ning succeed, I saw him take a step forward, looked at King Ning and said: "The prince's words are wrong, Xu Rong ignored the laws of Taizong and usurped his authority, is it just a crime in the eyes of the prince? Or does the prince also think that the ancestral etiquette is irrelevant?"

King Ning was speechless for a moment, and was just about to speak when Lin Feng interrupted: " Okay, don't say it if you can't say it clearly, it sounds embarrassing, the prince just wants to convict the father, it doesn't matter, you don't have evidence, the prince has

it!" "Thousands of households in the East Factory Qin Zhong are here!"

The appetizers prepared by King Ning are over, and Lin Feng has prepared a good show for him.

After Qin Zhong entered the palace, he first saluted the little emperor and Xia Siyao, and then took out the evidence of Zheng Yan's guilt that had been prepared earlier.

Xia Siyao saw the content of the fold, and his expression became more and more cold on his delicate and fair cheeks, and then he slammed the fold on the main hall: "This is the loyalty in King Ning's mouth? This is the hard work for my Daewoo, and the credit is outstanding? If all of Daewoo's loyalists are like this, they will simply kill them all!"

The cold voice made the civil and military courtiers fidget.

Lin Feng praised in his heart.

He walked up to King Ning with great interest and said sarcastically: "If the prince wants to take another look, or it is okay for my father to read it to the prince."

King Ning looked at the underbeaten face in front of him, his face turned pale with anger, and he almost choked back his internal injuries.

This guy is so funny.

Listening to him say a few more words, King Ning felt that he would have to live a few years less.


King Ning snorted coldly, did not respond to Lin Feng, and returned to the court with his sleeves brushed up, obviously having nothing to say.

He naturally knew what Zheng Yan had done, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng would control Dongchang in just one day, not to mention, he would collect so much incriminating evidence.

The Manchu civil and military forces were stunned for a while.

No one expected that an offensive launched by King Ning's faction was not only easily defused by Lin Feng, but also made King Ning's faction suffer the consequences.

This eunuch is not simple!

Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet, looked at Lin Feng, although he didn't understand why the Queen Mother targeted King Ning's faction, but for them, there was no loss,

and he was happy to see it.

Facing King Ning's concession, Lin Feng smiled indifferently, thinking that it would be okay if nothing happened.

It's you.

The moment he turned around, he gave Qin Zhong a look, Qin Zhong understood, and spoke again: "Qi Song Queen Mother, the minister still has this song, Jin Yiwei commanded Han Zhancao to ignore people's lives, bend the law for personal gain, and be greedy for countless ink, this is the evidence collected by the minister, a total of one hundred and eight, and please ask the Queen Mother to take a look." "

Oh, present it!" Xia Siyao pretended to be surprised, this kind of thing, Lin Feng had already passed through her before the court.

As military and political intelligence agencies, Dongchang and Jinyiwei can directly arrest and examine officials and even the emperor's relatives without the approval of the judicial organs, and their power is incomparable, and they have always been directly responsible to the emperor.

Of these two departments, Lin Feng is the first to take back.

King Ning's face was ugly.

Originally, he was going to pull Lin Feng into the water and let him never recover, in order to avenge that slap in the face, how did it evolve into such a situation

? The Metropolitan Procuratorate and Jinyiwei are his right-hand men, not only can check and balance the cabinet, but also can do some shady things for him, and their role is very important, do you want to fold all here?

At this time, Xia Siyao spoke: " Jin Yiwei commanded Han Zhan, his crimes are difficult to write, the evidence is conclusive, and he is now dismissed from his official position, his family property is copied, and the Han family is handed over to Gonggong Lin for disposal. Hearing

Xia Siyao's last words, King Ning's eyes suddenly cracked, and he wanted to speak, but swallowed back.

Today, a careless has already been cut off by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, if it is stronger, what moths will appear if it is not guaranteed.

The entire Xuanzheng Hall fell into a deathly silence.

The civil and military courtiers stood there, their heads bowed, trembling and panicking.

This new factory duke is really ruthless!

The two imperial historians of the Imperial Court of the Imperial Inspectorate, as well as a commander of the Jinyi Guard, are at least the members of the third grade, and they are all finished in his hands.

Some officials who were cautious also put away their careful thoughts.

Whoever commits it in the future must not be in the hands of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng smiled playfully, Xia Siyao asked him to deal with Han Zhan, which was obviously to hand over Jinyiwei to him.

This woman is grateful for her kindness.

He still likes this errand very much.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw King Ning's grim smile, as if some poisonous plan had been arranged, waiting for him.

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