The next day, early in the morning.

Xuanzheng Palace.

Hundreds of civil and military officials stood in the hall, looking at each other.

Since the old emperor's funeral, the little emperor is young, and the queen mother does not interfere too much in the government.

Today, it was unusually quiet.

Many courtiers who didn't know why noticed this strange atmosphere, and found that the queen mother, who had rarely interfered in the affairs of the court, was like frost, and the little emperor also sat there quietly, and some people even found that King Ning's face was also iron-blue, and his eyes were looking in a certain direction, full of forest.

Lin Feng stood next to the little emperor, sensing the undisguised killing intent revealed by King Ning, he sneered in his heart, without cowardice, and looked straight at the past.

Look at

you! You beat me!

The master likes to see that you can't get used to me, but you can't kill me.

Lin Feng's move, King Ning was almost spurted blood with anger, his fists were clenched, his muscles were exposed, he took a deep breath, threw a look that would look good at you, and turned his head.

It's so infuriating.

Lin Feng shook his head secretly, slightly regretful, he was able to be safe under the nose of the old emperor, and after the death of the old emperor, he quickly grasped a lot of power, it was indeed impossible to be easy to match.

This kind of rough agitation method, in addition to disgusting people, is still difficult to produce substantive effects.

The civil and military officials stood still, and Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet, withdrew his suspicious gaze and led the ministers to kneel and chant in unison.

"Long live my emperor

, long live, long live!" "

The Queen Mother, Chitose Chitose, Chitose!" Under

the huge shout, Lin Feng couldn't help but feel a little agitated, this is the majestic imperial power, even if the imperial power is weak now, but it still occupies this righteous position, whether it is a prince or a minister, they all have to bow down on the surface.

Now, backed by imperial power, this is not a wave as much as you want.

If you want to find one, you can find one, and if you want two, you can play a pair.

It's exciting to think about.

However, before that, you have to help the little emperor and the woman next to him clear up the trouble, otherwise if you accidentally get away with it, you will have no place to cry.

"All the ministers are flat!" Xia

Siyao's words were cold, and the chill revealed between the words made the hearts of the civil and military officials tremble.

In the past, the queen mother was quite kind, how can she look like this today, everyone was silent for a while, and it seemed that she didn't want to touch her head at this time.

Seeing this, Lin Feng smiled secretly in his heart.

Before the court, he and Xia Siyao had already had in-depth exchanges, if she wanted to support the imperial power, she, the queen mother, first had to put on a correct posture and make people awe, of course, this cold attitude was not pretended, she was bullied to the head, and she almost used her strength, and her face was not much better.

At this time, Lin Feng was looking at the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

He already had some understanding of the situation in the imperial court, the imperial relatives headed by King Ning, and the courtiers headed by the first assistant of the cabinet.

King Ning's faction is very prestigious in the royal family, and there are two princes standing behind him, some courtiers are attached, and they have a lot of say in the Beijing army, and Yang Wenxuan, the first assistant of the cabinet, has won over many powerful ministers in the court, and the forbidden army is backed by the Jiangnan Shi clan.

Now, it's basically these two factions fighting back and forth, making Daewoo a miasma.

It is precisely in this way that a delicate balance is formed.

If you want to support the imperial power, it is necessary to break this balance, and there is also a king Ning who is eyeing himself and eager to cut a thousand knives

, and he has a long way to go!

"Empress Dowager, Weichen has something to do!"

The queen mother, the minister impeached Lin Feng, the governor of Dongchang, as soon as he took office, he bent the law for personal gain, brutalized his colleagues, and put Zheng Yan on death row for no reason.

Lin Feng squinted his eyes and looked down, the left deputy capital Yu Shi Xu Rong, the minister who had already defected to King Ning's faction.

I didn't expect that I hadn't made a mistake yet, but King Ning, the fat pig, couldn't help it first.

"The Queen Mother, Zheng Qianhu has worked hard for Daewoo and has made outstanding contributions, Lin Feng's methods are brutal and cruel to Zhongliang, and I hope that the Queen Mother will immediately dismiss this thief and ask him for his crimes. "

Look at the Empress Dowager Mingjian!"

Lin Feng saw this, and sneered, he could see that the so-called mutilation of his colleagues and killing Zheng Yan was completely an excuse, and its purpose was to force Xia Siyao, the Empress Dowager, to retreat.

Once Xia Siyao regresses, he Lin Feng will be the scapegoat, and the end can be imagined, and King Ning's faction can also take control of Dongchang again, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

In the main hall, Xu Rong, the left deputy capital of Yushi, and the officials of King Ning's faction knelt on the ground, all secretly proud in their hearts.

A little eunuch dared to offend King Ning.

Even if there is the support of the little emperor and the queen mother behind him and sits in the position of the head of Dongchang, if these ministers are dissatisfied, they don't want to make some waves, and they don't have to die out.

Faced with the persecution of many officials, Xia Siyao was unmoved, and just turned his head to glance at Lin Feng.

Lin Feng understood, walked down from the top of the main hall, walked to Xu Rong and looked down condescendingly: "Lord Xu impeached my father, is there any evidence? If it is empty words, my father-in-law will not let anyone frame him." If

it is not salty or light, it makes Xu Rong angry in his heart.

He was a little surprised that Empress Dowager Xia Siyao's attitude was tough, but he could never bear the threat in Lin Feng's words, and said angrily: "Lin Feng, when you first arrived in Dongchang, you acted recklessly, directly let people hurt Zheng Qianhu, and without asking about it, you were put on death row..."

"Yo... Lord Xu knows so clearly, the news is very well-informed, since the beginning of Emperor Taizong's establishment, Dongchang has clearly stipulated that he is only responsible for the saint, and no one else is allowed to interfere, Lord Xu's hand is long enough!" Lin Feng's

expression was cold, and his words were cold:

"Someone is coming, Xu Rong, the left deputy capital imperial history, ignored the laws of Taizong, usurped his authority, deprived his position, and was punished with thirty rods.

After Lin Feng finished speaking, the whole hall was shocked.

No one expected that Lin Feng would change the stars with one move, secretly change the concept, and directly pull the rules set by Taizong, but this is still a fact.

Deprived of his position, the rod is punished for thirty, even if he survives, it will be abolished, what a ruthless means.

At this time, King Ning couldn't bear it anymore, and glanced at the Zuodu Yushi next to him.

The other party nodded secretly, and knelt on the ground: "Queen Mother, Lord Xu may have improper means, but he is also dedicated to Daewoo, and he

must not be loyal to him!" "Queen Mother, Lord Xu is sincere, you must not be so serious!"

"Queen Mother, think twice!"

King Ning also stood up and said: " Queen Mother, what Lord Yang said is reasonable, please think twice!"

If you refuse to retreat, we will force you to retreat.

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